

> Posted by amanfromMars on 05/10/11 01:19 AM

Must add that sometimes, DB is appraised of something that they reserve the right to elaborate and do an article on. This is reasonable.

They may also be an elite front, a pole of a hegellian dialectric, seeking truth such that some new and more stable compromise between abbitrary power and freedom of “we, the people” can be found. It is my role to prove this impossible, and to keep everyone focussed on the ball.” …. Posted by rossbcan on 05/09/11 02:48 PM

That is an odd role you have chosen for yourself, rossbcan, and surely it would be much better to make possible an elite front, a pole of a hegellian dialectric, seeking truth so that some new and more stable compromise between arbitrary power and freedom of “we, the people” can be found.

Regarding DB being appraised of something that they reserve the right to elaborate and do an article on, it would be a most probable great pleasure to provide them with whatever it is that they would wish to share with Daily Bell Ringers, should one have any pertinent information in any fields of their interest.

For those who would dabble in/have an interest in the manipulation of reality to present a New World Order to order, which is surely a Daily Bell main interest, does Zero Hedge offer a starter article on the matter here too ….. http://www.zerohedge.com/article/perception-inception-and-trojan-horse-money-meme

It is though more than likely the case, that those who can guarantee the product placement of a reality which can take control of, and reverse the mounting catastrophic misfortunes of a failing meme, for those who would be as stock and stakeholders of those memes, would be smart enough to ensure that their own positions are beautifully secure and rendered failsafe, which is akin to an impregnability which only losing fools would try to compromise.

The mad world, sadly, has no shortage of those, but they just do not realise that they sow the seeds of their own destruction whenever they get to a certain level with particular and peculiar post modern Knights Templar levels of power and control.

Can’t resist: Are you the pot or, the kettle?” ……. 🙂 For those into quantum fields of control and communications is there no choice to be made there, for one can easily be both even as one is something else which is quite different but mindful and reflective of the two.


Posted by amanfromMars on 05/10/11 05:03 AM

“Can’t resist: Are you the pot or, the kettle?” ……. 🙂 For those into quantum fields of control and communications is there no choice to be made there, for one can easily be both even as one is something else which is quite different but mindful and reflective of the two.” …. Posted by amanfromMars on 05/10/11 01:19 AM.

Or should that be mindful and reflective of the three, with the trilogy of views being the essence of yet others views resting/waiting in formulation to be further explored and boldly realised with presentation for another future program and/or most modern virtual machine application in civil cyberspace projects? For some who would be into powerful elite controls for Great Game plays, is it the reality which easily invades and rightly occupies the high ground in any base environment in dire straits need of reinvention and revitalisation.

And here is a Manchurian Candidate and most suitable case for treatment? ……. “The real issue ahead is whether Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will reignite speculation by reintroducing more quantitative easing, Wiedemer says. The central bank has supported the recovery in part by printing trillions of dollars to buy up Treasury debt on the open market, which has kept interest rates low.

‘That’s the really big question. My guess is that you are, but not immediately. Ben knows that if he announces quantitative easing right now, people are going to get scared to death that this is just an unlimited printing machine. That’s going to hurt the dollar and make gold soar again,’ he says.” ….. http://www.moneynews.com/Headline/bob-robert-wiedemer-us/2011/05/09/id/395703

The real issue is much more invasive and damaging, and has nothing at all to do with suchs baubles and beads as the dollar and gold and it is that Uncle Sam is bankrupt of the universal intelligence which leads into the future with a prosperous and constructive See, and contents itself with defrauding the ignorant and arrogant markets with illusions of wealth and control.

It is something which with every passing day do more and more see/read/experience, and thus does it guarantee ever more and quicker flight to greener fields in smarter realms.

One does wonder at the madness across the pond that does not purchase its own saviour with such baubles and beads as manufacture their own demise. But then I just suppose that is the inherent abiding problem for all intellectual pygmies blinded to their own follies rather than schooled in the fine art and ancient arts of the Great Game and human perception management …. sustainable and universally beneficial model virtual reality production.

The central bank has supported the recovery in part by printing trillions of dollars to buy up Treasury debt on the open market, which has kept interest rates low.” …… An incestuous affair which locks in crippling sub-prime toxicity to its host originator and magnifies its effect to levels which kill off all players who would be supportive of the scam and supporters of scams.

Which is all a bit too much like this quote which was being hosted on the Daily Bell earlier, to be any different and better …… “Keynesians think that you can take water from the deep end of the swimming, pump it into the shallow end of the swimming pool and somehow the water level of the swimming pool will rise.” – Thomas Woods


What a load of precocious plonkers

Posted Tuesday 10th May 2011 14:15 GMT   

Are not such super injunctions as discussed about here not a blatant abuse of the justice system and a disgrace that lawyers and the courts think that it is not so? It is though a nice little earner for those who would falsely claim to be able to hide the truth in a matter. And what a laughing stock all involved have made of themselves to think themselves to be so precious.

And how very typically wishy washy of Tory boy Cameron to jump into the fray after the fact with a bland admission that he feels “uneasy at the increasing use of court orders obtained by celebrities to ban media reports about their private life.“, as if anyone cares what he feels about anything he doesn’t control.

If it is the truth that you know, print and be damned or else you will be led by the nose into a false world
where lies and deceit rule, and what sort of an idiot would want that?

Come on now, if you have a view, squeak up, or forever hold your peace …. until you wise up and realise that you are being played for the ignorant fool by arrogant tools.


[And how very strange that the forum for exchanging views/commenting on the story  was closed down so extraordinarily early, which always tends to happen whenever the system is trying to protect itself from being outed as corrupted and a personal tool of paper rich fools?]


10 May 2011 4:15PM

    This finding will strengthen Laws’s argument that he claimed more than £40,000 in expenses for rent paid to his partner out of a desire to keep his sexuality private.

Can someone please explain the logic/reasoning behind that statement …. and why the public purse should be raided because of it by a senior, supposedly intelligent, former Liberal Democrat chief secretary to the Treasury out of a desire to keep his sexuality private ….. and the pathetic excuse/weird justification be apparently condoned by John Lyon, the parliamentary commissioner for standards?


10 May 2011 at 10:38 am

DUP strategist Lee Reynolds let us into the secret of the DUP’s success:

narrative – parties need to tell a story for people to follow – he recommends the book The Political Brain;

Whose tale is the DUP spinning, Alan? Is it an original work of art or is it just a program dictated to them by others elsewhere and which they do not have the political brains not to follow?

Who is the author of everyone’s woes and difficulties in these changing times?



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