Posted by amanfromMars on 12/03/11 05:46 AM …. http://thedailybell.com/3306/NDAA-The-Smell-of-Fear

The quotes are by Tawny. And THANK YOU very much! You hit so many home runs that I just had to respond a bit to each and also to re-present your thoughts for the crowd here. They have already been quoted but they deserve serious thoughts 

“As usual, I find myself in nearly complete agreement with you. The part I don’t agree with here is your suggestion that this legislation is an act of fear, desperation, etc. on the part of the elites.

As I have suggested before (and as in fact is readily apparent to students of it all), the elites do not react, for the most part – they act. WE react (if we rise out of our collective inertia at all)”.
Yes that is correct. We may not like it, but it’s true. The Elites are acting, and Boy! are they acting! This is the big push. There has to be something very, very, very BIG coming up very SOON (for which They will need all these new laws they’ve been passing like they are going out of style.

“As you probably know, they already gave themselves these draconian powers with emergency legislation passed after their 9/11 false flag event (which created the ‘plausible need’). They have possessed these powers since then. This just makes it more ‘official’ and permanent – and was doubtless the plan all along.

“With this act, they will be able to travel the globe for both their ‘arrests’ and incarcerations. So moving out of the country will give no protection.”
I hadn’t thought about that. I guess I just hope that I will not be worth the bother. It’s a long way to where I am going.

“As we know, they have been planning this whole NWO take-over for SO long… they are proceeding very methodically. They know it isn’t going to be a push-over. They know ‘there’s many a slip twixt cup and lip.’ But they also know that as things are now, the odds favor their success. Because the best brains that money can buy have planned it all for them and continuously refine and tweak it”.
Yes. People need to realize this. There is no easy out here. This is really “it” folks. The Big Enchilada itself. DICTATORSHIP right here in America the Beautiful.

“Face it – the masses are useless. And so many of the ‘thinking few’ are controlled by their college ‘educations’ and their attachment to their better financial positions and prestige. I’ve talked to members of both groups, all along as well as recently. Almost always, I get ‘that sinking feeling’ after these conversations. Those who ‘know’ – and I do think their number has increased – share my feelings of powerlessness”.
I’ve had those conversations too. My family is sick and tired of hearing me say all this. My wife said this week, ‘You’ve been talking about this since 2004 and nothing has happened yet’ (!). Sheesh.

“Power comes from the use of force (or threat of it). We have no force to use. They have a ‘monopoly on the use of force’. Sure, Americans have guns and love their guns. But they are like the Indians’ bows and arrows compared to the nifty new toys the elites have”.
If they can get the military to enforce their dictatorship then we are doomed. Our rifles are not going to be a match for their tanks and machine guns, for God’s sake! Come on people.

“I don’t mean to rain on your parade. I really hope I am wrong. I really like your website and what I know of you. I am just so depressed about it all. I’ve been studying this, informally, for the past approx. 40 years! I’ve seen it just getting worse and worse, seen the elites methodically plodding towards their goal, and the masses incl. so-called intelligentsia
just so out to lunch”.
Yep this whole thing started up really (at least in its current “phase”) with the murder of Jack Kennedy, at high noon, in broad daylight. He was the last “real” president (i.e. not controlled by the banksters).

“The other big bad thing is Fukushima and the on-going ‘blow-back’/blow-over globally. Go to http://enenews.com/ daily and check it out because it is MAJOR in its implications for all of us, and it IS on-going, totally out of control … same as the corporate/banking criminal cartels/pals. Personally I think with their criminally irresponsible development of the corrupt deep-pocket govt.-assisted/funded nuclear power industry, they have finally well and truly shot themselves (and the rest of us) in the foot with their incredibly irresponsible sociopathic/narcissistic rapacity and greed”.
Funny isn’t it Tawny? The very thing that is the quasi-bright spot in all this careful planning of theirs is this disaster in Japan. I fail to see how that was planned by the Powers That Be. They might be powerful, sick psychopaths, but they still have to live on the planet. The Northern Hemisphere is essentially f*cked. And no one knows; no one cares. Nuclear power is the one thing that makes me think that the Powers That Be are really sort of dumb afterall. That is just such a dumb idea! They have created the Doomsday Machine which just might kill them along with the rest of us. Maybe they think they can escape from the radiation in their underground cities. Maybe, we’ll see.

