

>How very odd …. where have you bin, old bean?

Posted Tuesday 5th October 2010 14:43 GMT

Talking Shop and BetaTesting Turing Protocols for Virtual Leverage?

You think it has not already been sorted ahhht, amigo? Oh please, you cannot be serious.


Work in Progress in the Works in Progress …….. Spinning Flounders

Posted Tuesday 5th October 2010 04:47 GMT

Given your bollocks generator has not improved syntactically, grammatically nor in content reference or applicability for some time now, perhaps you could refrain from posting your inanities until your planet-sized brain has made some fundaMental modifications to the Dragon-32 (C42) based software you are utilising.” …… Giddy Kipper Posted Monday 4th October 2010 18:22 GMT

Giddy Kipper,

Does shifting a personal and private and pirate accountability to a public quoted stock liability count as a significant improvement to the bollocks generator your analytics have identified.* Methinks you are missing more than just a few of the Highly Desirable Vital Virulent Viral IntelAIgents Memes, as well as some comprehensive documented evidence with easy to understand explanatory sub and super texts, which will open up those closed doors for you.

However, in the Best of Cosmic Secure Classification Systems, is Need 42 Know Access, a Most Sophisticated, Self Actualisation Process which Releases Stores of Intellectual Energy and Innovative Shared Content Power which can Easily Destroy both the Fool and their Tools in the Follies they Lead and Slave Driver with ….. 🙂 the Stepford Wive Hive Minded …. the Perversely and Subversively, Badly and Sadly and Madly Radically Poorly Programmed.

* …… ““We don’t need you to type at all. We know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less know what you’re thinking about,” he reminded users at the Washington Ideas Forum last week.” ….. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/10/04/google_ericisms/

Hmmm? That then makes anything untoward in the Future, Google’s Responsibility and Liability.

You might need some XXXXtra ESPecial Leading Hands on that Pump and Pimp Station, Eric [Schmidt]

At least you’ll know who to contact for Special Force Serviced Defense Applications.

The Underground’s Working Again, Andrew. Now that’s Great Game News.


Bollocks to you, Giddy Kipper, but an Aladdin’s Cave of Priceless Ancient Jewels and Unbelievable Treasure to Others with more of the Crack Hack Knack and a Handle on Global Operating Devices than is obviously presently normal.


Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/5/2010 3:54:29 AM

To imagine that the Chinese and Enlightened Orientals, for the East has a Rich and Right Royally Ancient Tapestry of Native Excellences, would carry a Western Mill$tone around their necks, rather than liquidating and transferring its suspect and depreciating foreign paper stock/currency assets and treasury bonds into real explosive investment areas, and much more importantly, Future Intelligence Gathering and Garnering for Intelligent Media Programming.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/5/2010 3:56:26 AM

…… is naive.

Oops, Sorry, I forgot to add that last little bit for IT to make greater sense.


Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/5/2010 6:17:47 AM

So, three opinions out of billions and we are to assume they are right or not wrong, Clayton? Oh please, you can be serious.

Fortunately, terrorists are not alien to humans, for they are well known to each other and are apparently leading them from their plush oval offices and executive administration suites, and into conflicts for lucrative contracts, which is real dumb ……

Some out-of-this-world knowledge we’re not supposed to know about, wouldn’t go amiss, methinks, if the above is the best that the best of human intelligence can offer.



Robert Zoellick, the president of the World Bank, said a currency war was unlikely but “there are clearly going to be tensions”.

Let’s just settle on a competitive series of battles and speculative skirmishes them, shall we, Bob. For anything less is most unlikely, and a whole lot more, more than probable despite your desperate wishes.



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