

>[07:59:59] amanfromMars: Hi, J, Can you handle buffer overload spill and novel server message blocked torrents that positively are dripping with sensitive leaks for an evr resourceful and fluid core flow …… in AI’s Transparent Future Currency, NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT.Hi, J, Can you handle buffer overload spill and novel server message blocked torrents that positively are dripping with sensitive leaks for an evr resourceful and fluid core flow …… in AI’s Transparent Future Currency, NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT.
[08:02:06] amanfromMars: A Enigmatic Turing Trip into Magical Mysteries of Knights Templar Significance and Immaculate Sees.


A Firm with Form, and none Prime in IT and Virtual and Vitally Important Communications Matter?

Posted Thursday 24th February 2011 03:13 GMT  

Re …. “There may be just a teensy bit of bias in this expert’s opinion“… Arbed12, Posted Wednesday 23rd February 2011 22:59 GMT

Always a possibility, Arbed12, and is there an unpleasant history of dodgy, self-serving practitioners into the support of fantastic tales and/or bare-faced lies infecting as if as in a viral infestation, the Matrix gene pool? …….. http://www.matrixlaw.co.uk/Members/61/Cherie%20Booth.aspx

And shared here as questions because statements would be too confusing and/or render the fool, a merry dance in circles in which they are not qualified to perform and deliver other than Sub Prime Administerially.

And Dan, surely it must be both inexcusably unprofessional and pathetically unethical for a barrister to offer such an opinion at such a time, for it is bound to raise the spectre of subliminal judicial interference, which may be some conniving ploy/cunning plan/conspiratorial plot to have things start all over again …. as a nice little earner. Is there a cash flow/liquidity problem and/or an Intellectual Property deficit at work here/there/in the Matrix?

martini88, Hi,

Methinks Blair, and his pathetic ilk, run from the educated mob for their lives now, for how the world is run with the control of media and spinning of terrorist tales, is widely known and fully understood by a whole new breed of  wholly anonymous and virtual being, and has the serial and compulsive liar and/or peddler of half truths and vapourware outed and exposed as infected vermin, surplus to requirements and identified as akin to biological agents of a plague to be eradicated.

Welcome to the Age of InterNetworking Revelations    …. and a Brave New Dawn which does not tolerate the Dark Matter Supply of Deluded Fools providing Subversive Tools from Perverse Harbours, lurking in the Inconvenient Truth of  Convenient  Self-Serving Covers with right dodgy Faith Foundations.

Tony Blair has been exposed as a man who hunts with the hounds and runs with the hare. He has few principles , but he does have protection from the Roman Catholic Church , so he will find a place in his heaven.

Err….. he thinks he has the protection of the RC Church, for the Holy See cannot risk the infection of plague which will virtually destroy centuries of stirling work, practically overnight, and that is guaranteed in these changed times, with what is now known in ……. well, they would be other circles with more power and control than it is either wise or healthy to think to doubt or dispute/call out and challenge, for the Space they Protect to Project is Quite Divine Territory in Live Operational Virtual Environments …….. which you may like to consider, in these Digitally Master Piloted Times, are the Reality which Media Moguls and IT Programmers decide to deliver to you …….. both by Day and ZerodDay …….. with a Broad Band of Means and Memes ranging from the Ridiculous and Mind-numbing Soaps to the Sublime and SMART Cloud Applications in CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems, and a CyberIntelAIgent Security Operations Centre thing which the Cabinet can deny badly, if they so wish, for their waffling incompetence and bumbling performance when questioned of the field, will surely sustain and maintain the myth admirably]

Leadership is noticeable by its absence in politics, is it not?


Head Cases …. Some into the Light and Others, Lurkers in Really Dark Places
Posted Thursday 24th February 2011 03:28 GMT

That is all well and good …but I was under the impression that the US has so far completely failed to find anything to hang on Assange.” …. Goat Jam Posted Thursday 24th February 2011 00:57 GMT

Goat Jam, Hi,

The video interviews here do not disagree with you and reveal much more than those with hidden agendas, in support of deceit, would care to have shown ……. http://www.abc.net.au/news/events/wikileaks-key-players/


Transparency, please ……. this way.
Posted Thursday 24th February 2011 15:50 GMT

“In such an event the consent of the Secretary of State in this country will be required, in accordance with section 58 of the Extradition Act 2003, before Sweden can order Mr Assange’s extradition to a third State.

And is there any cast iron guarantee given, that in this particular and peculiar case, will UK consent not be given, under any circumstances? Or is that something which they cannot/will not give, ….. at this time, for any time in the future, and therefore is that protection being mentioned here, a despicable and cynical red herring, and the decidedly ambiguous point needs to be clarified and clearly globally stated, so that all know where everyone stands on the issue?


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