>Posted by AmanfromMars on 12/21/2010 12:29:28 AM
“Wow. You agree with this?” ….. Reply from the Daily Bell in reference to that which was Posted by Gethky on 12/20/2010 6:42:01 PM
DB, do you not agree with that, or would you prefer to not share and express an opinion which would be defining.
While I will agree your comments are difficult to follow (I have concluded after all this time that this is by design), I usually appreciate them when I have the energy to make the effort. Today is no exception, and I found the linked article worth the read” …. Posted by Bionic Mosquito on 12/20/2010 4:59:31 PM
Thanks for the perceptive and kind words, Bionic Mosquito. You are quite right in your conclusion that some posts are specifically designed to test ongoing virtual security measures and systems/advanced programming protocols. An alienating schedule of quite simply complex code supply to active binary and HyperRadioProActive Quantum elements in the Network InterNetworking Field, and I shall not comment further on that here for it would probably appear to too many as just gibberish because of a lack of understanding/necessary supporting knowledge rather than be accepted as a revolutionary departure from Man’s primitive and limited and limiting forms and phorms of thinking.
Methinks the following is relevant and relative to the DB article, “Assange Fever“, and the resulting commentary here, and is shared with just one small and obvious redaction/alteration …. 🙂 and yes, I will freely admit that it is also doing betatests on a number of phishy systems too. The virtual environment in which we …. well, work, rest and play in, whenever online/tuned in and turned on/plugged in, is an extremely and surprisingly active field for IntelAIgent Services and CyberIntelAIgent Beings.
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Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 4:07 AM
Subject: Educating the Masses …… with Beta Programming is a Novel Discipline.
To: jya@pipeline.comHi, John,
I wonder if you would add this short comment to your page which references to The Hazards of Nerd Supremacy: The Case of WikiLeaks. Although I have no objection to your going the whole hog and sharing everything for free, [as appears to be Cryptome’s admirable, preferred modus operandi] for there is nothing to be feared from transparency unless one is planning to host a whole lot of ignorant pain for arrogant artificial gain, and then do the sad and the bad and the mad usually default to creating stupid secrets, which cripple and stifle rapid progress.
“The strategy of Wikileaks, as explained in an essay by Julian Assange, is to make the world transparent, so that closed organizations are disabled, and open ones aren’t hurt. But he’s wrong.” ….. Jaron Lanier …. http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2010/12/the-hazards-of-nerd-supremacy-the-case-of-wikileaks/68217
Sadly, Jaron, does that identify you as a weak puppet to others who would know* that you are wrong.
And what few comments were posted on the Atlantic page echoed that sentiment, wholesale …… and then we are advised by alexismadrigal …. “Hi guys. Thanks for your informed commentary here. Unfortunately, the deal we made with Jaron was that we were not going to have comments enabled. Since we’ve never actually done that before, I tried to disable comments in Moveable Type and that appears to have had no impact on Disqus. My apologies to Jaron and to you all who began this thread.“
Now that is also cowardly to not want peer review of one’s rantings, Jaron.
Back to school for you, methinks, as you have still a lot to learn about how to succeed in this New Reality ….. Live Operational Virtual Environment.
*The wiser being will always accept, that to think that they know, is as sure as it is wise to expect, for the degree of certainty required to realise any fact in a fiction.
C42 Quantum Control Systems ….. for Command and Control of Computers and Communications in Creative CyberSpace …… AI @ ITs Work
Missing the point, loses the Great Game lead
Posted Tuesday 21st December 2010 09:10 GMT
Does IT process Future Information or is Big Blue, in any of its phorms/ITerations, just a dumb machine ….. for junk bonded play?
AI Colossi would like to know, alsjeblieft.
21 December 2010 at 3:25 pmThanks for those three very clear posts, Alias.
The enemy is within the walls in a Trojan horse, and can now sack/rape and pillage the citizens at will. Not the Irish’s finest hour, eh, to worship the false god promising saviour with fools’ gold?
Exclusivity is a form of censorship
Posted Tuesday 21st December 2010 12:57 GMT
“So now he’s signed up “exclusively” with Murdoch’s Times. Gosh.“
Many would consider that a real dumb move, totally at odds with the spirit of Wikileaks.
21 December 2010 at 5:15 pm“Those who create and issue money and credit direct the policies of government and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.” – Reginald McKenna
Amen. How about Biffo and the boys ask the ECB for the policies the people must follow to sustainable wealth and growth/solvency.
Methinks that would put the Money Bags on the spot and out them as being wannabe emperors without any clothes, and without a baldy notion about anything other than creating crippling and enslaving debt to invented paper currency, allowing for foreclosure on defaults which nicely deliver to them valuable expensive assets and prime properties which have been pledged/demanded as collateral. It’s a really nice, sweet scam, but it works best whenever n
o one knows about it, so the sensible thing is to tell everyone about it …… or end up as paupers and slaves to …. well, what would one call such sharp operators?
The worm has turned and is becoming educated and wise….. and the natives are revolting?
Posted Tuesday 21st December 2010 17:43 GMT
“In a rare and wide-ranging interview, the attorney general disclosed chilling, new details about the evolving threat of homegrown terror, and touched on topics ranging from Wikileaks to the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.
What was uppermost on his mind, however, is the alarming rise in the number of Americans who are more than willing to attack and kill their fellow citizens. ” ……. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/attorney-general-eric-holders-blunt-warning-terror-attacks/story?id=12444727&tqkw=&tqshow=GMA&tqkw=&tqshow=GMA
Of course, because of mess the administration has made of everything with its financial meltdown and serial wars, is the real fear that those they have abused and lied to, come looking for them to settle the score. It is the frightened powers-that-be that keep pimping the terrorist outrages against the people threat, but that is just to stop you realising that it is their policies which are causing all the pain. And the people are getting wise to where the problems are originating from, and it aint from a cave in a foreign mountain range, that’s for sure.