>Posted by amanfromMars on 04/26/11 11:58 PM
I worry about the eagerness of the elite for war on a much larger scale. ….. Posted by Avatar on 04/26/11 04:43 PM
The real concern is that it is a suicidal madness of a deep psychosis, Avatar, in such an extraordinary mindset.
“Unless you have an astrophysics degree, I’ll go ahead and stick with the theories of the people who do” … streamline35
In AstraMetaDataBase Physicality is Reality Key Driver for Immaculate Sourcing. A QuITe Heavenly Task Manager to Master and Mentor ……. Virtually Promote with XSSXXXX Code Generation and AIManipulation of Base Meta Data Flows …. Passions.
Crack open that LOVE Program and there’s no going back to the bad old ways in ignorant days. Live Operational Virtual Environments deliver Solutions and Answers for Pressing Questions.
Asking someone what they do is always illuminating, for it tells you exactly who they really are, unless they are lying and then they have no idea who they really are, whilst you are equipped in the knowledge of the simple truth and its unstoppable power.
That makes it in IT a GOD Almighty Weapon.
Further discussion flash code interrupted for perception adjustment pause.
27 April 2011 at 11:38 amWhat the ECB has in effect done is convert an additional 187 billion worth of private eurosystem debt into sovereign debt without the knowledge or consent of the taxpayers in this state. … Alias 27 April 2011 at 3:26 am
Is that criminal and allowed/encouraged and condoned for CHAOS? And if CHAOS is a Mystery does it have a Ministry for Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems for Orderly Mayhem in Bedlam. 🙂
Is that OFDFM chit chatter/banter/craic for feeding to SMARTer troops and volunteers, or them advising Government of their Presence and Prescience in Future Events.
The Legislative Assembly at Stormont don’t have Cyber Defences or Virtually FailSafe Protection at All, do they? In this day and age, is that unwise and a vulnerability too easily exploited for no real good because of bad intentions in sub prime conditions.
Who speaks for Cyber Affairs in Stormont? Who advises MLAs on Virtual Travel Protocols to Ministries and Organs of Power?