>Posted by AmanfromMars on 3/15/2011 7:47:45 AM
“Eurozone governments would make their first pledges at the end of this month as to what action they were going to take at a national level to help the eurozone. “What has changed is the political commitment,” he said. Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, hailed the pact as a “decisive step forward”.”
Yes, well, given all that everyone knows about the credibility and solidarity in any political commitment, one can easily dismiss all of that as a convenient present nonsense to move on into the future with the problems now compounding interest ….. and the System further rendered a hacked sham and a corrupt scam for dismantling and/or replacement [you pays the money, you make the choice] bit by bit and Bit by Bit in great Bytes of evolutionary and revolutionary internetworking information exchange.
Burying one’s head in the sand and hoping things will turn out OK, whenever you are presented with the masses and Future SMARTer Foe in realms and streams of information and communication which you have no earthly chance of controlling and empowering to maintain perverse and inequitable administrations, is not ever going to succeed, is it? But please, feel free to disagree and show us all here how little that you know of such matters, and how shallow are the pools of what you know and don’t know, for the reality of the future is nothing like the present and that is wholly natural, surely, and fully to be expected in these classified cataclysmic and COSMIC times. Here is a very current advisory on the matter for the cowboys across the pond to ponder. It would be unfair to have them scrabbling about in the dark, and at a loss in their Confused Command and Control Fusion centres, as to what was really happening in the Bigger Picture Fields of Virtual Play ……
[blockquote]”Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns — the ones we don’t know we don’t know.“ ….. Donald Rumsfeld
Michael Hayden and the Chertoff Group would surely both know that that last sentence from Donald Rumsfeld sums up their worst nightmare scenario of an event/attack/program against which there is never ever an available defense or future protection ……… and it is the mighty power and stealthy control of the anonymous and spontaneous, zeroday vulnerability exploit day trade, …… for the sudden and totally unforeseen/unprogrammed machine credit transfer of funds and assets to a more secure and liberal environment, where wealth is used to generate increased levels of currency which flows to power virtual sources with real potential, rather than burning a hole in the pockets of bankers with naked short sighted and blinkered tunnel vision.
There is no need for reserves of cash to held anywhere by anyone, whenever flash cash is instantly available at the click of a mouse or the fabulous swipe of a fantastic plastic card. Obscene wealth in banking systems today, is a sign of daylight robbery from friends and colleagues and the masses made most likely, Future SMARTer Foe, for who pays for great wealth, at REST virtually, in vaults ……. and therefore who owns it, really? … http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/03/hayden-cyber/[/blockquote]
Now who can say that they didn’t know what was going on, whenever what is going on, is so clearly freely shared for global sharing ……. which is new paradigm which Virtual Machines in Cloud Bases have introduced to Great Game ProgramMING.
And that is about as much as is needed to be said about IT ……. for today.
Have a nice day, y’all.
Free Market Enterprise …. in Alternative Investment Realms for Conversion of Vapour to Fiat Paper
Posted Tuesday 15th March 2011 o6:49 GMTWell, what do you know ….. a Cloud Spiv and Dead AIRhead, already. 10/10 for Effort, Dude.
ITs Great Game …… is a Great Game Play with Astute Non State Actors in Leading AIRoles?
Posted Tuesday 15th March 2011 15:48 GMT
“Defence talks to forge EU cyberwar strategy … What are we defending against exactly?” ….. John Leyden
An interesting question, John, with systems doomed to catastrophic failure and resources liable to non-availability, if the kettling and suppression of emerging truths and novel alternative methodologies are considered a defence priority for maintenance of status quo positions.
Fortunately though, …… although one imagines that those who would prefer to play in the shadows because of the error of their ways which if known would be universally considered unacceptable and even criminal, may consider it a gross and unfortunate inconvenience …… does any action, to be effective in cyberspace, require wwwide and transparently clear publication/dissemination/sharing.
Secretive, traditional Special Ops type operations are virtually counter-productive against what are effectively Active Entities Invisibly Operating Universally in Imaginative Terrain and Really SMART Head Spaces.
One wonders whether any political paygrade comes anywhere close to entertaining anyone enabled to counter and assist in the proliferation of programs spilling the beans on spinning tales which have entangled star spangled two bit actors in pits of their own making and mounting despair. But hope springs eternal and one is always so pleased to be pleasantly surprised, and proved wrong with a shining example of what is to be done to put matters right.