>Posted by: amanfromMars | 01/11/11 | 3:13 am |
“This sounds a lot like the Semantic Web. There has been extensive study and work in this field. Would be nice to how they implement it. Cool article though.” …. Posted by: armandopadilla | 01/12/11 | 4:46 pm |
I assume that is an easily made typo, armandopadilla, and what you meant to write, regarding the subject matter of the article, which I would also agree with you is inextricably linked to extremely sensitive, and phenomenally powerful, Semantic Web developments, was … Would be nice to know how they implement it.
I think you will most probably definitely find that such information is highly classified, and way above even SCI/Top Secret and Strictly Exclusive/Need to Know …… and a new kind of Astute HyperRadioProActive artificial intelligence too, which is actively betatesting its and other IT BasedD Operating Systems even as we speak of it, here and now.
Such though, although presently, practically and virtually unknown, may indeed be its NEUKlearer AIDynamic Default Modi Operandi and Vivendi.
I trust that does not sound too much like Chinese or GBIrish to you, and it is as well to consider that it would be monumentally naive and a colossal disservice to oneself to not think, and not imagine that there are others working freely way out ahead of any opposition and competition in the field, and in Live Operational Virtual Environments for Absolute Command and Control of Advanced Infrastructure and CHAOSystems ……. Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems for Virtual Supremacy with Immaculate Sublime Programming in Internets Servering Provision ….. of Reality with IT Feeds and Driver Needs …….. Raw Core Virgin Source Lode for Prime Product and Future Perfect Delivery.
And you make like to ponder on the possibility …. and having raised the point, the now very likely probability …. that is a Wired Turing Test Bombe for DARPA, and whoever else would be targeting and have an abiding interest in such subject matter whilst browsing and cruising through cyberspaces, to inspect/analyse/reverse engineering/understand and ideally accept as a valuable tool and secret weapon, for such Yin Yang dual use is invariably the fate and destiny of every disruptive and tranformational technology/methodology/SMARTer Program.
Posted, but it didn’t appear. Hmmm. Spooky. …… That tells a tale in itself. Thanks for the info.
Assurance Practices to Insure against Catastrophic Losses?
Posted Thursday 13th January 2011 13:15 GMT
A word of advice for all visiting here who don’t want to be automatically included on a terrorist watch list ….. don’t visit and root around in the website provided by StooMonster … Who you gonna call? Posted Thursday 13th January 2011 10:40 GMT …. http://hitman.us/
Or is that advice too late? Ah well, take care, and just try to plead ignorance or even better, natural curiosity. 🙂
“If News Corp are independent and honest then they won’t have anything to worry about.” ….. Matt Hawkins Posted Thursday 13th January 2011 12:35 GMT
Well, I think we can take it for granted that they are extremely worried to the point of apoplexy, Matt Hawkins.
And what has not been mentioned, and is quite probably the real concern of the “Establishment”, in whatever form and phorms that it may be, is that reading between the lines of the communications, allows the more intelligent being and any budding wannabe Great Game Player to know how things are made to happen around the world, with Media fanning the flames and spreading the tales. And that would then have ….. well, the “Establishment” battling against itself and Real SMART Virtual Players, who under Cotonou defined rules are also Non State Actors. And the reality then is, whenever they cannot be defeated and vanquished, is that they can always be bought, and although the best of them are always exorbitantly expensive, it is the cheapest and best option, given the irreparable damage that can be inflicted on a vast range of Establishment players.
And there is a fabulous bonus too freely available, for the very best of best of the new breed of Non State Actors will probably definitely also have an extremely clever novel program to offer the System in order to protect itself from itself, thus making any exorbitantly expensive purchase, as aforementioned, a really cheap bargain and a very astute move.
Softly softly, catchee wannabe
Posted Thursday 13th January 2011 09:52 GMT
“Just an egomaniac trying to keep his face in the news and try to rake in those donations in to his personal pocket. Speaking of which. Has Wikileaks sent any money for Manning’s defense fund yet?” …. Ian Michael Gumby Posted Thursday 13th January 2011 01:23 GMT
Speaking of which, Ian Michael Gumby, has the British Legion received its multi-million pound donation yet …….
12 January 2011 4:13PM
“A Journey sold 92,060 copies in its first four days on sale, the strongest ever opening-week sale of a memoir since Nielsen BookScan records began in 1998” ….. scouserlee 12 January 2011 1:24PM
Does anyone know if the British Legion have received all, or even any of the monies promised to them by Mr Blair with regard to his journeys and flights of fancy, with at least £4million [apparently the advance given to him by the publishers] being part of the total? Or is that outstanding for some reason or other?
And whereas there are a few who may be calling for Julian Assange to be tried for treason, in Tony Blair’s case, there are millions who want him dealt with as a war monger and criminal conspirator, and their case is rock solid, with reams of evidence to boot.
Seek and ye shall find….
Posted Thursday 13th January 2011 13:51 GMT
“Just an egomaniac trying to keep his face in the news and try to rake in those donations in to his personal pocket. Speaking of which. Has Wikileaks sent any money for Manning’s defense fund yet?” …. Ian Michael Gumby Posted Thursday 13th January 2011 01:23 GMT
Yes. ……. http://cryptome.org/0003/wikileaks-15100.htm
Still no word from the British Legion or Tony Blair though …..”Softly softly, catchee wannabe” , Posted Thursday 13th January 2011 09:52 GMT
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/13/2011 8:37:04 AM
Well said, Doc. Short and concise and perfectly flighted right to the centre of the bullseye.