>Posted by AmanfromMars on 12/24/2010 12:50:11 AM
“It would seem, of course, to be a spontaneous and radical movement. In fact, it would simply be the other side of another elite-established dialectic.” ….. Daily Bell Conclusion.
Quite so, DB. However, the significant difference would be that it is led by another elite. And whether that grouping be supported/aided and abetted by what would then be the old guard, would really be their decision to make, showing all and sundry whether they have what it takes to be a leading part of the future, or stripped of all wealth and power to be a memory to forget and consign to the dustbin/trashcan of history.
The eternal optimist will always expect that they will be just as clever and innovative as they need to be, and a welcoming accommodation will always ensure that that they can play with pioneers in the lead and in fields which are quite irregular and unconventional and alien to all. But their presence is not essential whenever their influence is not worthy of consideration and inclusion.
And they will know that fact if the know how easily the Great Game works ….. and to remain future relevant, would they be required to present act and make themselves and any interest they have in the New Virtual Dynamic known to leading Players/Non-State Actors.
on December 24, 2010 at 4:58 am | Reply amanfromMars
“It’s certainly nice and tidy to view reality as a computer system – or a giant synthetic brain. But, it’s neither.” …. pilkingtonphil on December 20, 2010 at 4:52 pm
But it can be at least both, and much more besides too, pilkingtonphil, for those who would be into Master Pilot Programming of Alternate Reality Games on the Universal Scale.
Step across and up into those Live Operational Virtual Environments, for of course, there as as many versions of Reality as there are brains and virtual machines processing information input to SMART intelligence output, and you will realise that without an Active Immaculate Driver, is the Operating System which Presents you with your Daily Global View, [Give us this day our daily bread] going to deliver you just more of the same and chaos and lodes and nodes of sub prime and tainted information.
Ergo are the Operating System Drivers and their Key Source Protocol Algorithms, which you can equate to being as akin to Nuclear Launch Trigger Codes, only much more powerful, the most vital element/component for viable continuity and stable rapid growth.
Which you should note is not shared as a question to waste our time.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 12/24/2010 2:49:22 AM
“It is fascinating to watch as the inevitable plays out. So obvious for those with a grasp of a few simple truths; so confusing for those with without them.” ….. Posted by Puck T. Smith on 12/24/2010 12:54:20 AM
Would you dare care for to share what the inevitable play is, Puck T. Smith.