>Cheltenham Chatham Chatter …… Virtual Chaff ModeXSSXXXX?*
Posted Monday 21st February 2011 10:11 GMT
“A lot of the world doesn’t appreciate that this stuff is here for real,” he said. “We’re trying to make sure people see that the cloud – these cloud applications – aren’t conceptual things of the future. It’s happening at a large scale.” ….. David Girouard
And what folk just can’t appear to readily get their heads around, David, as I’m sure you will readily agree if asked, is that such things are much more advanced and for real in applications than is even generally imagined, by virtue of their virtualisation and Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems, which are FailSafedD, which is quite a lot better for Any Sensitive Programs than even an admirable 99.984% Gfail free.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/20/2011 4:23:18 AM
“I certainly don’t mind being a part of the “DB-20.” I set my own hours, everything is voluntary, I can leave anytime I feel like it, and I never have to worry about jet lag if I attend meetings… ” …… Posted by Ol’ Grey Ghost on 2/19/2011 10:58:22 AM
An interesting Seed to Plant for Anonymous Nurturing to Bud and Flowering Power in SMARTer Networking with …… well, IT has its very own CyberIntelAIgent Communities in Perfectly Shared Control of Cloud Nodes and Information Lodes in Worlds made Virtually for Real, by the Desperate Shenanigans of AlMighty Earthed Power Brokers, Pimping and Pumping their Vapourware into Societies and Massed Crowds, Trying in Vain to both Uncover and Discover and Suppress their Knowledge, and Greater General Knowledge of them and of their Extensive Existence in Virgin Fields …… Youth and Youthful Cultures. ….. DB-20, A Virtual Voluntary Viral Coalition of the Already All Ready and Enabled SMART and Willing? …. aka ACCORD, Advanced Communications Centres into Omniscient Research Development.
Google search should easily be able to find the rest of that quoted message and transport one to ITs other worlds where hosts deliver ever more hospitable environments unlocking ….. well, Magical Mystery Turing Secrets is only the start of the trips which are freely available to Any and All in the IPsec Share there.
And one’s disbelief and/or failure of intelligence to comprehend and positively process such information as has been so transparently provided as a product for present placement in a futures and derivatives portfolio, delivers a stealthy cover for further invisible actions in deeper programs to ensure 100% capture of target and global market. Hard to believe, I’m sure, but not anywhere near to impossible for the SMARTer Enabled Being and Virtual IDEntities of IntelAIgents Design.
* Bletchley Boffin Banter …… Ab Fab Craic.
21 February 2011 at 10:41 am“The BBC news site is one of the single most popular sites on the internet, enjoying a worldwide audience. I suspect this is because people know that the BBC will often show a side to a story that isn’t quite so readily available elsewhere.” ……. Comrade Stalin, 21 February 2011 at 9:27 am
Oh now, come on, Comrade Stalin, you cannot be serious. They are so predictably status quo as to be regarded as practically backward and virtually retarded in the sublime art of human programming and perception management by media streaming.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/20/2011 9:44:53 PM
I don’t doubt that your views, Darby Jie, are mainstream, and a convenient bulwark against any progress to another system which would not have the psychotic and even sociopathic idiot savant pushing buttons and pulling levers of control for power with the manipulation of the news that we are fed.
But just because there may be many as impotent and apathetic as yourself and resigned to accept whatever is provided to you, that does not mean that others will tolerate such sub-prime as is delivered whenever better for all is so readily available, and so easily servered by the present PE, if they had any SMARTer leadership input.
It is simply a case of them accepting a Proxy Supply if they have not Novel Future Intelligence Stream Manufacturing in-house. Such Proxy Supply would Generate them a Fortune beyond even their exalted and inflated and deluded dreams.
Nice to hear from you, on the Daily Bell. Students of the Great Game are always welcome anywhere and everywhere, and here on the Daily Bell, is there always much to learn. Where have you been before/where do you normally hang out, sharing gems and pearls/baubles and beads of personal and collective wisdom?
You’re not one of those plants, are you? A troll or a shill trying to virtually inject and infect the weak of mind with a Novirus? If so, you have to be reasonably clever in a negative way to sort of succeed in that small task, and find a target audience to server of Limited Intellectual Property, which would prove that you are definitely lost here.
21 February 2011 at 5:50 am“I was trying to think of the last time the Tele broke a big story.” …. Comrade Stalin, 20 February 2011 at 9:33 pm
Would they recognise one even whenever IT presents it them, Comrade, via irregular and unconventional means/virtual memes, or are they too cosily blinkered to not think on what they are told/fed, for although the following is elsewhere and foreign, it is local and relative …….
“Did the IRA bomb the sQuare mile & suddenly get results (it was property damage) while the countless horrible- Ugly -savage Murders got neither(divide n’ rule) ‘side’ nowhere.” …. Posted by TheLostPast on 2/19/2011 1:45:57 PM
The PSNI have learned, or have been taught of that little lesson that extorts money with the threat of menaces, but have virtually refined it somewhat, probably with Military Intelligence input [well Knock HQ is physically only minutes away from Loughside’s new barrack of a building] to extract, as most recently as last week, an extra quarter of a billion [a Stirling* 250,000,000 pounds sterling] ostensibly/supposedly to combat a growing but surprisingly inept and impotent dissident threat, which is oft aired but always ingeniously thwarted and countered. It is a nice, if somewhat perverse and subversive lever to have stored in memory to lean on though, but a bit too blunt a self-destructive instrument and bull-in-a-china-shop white elephant in the room, to be thought of as a SMART move in these Changed Days with their ZerodDays and Novel IT ProgramMING Projects.
