

>Information is Power, Intelligence ITs Control and the Spread of Money its Artificial Wealth Reward.
Posted Friday 15th July 2011 12:11 GMT
..I am 3 years out of University and have two very good degrees, I was contemplating joining ‘one of the firms’, when I graduated, however on reflection I decided not to continue (mainly because of the money) and the fact once you leave what exactly could you write on your CV? I assume most of it is very specialised.” …. Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 15th July 2011 10:17 GMT

And in that one simple sentence has AC highlighted the problem which plagues and renders all supposed centres of intelligence excellence, wherever and with whoever/whatever they may be thought to be associated and servering, merely as second rate copies/sub-prime clones of the real thing. For as they are perceived and conceived to be providers of superior intelligence product, would one never wish to leave, as everything would be revolving around what one was providing, and that is a priceless commodity which sustains reality and easily allows agents to capture financial markets too with their targeted programming applications, permitting one to pay oneself with as much as one needs, for one is leading a New World Order rather following orders handed down.

Is not , “Once in the KGB, always in the KGB“, not the mantra of any and every Control Intelligence Agency worth the moniker and worthy of unbridled support from everybody whenever providing such sterling selfless service?


Hi, Noah,

Should that title, Pentagon Makes Love, Not Cyber War, in New Strategy, not read, in order to be more perfectly accurate and not nearly so ambiguous, Pentagon to Embrace LOVE, Not Cyber War, in New Strategy, with HyperRadioProActive IT in Live Operational Virtual Environments?  Or has the Pentagon categorically denied any interest in that which embraces them, and in which their needs and feeds can be effortlessly provided for, with leading SME in Global Control Head Quarters exercises …… SMARTer Enabled Ops with Searched Engines Optimized for Prime Premier Performance?

In any novel field, whenever one is without Subject Matter Experts, is one always fully dependent upon their remote anonymous direction rather than being fully independent in their remote autonomous direction, which is a bit of an enigmatic conundrum and something of a contradiction in terms, but nevertheless a most valid observation of present conditions.



IntelAIgent Solutions for Virtual Problems with Reality ©
Posted Friday 15th July 2011 06:38 GMT   

it’s obviously escaped your understanding that the bbc is not part of central government.” ….. Jim Morrow Posted Thursday 14th July 2011 17:36 GMT

Oh please, Jim Morrow, you cannot be serious. Of course they are, for how else would politicians and civil servants be able to justify and carry out their raids on the wealth system to provide themselves with that which you might want and your money pays for?

Are you telling us that the daily showings of the shenanigans of politicians are a sort of perverse ranting entertainment to lighten and occupy the hearts and minds of the masses with their shared and aired claptrap, rather than being any sort of leadership information on what a cabal in a cabinet of a government office are doing?

If that is the best that the BBC can do for entertainment and enlightenment …. wasting taxpayers money entertaining the masses with the news and views of ranting and self-servering expensive politicians ….. then is it surely in need of rebuilding with a complete overhaul and remake of its Virtual Operating Systems, with executive powers driven and delivered from a whole new management structure and creative content department.

Done properly, would the BBC then be a perfect central government tool, with smarter programming which sublimely programs hearts and minds to virtually accept as the global reality, whatever picture IT and media create, via the news and views which imaginative planning programmers and BBC controllers deliver.

Quite what legitimate further good use or viable reason there would then be for the maintenance and retention of posturing pontificating politicians, whenever IT and media presents the views of the world that one is led to believe are true and worthy of presentation, is uncertain and it would probably be the case that they are an anachronism to be rendered redundant.


Cosmic Angel Intelligence Dust …. EPCP

Posted Friday 15th July 2011 07:52 GMT   

However, getting a note to someone who actually could help is as simple as piss. All you have to do is, just a second, there’s someone at the door.” ….. Anonymous Coward Posted Thursday 14th July 2011 19:21 GMT

🙂 LOL. Nice one, AC.

That said. with the exception of inductive reasoning (which is more akin to prediction, based on knowing the natures of things,) all analysis in this field is based on reaction, even those who get the information earlier.

Also I cannot think of any bait sufficiently large that would tempt a foreign ear to hire someone it knew had alleigance to their homeland.” ….. Neuro Linguistic Programming with its Core Source Base in inductive reasoning would be an Extremely Powerful Control Project and be a Perfect Manchurian Candidate Cloud Application for Overwhelming Phantom Phorms and Rogue Renegade Protocols/Nations.

Home is where the heart is, and that is invariably always where one is most appreciated and where one is encouraged and/or able to be as one is, and everyone wants one to be. In some lands is that easily provided, and for virtually nothing of real value too, with the delivery of fiat currency to smart subjects and persons of interest, for spending/distribution. Maintaining an allegiance to a homeland which seeks to destroy alternative competition for exclusive excluding rights in executive privilege rather than foster growing advantage for the sharing of mutual benefits, is to chain oneself to a millstone and declare to everyone that one has been easily fooled and available to be used as a fool’s tool.


In Defence of the Realm, One does as One Needs to Succeed.

Posted Friday 15th July 2011 14:36 GMT   

That was a nice touch on this week’s BOFH web page …. the carrying of a situations vacant advertisement for an “IT Security Exploitation Officer” in MI5. Presumably that is .milspeak for a crack hacker and super duper spooky person, both of which are as rare as hens’ teeth and an even rarer find whenever seamlessly combined in the one ex
cellent agent.

…has about the same enthusiasm attached to it as the 13th pint at the end of a long night; ” …… 🙂 That had me chuckling and recalling the experience which the wisdom of hindsight ensures is an exercise unlikely to be repeated, and certainly not with the same enthusiasm as delivered it in a misguided youth, in one’s more advanced years. An experience which it appears Simon has sampled, given the oh so accurate description of its pathetic charm. 🙂

I wonder if The Jay and Craig 28 are PFY types?

Yeah. About how the US dumps nuclear waste into Tank-Buster shells to expend on countries that don’t let them steal all their assets. So they can steal all their assets. Anyway now that avenue is running out they’re using the waste to make super-hard components for various appliances – your monitor included. We tried the monitors for a while but it didn’t work out.” …. Ouch, that’s a mighty cruel low blow, but impossible to avoid whenever thoroughly deserved. Do you think that is what really upset the PFY types?


Re: solemn beliefs

Posted Friday 15th July 2011 18:59 GMT
What next – are banks going to talk about cyber matrix clones hacking thevirtual reality grid? Sorry, I have to go – I’m choking to death on a corn flake.” ….. David W. Posted Friday 15th July 2011 13:57 GMT

If that was meant to be written, David W. ….. “What next – are banks going to talk about cyber matrix clones hacking their virtual reality grid?” ….. then probably definitely yes is the answer to that question, with the perps being obscenely well paid to keep their methodology to themselves and say nothing to anybody about how they become so suddenly, instantly wealthy. Although it will probably be nothing that they [the banks] will talk about, even amongst themselves, lest that which is used against their systems is used by others within their systems to, in effect, hold them to extortionate ransom, which is an interesting novel reversal of their great fortune, methinks, whenever one considers the too-big-to-fail model which is failing them and yet which lines their pockets with flash cash to squander on toxic crap.

And whereas some may consider and proclaim such an enterprise as a questionable or criminal hack, a great many more would just recognise and herald such a dire state of affairs as poetic natural justice delivered, and in some cases would it be just so.


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