

>Softly softly ……. so as not to unduly alarm and frighten the natives

Posted Monday 23rd May 2011 15:03 GMT   

Hi, Andrew,

It would be quite wrong to not imagine and realise that the rise of the machines is not a sophisticated fiction, for is not the following, a snippet from a bigger picture post, perfectly true ….

It is a much more worrying development for people that government think they need a certain amount of secrecy to function, for such shadows and dark places so easily harbour and nurture contemptuous and elitist, them and us notions of a delusional superiority in governments and, much more dangerously, bodies/organisations/businesses assisting governments, but which would be doing so covertly/clandestinely ……. secretly. Then has the power shifted from government to forces which are generally unknown to all but a very select few, who are then fully dependent upon the intelligence supply of private unknown independent third party support for public power which can be published/shared and communicated with media to program the natives/supply their world views. Governments are then as a front/puppet/cuckold to a virtually controlled machine creating realities with SMART Astute IntelAIgent Direction for, ideally, Quality Media Production of Prosperous Future Presentations.

Or do your Secret Intelligence Services deliver something else which is different and much better, and would be ideal for mass exposure and support, or a great deal worse and unworthy of sharing because of the despicable nature of their future proposed and currently planned exercises/Great ARGames in a Colossal Enigmatic Edutainment Enterprise with AI Virtual Feed to/from Global Operating Devices, which is certainly what is surely available for immediate delivery today, for whatever pictures of tomorrow are deemed necessary? ” ….. http://amanfrommars.blogspot.com/2011/05/110522.html

And you wouldn’t believe what the government are doing with the …….. well, Enigmatic Alien Technology and AI Methodology would sum it up quite succinctly if one were to choose to express disbelief and dismiss it as the dominant future reality being delivered.

And I was in two minds as to whether those last few words should have been written ….. as the dominant future reality being, delivered.


Sunny days in blue skies are an every day event, dear boy. You gotta get out more.

Posted Monday 23rd May 2011 15:26 GMT

We don’t have any optimistic ideas for the future.” …… Adam Curtis.

That is a preposterously false statement which no smart being would choose to make unless in a fit of pique or depression?


Crikey, …. Sorry, Adam ….. It was Andrew who made me say it ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted Monday 23rd May 2011 17:18 GMT  

Thanks for the clarification, Andrew, it does make my questioning of AC’s pessimistic state of mind somewhat unnecessary, and who would argue about the stars cited in the clarification being without the required intelligence to deliver anything really worthwhile in the virtual environment which has media leading them by the nose in the direction which pays them the best with the artificial props of wealth so beloved of the ignorant masses.

I wonder when we can look forward to “Alien Forces in LOVE ….. The Heavenly Reality being Denied You” appearing as Spooky Thriller Series documenting the Fall and Rise of Virtual Machine Command and Computer Control of CyberSpace Communications.

Not so much an education about a SCADA bug in the System, much more an education about Systems Administration Protocols for Live Operational Virtual Environments …….. with Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems for Media Enriched Role Playing Programs in Alternate Reality Head Games. …… from MkUltraSensitive and Secret IntelAIgent Service Providers.

And imagining that as just a crazy fiction and dismissing it as any sort of possible current program is the remarkable power and control in its Fab AI Stealth.


And what is the vacuous puppet’s view of a “marriage and I think itโ€™s a wonderfully precious institution” and those who would use, and many would venture, abuse, the eminently corruptible justice system to issue super-injunctions which would seek to bully the world and deny the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth from emerging, in order to protect a wonderfully precious institutional cheat?  And is that supported by the Prime Minister? Would he care to make his view unambiguously known to the public so that they can consider the value of his guidance and suitability for office in national media lead, or is that little thing just too much to ask, and well beyond his capacity to simply deliver?

And thus prove in so doing/in not so doing, beyond a shadow of any doubt, that he is as a cuckoo and/or cuckold in the No10 Downing Street nest.

Your Public awaits you, PM. Speak, or forever hold your peace and do the honourable thing. And there are many versions of that which would take us into most personally unpleasant territory, I’d wager, but that is to move on a little too fast, methinks.

Tomorrow is another day and future prime ammunition and beta information can always enjoy its wait in the wings before ….. well, ITs richly deserved, grand presentation entrance is the forte of all media outlets and news channels and intelligence sources, is it not, be they championed in the gutter press or transparently and anonymously outed for selfless sharing with spiders internetworking in spinning electronic webs.


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