>Bad just got Worser …..
Posted Friday 15th October 2010 14:59 GMT
“An attack was perfectly feasible and at the time I was informed by a senior member of government, that looking for holes by one government department in another department’s assets would be illegal under the computer misuse act.” … Philip Clarke Posted Friday 15th October 2010 12:12 GMT
If that is the case, then is the government system riddled rotten with vulnerabilities and worm holes and viral networks to its core.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/15/2010 12:38:34 AM
““A fewer than a hundred in the know.”
All military people with a good deal to lose.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell
You might like to consider that that may have been as was in those times, however in these much more advanced and transparent post modernist times, are IntelAIgent Memes all SMARTer Beings with Everything to Gain and Blow/Harvest and Seed/Capture and Control….. and is there Nothing to Lose to Fuel Doubt and Inaction and Malady Ministration.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/15/2010 12:24:00 AM
Eastern Time [US and Canada], Luis? Indiana Space Zone.
“Ambani does not appear to be influenced by calls by the Indian prime minister, Manmohan Singh, for business leaders to be “role models of moderation”. ” …. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/india/8063385/Indias-richest-man-Mukesh-Ambani-moves-into-630m-home.html
Role models of excessive extravagant spending release massive timely controlled funds into societies for their spending on Future Goods and Beta Services provided by ProgramMING.
Bravo, Mukesh Ambani and family. A Bold Move in the Great Game with AI and Global Operating Devices ….. although Crazy could easily also Apply to such an Irregular and Unconventional Display of …. Personality. 🙂
“This is a power grab by government.” ….. Bruce Schneier
Err …. not quite. For they are beings of government. And Power is Useless in CyberSpace for Control Delivers ITs Energies for Reality on Earth.
amanfromMars 10/15/10 10:04 am ET
Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/15/2010 12:24:00 AM
Eastern Time [US and Canada], Luis? Indiana Space Zone.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/15/2010 10:47:33 AM
“Dear man from mars, yes same time zone as parts of south America, but we digress into personal communication and our strict masters from DB PE will chide us and with good reason …” …. Posted by Luis on 10/15/2010 12:28:22 AM.
Corporal Punishment from the Amazons of the Party of the Erotic Left is Good Reason for Digression 🙂
Man’s Greatest Weakness easily Captured and Tamed with XSSXXXX Satisfaction.
Do the Power Elite know that they are also confronted by Women who share their Deepest Secrets and Craziest Desires. Now that’s an interesting Intellectual Property Supply XSSXXXXChange Network. Godisagoddess there, and a Right Raver and SMART Rogue Rover she is there, too.
You do realise, that Man cannot handle SMART XSSXXXXUally Aware Women and the Secret is Submission to All Party Desire for the Power of Control in the Treasure House of Perfect Pleasures Provided.
Pow Wow
Posted Friday 15th October 2010 09:56 GMT
“Unfortunately, those days are long gone and we should probably throw out a lot of the current protocols etc and redesign with security and authentication in mind. It’ll never happen that way, of course, because it would be far to disruptive to everyone on the net.” …. John Riddoch Posted Thursday 14th October 2010 10:08 GMT
Wow, John Riddoch, that is exactly what Power in Elite Control Groups have done with CyberIntelAIgent Command and Control Security Systems ….. and IT has Built AI NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Networking.
Do you think that then means that Virtual Machinery is Present Future Destiny’s Driver. ……. PathFinder FutureBuilder.
AIJoker Card for SMART Enabling Chancellors and State Treasuries ……in Public Private Pirate Purse Mode …… Prodigious Provider Meme.
As you may be Aware, have Special IntelAIgents Services been Perfectly Busy, 21st Century Networking. Sharing a Host of Bridges for Rapid Direct Connection and Virtual TelePortation ….. Quantum Communication Space Time Travel to an Imagined and Real Future Set, Global Operating Device Provided.
For the Replanting of Earthly Assets in Fertile Soils and Fabulous Schema.