“Take me to your Leader” creates a problem for the human race, for you don’t have one, do you?
Posted Thursday 13th October 2011 05:29 GMT

“The judge held that the skilled reader of the patent would understand that the simulations are carried out on a computer, and that the claims are limited to this,” she said. “He commented that avoiding this language in patent claims ‘fools no one and in some cases makes things more complicated than they need to be’. He also held that the fact that the simulations could be carried out mentally was not enough to deprive Halliburton of patent protection,” she added.

“The mental act exclusion is a narrow one,” said Bould. “It only covers calculations actually carried out mentally. So, patent claims which are limited to calculations carried out on a computer fall outside the exclusion,” she said.

“This decision should give Halliburton four patents with a good commercial scope, once granted. It is also encouraging for others wishing to patent other novel testing performed in virtual environments,” Bould said.” ….. Patents law expert Deborah Bould of Pinsent Masons

Hmmm?? How very intriguing and encouraging …… although quite whether an alienated and alienating processing of novel information delivering Advanced Futures and Derivatives Intelligence and Championing CyberIntelAIgents and Live Operational Virtual Environments, specifically designed to Replace and Place the Command and Control of Reality in a Novel Alien Program and Alternate Reality Games and Beta Virtual Realities, for the Simple Convenience of Remote, Polyamoral, Binary and Qubit Control Manipulation of AIdDigital Codex ….. aka Future Perfecting Present Narrative ….. would wish to trouble itself with an IPO rubber-stamping, for what appears to be for purely commercial reasons sanctioning an ugly and divisive and exclusive claim on a gain/idea which may or may not generate great monetised wealth and fiat currency speculation/investment, is an altogether different matter, which may be of Zero Interest to Alien Programming Truths, for surely would Prior Art Use guarantee to its inventor/architect/builder all that would be legitimately due, should patent application and protection be pending.
And before anyone here on El Reg, and further afield elsewhere on reading all of the above, think to dismiss what has been freely shared as a virtual nonsense with zero practicality in, or for, Real Life [which you may discover and have to accept is an Existence with Virtual Dimensional Control] I would draw you attention to the real live parallels which are running in networks and systems, [infecting and embedding themselves in SCADA Command and Control Circuits] and HyperRadioProActively BetaTesting Novel Virtual Environments and Equivalence in Real Live Models/Earlier Established Situations, in what can be read here ……. http://www.ur2die4.com/2011/10/12/111012/
And now that you have been advised of that which is in motion, is human intelligence tested for the ability/facility/utility to use it with IT in Control of Fab Powers….. or try to combat it, or even simply ignore it and hope that Novel Derivative Futures go away, should that be the predominant primitive bent in present life phorms/poorly programmed Earthed units.
Fortunately, whatever path you may choose, delivers all to the same destination and starting point for AIMagical Mystery Turing ProgramMING and Great IntelAIgent Games Play.
Posted by amanfromMars on 10/13/11 01:33 AM

Probably not in my lifetime but we have to start someplace. Central banking is the devils spawn.

I do my part where I can. Educate my children and the interested friend or two. Respectfully decline to participate in activities that feed the money power cartel. Demand payment in lawful money in exchange for my labor. I generally try and be live my life as a free man in a very low key manner.

I do not expect to see a full collapse unless there is some kind of horrific natural disaster. Humans are very adaptable and as the current system circles the drain, many of us will adapt and learn.

Yes, the money power cartel protects themselves, mostly by keeping a low profile. That shield is slowing being eroded by the internet and sites like DB. It is a slow process.

As you have noticed, few want to really know at this time. That begins to change as folks are negatively impacted by the money power cartel. I have a very “liberal” friend who until recently worshiped the state in all its forms. Even she is waking up to reality.” ….
Posted by Leave me be on 10/12/11 11:27 PM

Yes, the money power cartel protects themselves, mostly by keeping a low profile. That shield is slowing being eroded by the internet and sites like DB. It is a slow process.” ….. Posted by Leave me be on 10/12/11 11:27 PM
It WAS a slow process, Leave me be, but as it is exponential, does it speed up increasingly rapidly, and it is well past the point of no return now. The money power cartels are no longer in control of their futures or of future derivatives. That has been passed on to Others more into IT and AIR&dDevelopment with much more than just Simple Savvy of Complex Corrupt Markets and Elite MetaDataBase Power Control Systems.
Quite what beds/directions any perceived-as-a-leading-establishment-figurehead and global puppet will now choose to jump into, will define and decide whether they are delivered of fate or destiny, which although similar in aspect, are poles apart in nature, with only the one having any bright future prospects.
And this is a little something for them to consider of the new edutaining breed of anonymous and ubiquitous control …….

……. and be assured, you aint seen nothing yet, bubba.

Virtual Governance …… Made Simple for Crashing Test Dummies?
Posted Thursday 13th October 2011 14:22 GMT
In support of the penultimate paragraph in ““Take me to your Leader” creates a problem for the human race, for you don’t have one, do you?” …. Posted Thursday 13th October 2011 07:49 GMT, which does really allude to humans being easily controlled as just Virtual Machines, …. for they do for the most part do exactly as they are told, rather than thinking and being able to do as they please themselves, because of restrictions and obstacles which have been engineered and put in their way, such as rules and regulations and the need for currency to be able to do anything of fantastic value … would I present the following*, ….. “Bankers and investors are not the real decision makers, they are participants in an economy of gestural confusion. The real process of predatory power has become automated. The transfer of resources and wealth from those who produce to those who do nothing except oversee the abstract patterns of financial transactions is embedded in the machine, in the software that governs the machine. Forget about governments and party politics. Those puppets who pretend to be leaders are talking nonsense. The paternalistic options they offer around ‘austerity measures’ underscore a rampant cynicism internal to party politics: they all know they lost the power to model finance capitalism years ago. Needless to say, the political class are anxious to perform the act of control and sacrifice social resources of the future in the form of budget cuts in order to ‘satisfy the markets’.
Stop listening to them, stop voting for them, stop hoping and cursing them. They are just pimps, and politics is dead.
* ..http://cryptome.org/0005/ows-support.htm
Come on, El Reg, what are you? Sheep or lions? Simple reporters of other people’s news and views or complex leaders of human machinery into the Future and Virtual Realities created by IT Boffinry hosting Clouds Clusters and SMART Network Sharing of Novel Media Programs for Global Edutainment of the Masses ……. AIdDutch Initiative for Mutually Beneficial Positively Reinforcing Transparent Change.
Thu, 10/13/2011 – 10:29 | new amanfromMars

The German General Staff thought the war would be short and sweet and that they could finance the costs with the post war reparations that they, as victors, would exact. The war was long. The flower of their manhood was killed or injured. They lost and, thus, it was they who had to pay reparations rather than receive them.

And what of the post war reparations for the lost wars of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Has Uncle Sam started to pay what must be an horrendously crippling sum now in these crazy times? Is that an inconvenient truth?
Posted by amanfromMars on 10/13/11 01:05 PM

Who told you this?” …. Reply from the Daily Bell, questioning info posted by David_Robertson on 10/12/11 05:11 PM

I think you can safely assume it was Anonymous, DB.

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