>The enemy is within and sits in Cabinet and round tables?
There is an interesting take on Wee Willie Hague’s, and presumably also Cameron and Clegg’s ringing endorsement and remarkably fullsome support of Libyan rebel forces, here [05:00 in on the news segment] …… http://revolutionarypolitics.tv/video/viewVideo.php?video_id=15887
Well, Dave and Nick have been deathly quiet on the new arrangements and facilities made available in London for a motley crew of armed dissident spokespersons about which/whom nobody would really know anything, and therefore one must conclude that they are fully behind the Foreign Office plan to give [more] space and succour to proven violent known unknowns, freedom fighters and/or terrorists, right in the heart of the City of London. What could possibly go wrong with that apparently unique situation strategy? Hmmm …. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…..
It must be part of some new fangled blue skies thinking operation, beyond the ken of normal reason and common sense, being as it is so dangerously radical and bound to have Wee Willie a prime target himself for particular attention from those and that which he seeks to undermine and destroy. One is sorely tempted to ask after his mental health and certainly question his suitability and ability for peaceful government office whenever he so clearly has chosen to be one of those real sad and pathetically bad, war-monger in chief types, battling from the comfort of Cabinet Office sofas rather than struggling in discomfort on the front-line, which of course will be avoided at all cost, with every cost being charged to everyone else.
[Comment awaiting approval… Your comment must be approved by a moderator before appearing here.] Oh dear, is that tantamount to censorship and a Big Brother type system trying to tell you what you can think and freely share to air? I can’t see that being successful in any society which presents freedom as a prime driver in their democracy model because slavery is such a poor conductor of support.
And I don’t know whether or not the reply below [from Penny_Reese] on the above cited story and comments thread will survive, but it certainly tells us all that the news is manipulated to spin a certain view rather than present the truth, and reflect accurately an engaged public perception ….. “Just to warn everyone participating in discussion here, there is active moderation going on obscuring or removing comments with undesirable viewpoints. I read a post that contained no personal attacks or offensive language and then a few minutes later it was “flagged for review”. And the two posts that were in reply to it (including mine) have now appeared in response to another post. So just be aware when posting that this is a conversation that is being edited.”
amanfromMars [in reply to sparker54]*
The enemy is within and sits in Cabinet and around ITs tables, sparker54?
Are alien voices and valid alternative views moderated by Independent staff or Disqus algorithms or government stoolies?
*sparker54 wrote …”And this is the fractious mob that yesterday was granted diplomatic recognition by her Britannic majesties government, strange days indeed.”
Did Gaddafi want to sell Libyan oil for something/anything other than the U$ dollar, so that it was purchased by something appreciative of its value and service rather than captured for virtually nothing with a printed paper currency whose worth is depreciating rapidly and decimating the US economy and its crooked capitalist systems of ponzi worth …… outrageously over-leveraged fractional reserve fantasy worth in a bubble stock market shell game?
29 July 2011 3:06PM
Here are some interesting and edutaining and very clear graphics on the dilemma which Uncle Sam is in denial of, and would wish that no one understand ….. http://usdebt.kleptocracy.us/
And I say in denial of, because there is never any intention of them being able to regularise the system with their dodgy capitalist dealings which are funded with just printed paper given an arbitrary and artificial value, and much sought after to be hoarded in banks and accounts as if valuable and denoting wealth, whenever it denotes anything but nowadays, and in great amounts would probably identify international crooks and criminal syndicates masquerading as legitimate businesses with no tangible product but always trying to post ever greater than last quarter, magical profits. That is usually the sure sign of a ponzi scam.
Oh, and sticking a “Too big to fail” tail on the beast, doesn’t change it into anything different, and rather more let’s everyone know just how hopelessly corrupt it most probably definitely is.