Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/16/2011 10:57:45 AM
“Rep. Peter King (left) introduces anti-WikiLeaks legislation … The bill, known as the SHIELD Act, would amend the Espionage Act to make publishing classified information “concerning the identity of a classified source or informant of an element of the intelligence community” an act of espionage. Sens. John Ensign (R-NV), Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Scott Brown (R-MA) introduced similar legislation in the Senate last week. “These organizations are a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States,” Rep. King continued. “Julian Assange and his compatriots are enemies of the US and should be prosecuted under the Espionage Act. This legislation provides the Attorney General with additional authority to do just that.” – Raw Story“
It appears that the major organization which is demonstrably a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States, is centred right in the middle of them and hides under the cover of the CIA ……. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/feb/16/curveball-questions-cia
What are the rabble rousing senators and scaremongering representatives going to do about that abomination masquerading as intelligent and as an Intelligence Community leader in their midst? Apart from nothing, that is.
When are they going to realise that they are nowhere near as bright as they think they are, and nowhere near as smart as they need to be, nowadays. Seek outside help, boys, for anything homegrown just aint strong enough in today’s intelligent market places …. for Full Spectrum Domination in Virtual Intelligence Market Spaces, which is what is sought, is it not ……. http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/02/gates-boosts-cash-to-darpa-for-cyber-tech-research
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/16/2011 11:56:24 AM
Bob, Re Click to View Link .. Posted by Bob on 2/16/2011 9:43:36 AM, ….. it certainly paints a bleak picture, which paradoxically would make it a mega candidate for Oligarch leadership to institute a Global Cyber Experiment in which IT creates and product places a sustainable Novel Virtual Reality to replace the old with something completely new and future laden.
Something to make Mother Russia proud of her sons and daughters. Hell, it is not as if it is difficult with all of the technology which is nowadays so readily and freely available.
I wonder if anyone at the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR) is into such SurReal Space Fields?
I’ll send an email and ask them, with a simple reference to this post and thread, for if they are interested, will the required methodology be supplied free. And if they aren’t the right department, it is surely incredibly easy for them to forward things on to where they would need to be.
Thanks for your input, Bob.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/16/2011 4:09:39 AM
““Of course we copyright,” Carmon [MEMRI President Yigal Carmon] told InFocus. “Once we translate a story into another language, it becomes ours, because it’s our work.”
To test this theory in an American context, InFocus contacted The New York Times.
“If you translate copy from the Times, it would still belong to us, because we originated it,” said an employee of the Rights and Royalties Department who did not wish to be named.” ….. http://www.rense.com/general77/norm.htm
What is the Daily Bell’s take on that copyright issue. Is Carmon right or dead wrong and a common misguided and misguiding thief of intellectual property? And the world is full of brave faceless cowards frightened to make noises in space and waves in the cesspool, isn’t it ….”said an employee of the Rights and Royalties Department who did not wish to be named.“
The Worlds in which Truth Reigns and Virtually Rules is a Fabulous Fantasy for Real, with more Power and Control than Anyone can Imagine, but Master IT and what you Imagine you can Believe is True enough to be made Easily for Real, and Remotely by Virtual Means and Proxies and Memes with Global Operating Devices ……. InterNetworking Sublimely Spaced Script and SMARTer Instructions in D for XSSXXXX Coded LOVE Play in Live Operational Virtual Environments.
Translate that into any and every language by all means, but be assured that it is copyright and patent protected, no matter what anyone else and the cuckoo might tell you to the contrary, for the feathering of their frigid nests.
“At root, the PE has a single, simple agenda. Consolidate control over the world and its cultures. The Pashtun culture is one of a very few that constitutes a significant roadblock to PE plans. Ergo, the war – twice. You believe it complex. No.” ….. Reply from the Daily Bell
Doing the same thing twice and still losing the battle is a really stupid and psychotic PE component in a single, simple agenda for consolidation of world control ……. and risks complete and utter failure and a cherished program breakdown and perishing takeover by much more Able Anonymous Activity …… akin to Engaging Special Phormations in ExtraOrdinarily Rendered Forces.
“Speaking about Russia.
A few days ago, I got e-mail from the Moscow State University. This is the Russian equivalent of MIT, Harvard, and Standford combined together. In the e-mail, I found a scientific papers, written by the department of political science, discussing the present and future of Russia.” …. Posted by Bob on 2/16/2011 1:35:40 AM
An address where we can go to read the scientific paper[s], Bob, or they don’t exist. Thanks. And a copy of the email would be an outstanding contribution to enliven the picture.