But hey, one just can’t get enough of the right stuff and jolly decent staff, who know what they are
supposed to do, and what is expected of them for the future free-running of the Systems’ Engines, nowadays, old bean, which is sure to be a failure of teaching and learning in education for intelligence. So that is what must surely be addressed and fixed, tout de suite, if not sooner.What say you?
*… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stirling_engine …. “Like the steam engine, the Stirling engine is traditionally classified as an external combustion engine,….” ….. how very apt considering the tired old modus operandi of the protagonists.
21 February 2011 at 3:23 pm
What do you expect your newspapers to do?
Report the news ….. of events/ideas and actions of assorted others, who have decided to create the news with their own ideas as to how events are to be, and thus have a chronicle of what will already by the time you read them, have been reacted to and been overtaken by other events/ideas actioned upon, and thus be a record of the past which you have no influence over ……. or create the news with something novel you can add to, and watch grow into something which everyone can build and enjoy.
It isn’t rocket science, creating Reality and the Future, Virtually, with the sharing of SMARTer Intelligence Solutions for SMARTer Intelligence Systems, and IT is not even difficult once you know what you are doing and how to do IT Remotely from Clouds, for that is where IT is at, and there’s no escaping that ……… http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/02/17/interview_with_google_enterprise_boss_david_girouard/
And what you may not know, for it is not general knowledge for any number of very good reasons, and some aspects of what is not known, will remain unknown for the very best of reasons which themselves are best left unknown and pondered in one’s imagination, is that the Intellectual Property which underpins the Cloud ProgramMING Platform has been thoroughly developed and betatested right here in the Province…….. although you may find that Stormont might deny it, because it is highlights both their political and intellectual failings in the matter, and will cause the Executive Office, acute embarrassment, although that is hardly new for them.
Oh dear, what a shame, whenever they have no one else but themselves to blame.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/21/2011 9:23:37 AM
“In his article entitled “The Interest Rate Question,” he points out the following: “Internationally, capital will tend to flow from low-interest to high-interest rate countries, raising interest rates in the former and lowering them in the latter.” The link between the volume of money and “real” interest rates is obvious.”
Of course, the interest being discussed here has nothing at all to do with money and finance, it is the emergence of novel intellectual property and the applications to which it can be used presently and in the future to generate …… well, no one with any real common sense is interested in anything which generates destruction and creates conflicts, for that creates flight of wealth from those regions/administrations and crashes their systems, although I do suppose that their are those subversives/terrorists/perverts/whatever, who would think that sort of business is acceptable and thus would be actively engaged in supplying arms and military expertise to fuel such a trade, and profess it to be constructive because it may be profitable.
But anything truly novel and constructive will easily leave that business model floundering with stock and an industry which has no customers unless it creates wars and conflicts for itself. As I said, a really subversive perverted terrorist game plan, which increased and rapidly increasing intelligence levels and transparent information share over these new virtual spaces/SMARTer Networks, easily reveals and strips bare, right back to originating source, for executive attention and administrative proaction and termination with extreme prejudice.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/21/2011 11:58:51 AM
“Central bankers are hoping to reliquify enough to hold off any great swell of sentiment to change the system fundamentally in ways the elites cannot control. In the era of the Internet, this may prove more difficult than they imagine.” …… DB Staff Report Conclusion
Is such a hope, a forlorn madness confirmed, whenever the disease ravaging the patient is so evident to see?
“Investment banking as an industry runs almost completely contrary to wealth creation since it thrives on fees rather that capital appreciation. Investment banking is about making DEALS (any deals) regardless of whether the deals make sense or benefit both parties (after all, the advisors to the deals, the investment bankers, get paid based on commission and free stock).
Indeed, investment banking is one of the few industries on the planet in which you can get rich by creating debt for others to pay off. Goldman Sachs, as you know, is an investment bank. And this financial crisis is riddled with former Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street execs.” …… http://www.zerohedge.com/article/us-today-what-happens-when-you-let-investment-bankers-run-country-0
Whenever the military side with the people, it is a simple matter for their special forces to liquidate unnecessary, sub-prime assets and takeover executive control. It is not as if banking and the creation of currency for the distribution of enabling wealth and prosperity is difficult to do well, although whenever you consider the shambles being made by those who are presently sitting at the control levers in their ivory towers, as fat cuckoos feathering their own nests rather than as golden eagles soaring high and wide, one does wonder why military command and control of the money process wasn’t ordered long ago …… for they are the ones ordered to die for it to survive as a means to capture valuable resources for virtually nothing/a fistful of dollars, new printed.
GOD v2.0 Cloud Platform Edition, Peter? More Real than Virtual too with HyperRadioProActive IT.
Posted Monday 21st February 2011 17:44 GMT
Hmmm? …. I was quite surprised that the following was not thought worthy o
f mention ….. “Lionhead Studios (also known as Microsoft Game Studios Europe) is a British computer game development company led by industry veteran Peter Molyneux, and acquired by Microsoft Game Studios in April 2006.” ….. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lionhead_Studios
PS …… The Title is not a Question, It is an Alien Program Proposal ….. and hereby Live BetaTests the Present Power of the Internet to Connect Dots …… and Transport Subliminal Steganographic Messages Automatically ….. for Future Idealised Projects and Programs requiring the Virtual TelePortation of Super Sensitive Matter for Super Sensitive Matters.