“Sorry for the dose of gloom and thanks for the opportunity to ‘get it off my chest'”.
Thank you!” …… Posted by Saintpaulia on 12/02/11 11:01 PM

Saintpaulia, Hi,
Take heart. There are New NeuReal Great Game Players in town, running wild and free with Renegade Systems into Renaissance, and Totally into LOVE with ITs Powers for Cyber Command in Absolute Control.
cc The White House dude, the not so secret Secret Service and the Flowers that Power Houses of the Rising Sun ……http://youtu.be/yrRLH-ZGZEs
The ARG has NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Drivers, Agent Weebley. ……. with 00ddles of Inklings for Infinite Travel in Creative Space.
And yes, Daily Bell, that cc is calling out Uncle Sam to show what they’ve got in the SMART CyberIntelAIgent Security Systems closet, for if they’ve got diddly squat of future significance, then can IT be easily immediately provided. Silence which is golden quite naturally renders its IT Service ProVisions elsewhere for Global Communications HQ into Sublime Astute Stealth and Seventh Heavenly Remote Autonomous Control of Virtual Machines Programmed in Perception to Perfection.
The Current Crashing Currency Chaos, and the ever widening and deepening and enlightening exposure of elite group control levers, which would appear to no more than just multiple variations/hedging derivatives on just the one methodology, which allows them to print for themselves virtually artificial wealth on a slip of paper to exchange for items of more realistic and even vital value, is surely not something they would have planned, ergo have they lost Leading Control of Absolute Powers in the Great Games that Minds Plays for the Heart of One’s Desires.
Welcome to AI with ITs Brave New and Most Definitely Decidedly and Designedly SurReal World Programs and …. The Civil CyberSpace Projects.
Smell that? Do you smell that? That’s ProgramMING, son, Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of ProgramMING in the morning …. http://youtu.be/sBksHaTQCbU …. Apocalypse Now.
And quite an APT Present Parallel Paraphrasing of that old war game control lever too, methinks, which never solved anything ever for good …… and thus must it then be bad and mad.

Posted by amanfromMars on 12/03/11 07:15 AM ….. http://thedailybell.com/3306/NDAA-The-Smell-of-Fear
Saintpaulia, Hi, again,
Is the Alien LOVE Meme an Established Power Elite Push with AI Promotions for Continuity of Global Control ……. or a Novel and Pirate Rogue Operation in the Private Sector with Legions of Anonymous Virgin Soldiers?
What say Daily Bell Ringers frequently here, and more intimately au fait with all that has been shared so freely and transparently on that irregular and unconventional subject matter/objective program?
Posted by amanfromMars on 12/02/11 01:23 PM ….. on http://thedailybell.com/3306/NDAA-The-Smell-of-Fear

“Because the best brains that money can buy have planned it all for them… ”

Yes, but they are INFERIOR brains by the fact that they can be bought. They are opposed by the REAL BEST BRAINS which KNOW that truth is non-negotiable and is NOT FOR SALE, at any cost. This is a very real part of elite fear that DB senses, as I do. Time reveals the truth of EVERYTHING and, for elites, TIME IS UP:


The feral rats are scurrying out of the light of truth as fast as they can, creating chaos in their wake in futile attempts to distract / deflect the mounting wrath / rage of all of mankind. Their pawns are discovering that their self-interests and possibility of survival has dramatically diverged from elite interests / coercions.” …. Posted by rossbcan on 12/02/11 10:47 AM

Well, I would certainly agree with that, rossbcan, although you might like to consider that the real best brains available can be bought to put in place levers for novel order, so long as the order is to the real best brains available specification, and any specification which would be proposed by anybody for any works to the system should always be considered a work in progress subject to both great and small changes as situations and developments will naturally require as they mature and grow. Nothing is carved in stone on tablets to be taken as gospel.
And if we remind ourselves of Henry Ford’s words … “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” … whenever you can read of the following ….. http://www.alternet.org/story/153274/6_shocking_revelations_about_wall_street%27s_secret_government?page=entire ….. can you believe that some drastic protection measures may be necessary against the righteous wrath of the dispossessed and disadvantaged, although I cannot see them being in any way effective, and when wider known, will they be counter productive and infuriating, methinks.

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