Posted by amanfromMars on 09/01/11 07:36 AM
In a greedy corrupt capitalist system analyse/deep packet inspect the markets before any big disruptive/revolutionary event to discover co-conspirators making a crooked buck on the back of insider knowledge.
Anything untoward/unusual which makes an individual lots of bread is going to be suspect and worth more investigation, and whenever just one of those links is broken, does the whole chain collapse as everybody tries to cover their tracks and/or try to excuse themselves from being lead instruments by carefully ratting on fools on the hill directly responsible and thinking themselves immune and above retribution.
It is ever the case since time began.
Posted by amanfromMars on 09/01/11 02:22 AM
Bischoff, Hi,
I’m sure you know of that old saying ….. The love of money is the root/route of all evil ….. and whether that money be fiat paper currency or a base shiny metal or anything at all which can be collected and exchanged and which may last for a while, rather than being something which degrades easily and disappears, such as anything animal or vegetable, which in some countries is a valuable currency, is it always subject to stupid man’s abuse because its manipulation and centralisation always gives fools the impression that they then have power which they can use for control over others, who do not waste their time and effort obsessing over money.
But such artificial power wielded is a poisoned chalice which destroys those who would drink heartily from its rim.
And here is an article which doesn’t spread any artificial light on a reality which one ignores only to suffer greater loss at a later stage …… http://www.zerohedge.com/news/it-time-financial-world-panic-25-reasons-why-answer-may-be-yes
But don’t panic, just change the reality. And if you can’t, bring in those who can, for it is only a simply complex matter of changing the program and altering the programming.
It is not as if it is difficult whenever you know how IT works and how the brain is wired to accept sublime media messages.
amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls [says]….
“In Erickson’s perfect world, U.S. forces probably wouldn’t rely on space
at all. With no one to beat, China wouldn’t lose the new space race. But it wouldn’t win, either.”
If that is Erickson’s perfect world, is the US then owned and run by China …. for predominant cryptologically secure control of space communications channels is that which delivers global power.
amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls [says]
“Erickson’s point is that secure communications should not be via vulnerable space-based assets. If the assumption is that secure communications deployed in ways other than orbit is just as effective, then the “global power” aspect is a wash in peacetime.
In a conflict the Chinese assets would be more vulnerable than would the US assets, per Erickson’s POV. In that view, winning the space race is pointless.” ….. Rob
Yes, Thanks, Rob, that is also my understanding of the point Erickson was making.
However, secure communications via competitors’/adversaries’ space-based assets would render an invisible/unknown advantage to any smart space nation.
It is a red herring to imagine that anything to do with space and communications is a race, whenever it is all about how one commands control with clear steganographic messages that convey a power to present a future model which will be acceptable to powerful smart beings/people, with IT control being something which can be shared with them for exercise of their input/output.
The American Dream turned Nightmare for Military Industrial Complex Megabucks now turned into Worthless Paper Dollars …… ?? ……… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26g18Dg7db4
AlienSpeak, Common Sense, Kemo Sabe
Posted Thursday 1st September 2011 08:37 GMT …. in reply to
Oh, my aching metaphor… Anonymous Coward Posted Wednesday 31st August 2011 14:42 GMT
Let’s see if I have this right:
Gosling is going to work on streamlining the information superhighway that comes from cloud computers mobilised by waves and powered by light. Surely they will monitor whalesong.
This has Jon Anderson (Yes) written all over it.
Methinks it has more Pink Floyd and David Bowie and Moby writ large with a healthy stealthy Ziggy Zagging Spider element to IT, vibing with everything surreal and virtually connected, AC.
And yes, that tale was just metaphorical and Google’s problem is that they do not have the necessary in-house intelligence to better and beta use information with intelligence and cyber know-how with CyberIntelAIgents, which is why all the brightest of sparks in their Searching Industrial Complexes leave for greener pastures, for gathering info with IT is easy and not an engaging and sustaining challenge at all.