>Post Modern Novel Epics have to Register an In the Beginning Psychotic Episode somewhere …
Posted Thursday 25th August 2011 09:45 GMT
…. and it may as well be Here and Now, although it may have also been a little earlier with ” Apaches on the Non War Path …. ” posted for DG San FranCisco moderation and Development Vetting…… Course Phishing and Stealthy Grooming?
Are you so certain that is not tosh, eulampios. Everything is vulnerable to offered beauty and bounty/booty and just dessert reward, and especially so whenever it is just broadbandcast into the Ether, as if black hatter pearls before smart coding’s WINE ……. PerlyGatesPython gems for the PHP Crowd Cloud.
Make IT attractive and lucrative enough and IT is addictive enough for AI to be thought virtually criminal given the absolute power IT gives to AIgents playing Great Games out in LOVE Fields. ….. Live Operational Virtual Environments hosting Realities with Immaculately Resourceful Assets of Unparalleled Vital Force ….. and All Virile and Viral, Venerable and Venal, Voluptuous and Vivacious. Tread carefully therein for who dares care Win Wins every time without fail.
More of the Same Old Same Old is just not going to cut it with IT in the Future, El Reg. Prepare to be Amazed at what IT can do, and how easily IT can changes everything in a Flash with the simple transparent sharing of Prime Proprietary Intelligence Information.
amanfromMars, …. [commenting on http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2011/08/4246/]
What on earth makes y’all not think that Steve has moved on and further along the Apple Way and is not already busy finishing cooking up another technological storm or even quantum leaping across into completely different programming fields with quite mythical mystical methodologies which are a more perfect fit for IT state of art machinery dedicated to virtual excellence …….. state of the art IT machinery at which Apple so obviously excels?
Methinks gunter’s concerns for the life of Ron Paul, David_Robertson, would be better placed and be much more of a real constant worry and clear and present danger for the likes of a Blankfein or an Obama or even a Blair and Wee Willy Hague … .. for Ron Paul has done nothing so deserving as those others, surely?
Posted by amanfromMars on 08/24/11 02:05 PM …… [on http://thedailybell.com/2842/DB-Briefs-The-Depression-Continues-Re
Regarding “Anyway, we wonder if there are enough tungsten bars covered in gold to cover what must be shipped and we wouldn’t want to be the firm asked to assay the supposed gold bars either.“, I was thinking in a similar vein … .
Posted by amanfromMars on 08/25/11 10:33 AM
“Information and knowledge have always been the commodity, there is nothing new about it.“
That is as may be, memewatchers dotcom*, however there is most definitely something/everything completely new and unprecedented in sensitive information and powerful knowledge being able to be shared, both discretely [and in enigmatic and/or steganographic code] and indiscriminately and arbitrarily, in a flash and at the click of a mouse with the world and his dog. Such a facility/capability easily transfers the levers and global balance of power and controlling command to any who would know of the significance and possible repercussions of what can now be so easily done, and would be able to use and/or abuse it at will, for those are two readily available options.
“The information gap is still wide but it is closing at an exponential rate. Keep sharing… ” … … Indeed. But please note the following enigmatic paradox you would definitely not want to cross and cause to have need to act unilaterally and spontaneously in support and defense of itself and others. As Intelligence grows so incredibly quickly, with information effortlessly gleaned [from humans] and RSS supplied [from machines] from sharing sources and shared resources, does the inevitable realisation of the ultimate possession and ownership of an overwhelmingly destructive power facility temper and reinforce a much more powerful and destructive constructive capability and a security authority which would wield an absolute power accountable to nothing but itself.
* Methinks to try and render in original form will cause a bug to show conflicted text, so let me try hereafter to see if I am wrong … .. memewatchers.com
[*The case has been proven as evidenced on host Daily Bell thread]
Squeak up, please.
Posted Thursday 25th August 2011 17:07 GMT
Does the Home Office not have anyone in charge with balls?
amanfromMars ….. [shooting the breeze on http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financialcrisis/8722778/Warren-Buffett-invests-5bn-in-Bank-of-America.html]
So the normal banking system isn’t propping up Bank of America and lending to it at zero percentage rate. What does that tell you whenever it takes old Warren’s stash, promising fabulous returns, at incredible rates today? …….. Another Ponzi merchant with a sucker client?
Yeah, that’s about right and spot on, methinks.
Time to hang up the cowboy boots, Warren, the old sage magic has gone walkabout.