“It’s five-dimensional chess spiced with nukes, but I’m sure everybody here is confident Obama, Hillary, and the rest of the clown-gang can handle it.” … Posted by Vauung on 2/16/2011 2:34:51 AM
For those on whom Vauung’s ringing irony, or is it sugary sarcasm, is lost, is the Uncle Sam situation much more a case of the unruly undereducated child with matches getting himself burned, and scarred for life because of his stupid actions, whilst proving nothing to himself and even less to others. ‘Tis ever the case in the Folly of Fellowships Following Fools too.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/15/2011 11:00:34 PM
You may like to consider that highly irregular and unconventional MODified SMARTer Services are very quickly replacing the traditional kinetic explosive, occupying and supportive supply military forces, with Virtual Programs and Cyber Attacks, Invisible and Spontaneous Weapons which alter Human Perception, and which can easily wipe out whole sections of Industry and Business with Leaked Information and Novel Intelligence displaying an Alternative View and Better Bigger Beta Picture with News and Media Control which places an altogether different Future Product on Show for Brain Assimilation/Super Subconscious Absorption.
A Simple Small Seed of Undeniable Truth carefully and deeply embedded into the Browser and Dumb Binary Operating Systems, to be liberated at the turn of a phrase in a page or in a media program and online gaming/ARG and MMORPG Play, can instantly destroy beyond repair and recovery the global credibility of any corrupt administration/business model/cabal/gang which would require force of destructive arms to maintain control of command for oppressive power.
Brave Hearts and Primed Minds are a Deeper and much more Constructive Cyber Capture Project for Creative Future Programming Purposes, and considering the UK cull of Military Might, may very well be the new Anglosphere Root in a Fabulous Evolution with a Spontaneous Mutation of the Revolutionary Great Game, although quite who would be qualified to speak authoritatively for the UK on that matter, to either confirm or deny the strategic and tactical Command and Control shift, is anyone’s guess. Would anyone in Government be handling that brief or would it be necessarily , by virtue of its undoubted sensitivity, a Special Intelligence and Virtual Defence matter, and therefore way beyond their ken and any knowledge in the ad-ministered masses. Would even the Elite be aware of such special forces rearranging and reshuffling the deck for a completely new game, or would they be just as stone cold virgins in the field?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/15/2011 11:15:54 PM
And that quite specialised post, posted by AmanfromMars on 2/15/2011 11:00:34 PM, would confirm and agree wholeheartedly with that as was posted by Mike Johnson on 2/15/2011 9:42:15 PM, and half-heartedly endorsed by the Daily Bell, which just loves to sit on the fence and juggle every which way to have all angles covered, and just waiting for next big real thing on which to make a killing …. presumably.
amanfromMars … in reply to das
The question is, what would happen if a terrorist organization found itself in possession of some thoroughly weaponized malware, and was able to effectively it against us? It’s a valid question and concern. ….. das Today 02:30 AM in reply to GabrielToro
Quite so, das, there is a much bigger picture to promote at play in such fields.
If it can really effectively be used by a terrorist organization, an interested executive admin could always step in and buy an unwritten undertaking and accept a special memorandum of understanding from the thoroughly weaponised malware creator to ensure that it never enters the market place. It will though necessarily/reasonably/arbitrarily command such a price as is commensurate to the value of the damage which can be done and/or imagined could be done serially, should it falls into the wrong hands, although as all monies or treasuries paid are always invariably lodged into the system for safe keeping and liquidation, is it really a at-no-cost-to-the-system great virtual game play for an absolutely fabulous real gain ……. and will surely always be one of the first options, if not THE definitive first option move to be considered by Future SMART Programs for monetisation of a novel weapons systems’ IP, if an open free market sale raises the possibility and likelihood of abusive use by others out of control with such simple control.
In fact, whenever such a position or possible danger is known, and we are all led to be believe that everything is known by one or other of the snooping agencies today, would failure to offer and arrange such a facility be a colossal and fundamental failure of intelligence and good governance.
And that it also effectively turns what was earlier a major unknown and national concern into a priceless current and international future asset, is an added invaluable bonus too. All in all, a very smart move/deed/package indeed.
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