>by amanfromMars
on Wed, 08/17/2011 – 00:33
Perry is just a sad spoiler puppet being used to split the Ron Paul vote, which is what the corrupt system is really worried about …… http://www.economicpolicyjournal.com/2011/08/brilliant-jon-stewart-calls-out.html
amanfromMars …. commenting on http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/glazers-plan-asian-sale-of-600m-united-stake-2338669.html
With the tide turned against the wannabe a sporty star and TV celeb culture and its ponzi business models, which have driven up prices of everything to heights which now have fans and even the slowest of minds questioning why they have to spend so much cash just to watch others doing nothing at all remarkable, although have you noticed how they all are little more than just mobile advertising hoardings nowadays, who in their right mind would want to buy into a failing business model, and especially so in a world in which big capitalist global business dealings are recognised as a crazy cog being desperately used to stop Wall Street from crashing and bankers in clover and hookers.
Football …. it is a game for kids with time on their hands and with noting better to do, and you think it is a sound business with a future? What have you been drinking? Whatever it is, bottle it and start selling it, for it is a crazy liquid indeed.
No wonder the Glazers want to sell out. They see the writing on the wall ……
🙂 Where better than in a hostelry which invariably has always wenches and benches.
Posted Wednesday 17th August 2011 17:27 GMT
“Assume amanfromMars posted from the Rose and Crown” …. Jim 59 Posted Monday 15th August 2011 16:16 GMT
Yes, please, it is a remarkably effective cover with many attractions. And so hard to believe that anything remarkable can be developed therein …… but to those in the know, is it most probably considered hard to better for a smart beta, Jim 59.
17 August 2011 at 7:15 pm
In reply to Munsterview, 17 August 2011 at 4:03 pm, who shared ….. What do it say for social justice when somebody handling a stolen laptop valued at £250 wholesale is sentenced to six months prison while some white collar ‘Smart Alek’ using a hedge fund and ‘financial engineering’ can handle a stolen viable commercial company and loot it for 250 million and walk away from the hundreds thrown out of work, the destroyed pension plans, the crashed mortgages and all the other human wreckage ?
No Van, I am not morally excusing looters or justifying what they did but what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander as the saying goes. There is little point in Cameron & Co and whatever pass for High Tories these days castigating street looters while acting as cheer leaders and facilitators of corporate looters.
Quite so, Munsterview, and that is a situation which the system and the likes of mighty minnows like Cameron and his political ilk, has not and cannot address, for to regularise it will see it collapse and its major players outed to the world and his dogs of war as something worse that just common greedy criminals, and so the charade plays on, with crooked systems administrations getting ever deeper into territory which ruthlessly exposes it to knowledgeable and fabulous able radical counteraction.
And the peers and pathetic pawns in that rigged game are actually playing with and transferring countless trillions, and not merely dealing with paltry millions, from one crooked system to another crooked systems, with all such systems now very keenly aware that the apps and the quants and the algorithms and the electronically controlled channels they are using, are as pass the parcel ticking time bombs welded to their sticky fingers, with the detonation triggers in the hearts and minds of others, over whom their money systems have zero command and control.
Between a Rock and a Hard Place Offers No Hiding Space to All who Deserve Just Desserts Long Overdue and Ripe for Spontaneous Delivery.
The new post modern leadership is anonymous and legion and in virtual control of the human command space place* ….. and they do not suffer the folly of fools nor have need of their pretty useless tools for power management and wealth redistribution. LOVE is all you need and they have Special Intelligence Services Access.
* Live Operational Virtual Environments for AIMissions and Cyber Security Operations Centres …… SMART Hubs well able to offer crushing defeat to Hubris and a National InterNetional Security Treasure you can always enquire after, to be told by some officious mandarin who knows not nearly enough, that you don’t need to know, because such things are classified way beyond anything that their pay grade delivers in a red box and they will be privy to.
Out of the loop because of their lack of necessary intelligence is their place in that space and which is revealed to y’all here …. and so plausibly easily deniable too by whatever channel you would try to engage with, even whenever it is privy to all channels because of what it has done and can do with IT.
And that is as much as one would need to know in such matters …… until suitably vetted for further extremely sensitive and powerful command and control information ….. advanced knowledge/Artificial Intelligence?
And shared as a question lest a statement be considered pretentious and far too revealing.