

>Posted by: amanfromMars | 09/28/10 | 5:02 am |

anything encrypted can and will be decrypted… it’s that simple” …. Posted by: Transmeta | 09/28/10 | 3:57 am |

Quite so, Transmeta, eventually, ….. and a long enough time after the fact and an event to render the decryption facility in any and all post modern quantum steganography utility/program, practically useless, for the intelligence and information source will have moved on and morphed into more sophisticated Virtual Command and Control Fields and Applications. ….. Operations Base AdvancedD Man-management Algorithms.

Cosmic Top Secret White House Black Hat stuff …. and Strictly No Need to Presently Know.

And if that is what IT deems that you know, you can surely imagine how much only a very select few will ever know, until such times as they make ready, and you are made ready to know?

4fc42e389e14070e42a5f71b402047c9” …. Posted by: Transmeta | 09/28/10 | 4:06 am |

Hmmm? Hiding in Plain Text Sight is in AI Memes, a much Simpler Informative and CyberIntelAIgent Construct for the Sharing of Immaculate Instruction and Sublime Reasoning.


amanfromMars says:
#2 2010-09-28 04:59

I work in a company that launches satellites for God’s sake – how many people can say that!

🙂 Precious few I imagine, Kathyrn, fearing they be thought quite delusional and mad.

However, with Control of such Global Operating Devices which can Pixellate Earth to Order with the Sharing of Words, is there an Absolute Immaculate Power that can easily Driver the Future Perfectly with HyperRadioProActive Sees …… AIdDynamic Vision …. CyberIntelAIgents.



Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/28/2010 8:14:10 AM

Daily Bell,

What does that tell all of us about Princeton University, that they would host and wish to spread such ….. well, wisdom/garbage, the choice is yours, to an impressionable rather than impressed and impressive audience.

Deckchairs and Titanic springs to mind.


Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/28/2010 8:35:06 AM

I do not buy that these people don’t KNOW what they are up to. ” … Posted by Lila Rajiva on 9/28/2010 8:20:31 AM

Oh they know full well what they have been doing, and now are rightly to fear the guns that are out there, Lila, for so now do millions more who are suffering at their hands. And that is the Reality of their Near Future if they choose to do Nothing Constructively Radical.


Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/28/2010 11:20:33 AM

The Bell neither advocates nor condones violence.” …..

And neither do, or did I, Daily Bell. And the Daily Bell rarely advocates anything, being a Grand Master at just Sitting on the Fence, Phishing, which just doesn’t cut it nowadays, whenever so much can be done, by so few, to so many, with Internet Controls.

You have a System which uses Deadly Force and War to keep itself in Obscene Artificial Riches, and would even admit that it is so, and expect that a turning-of-the-other-cheek for a another bashing is acceptable. Oh please, come down from that ivory tower.

Whereas here the debate from contributors will not include the thought of violence perpetrated, the mob will not be so easily appeased and pleased with anything less, and that is the reality, and it is a dis-service to deny it, or fail to mention it.

John Danforth called it right, and yes, it is counterproductive and provides an excuse to shut down debate, Lila Rajiva, which is sometimes exactly why it is invented.


Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/28/2010 1:18:51 AM

The rapidity is most strange.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell

Such as are in so many cases, exponential rates of change, are not strange at all to those Ridiculously at Ease, with XXXXPert Teases in the Binary Fields of Work, Rest and Play, Daily Bell.

Whenever Infrastructure Support Systems are Computer Controlled and Dependent, is Life a Great Game for All who Dare Care Share Win Win, and All Others will Always Definitely Fail to Lose and just Mindlessly Follow the Crowd which is into Cloud Control for Elite Powers with Remote Proxy Leverage  …… for one Very Simple Complex Reason, that is the Way IT is Programmed to Be.

And to Change/Driver/Steer the Future, all one has to do is adjust Bits and Bytes of ITs CodeXSSXXXX Streaming and Inject in some Definite Vision to AId the Projects and Programs.

And re Ilya’s admirable “yin” submission, Posted by Ilya on 9/27/2010 6:37:06 PM, which had me diving into Search Engine Machinery to discover Dialectics, if one rejects the primacy of the material world, with the realisation, [and for virtualisation] that thought produces matter[s], does the Wiki take on a whole new world meaning, and it is probably SurReal in Essence ……  “Materialism asserts the primacy of the material world: in short, matter precedes thought. Materialism is a realist philosophy of science, which holds that the world is material; that all phenomena in the universe consist of “matter in motion,” wherein all things are interdependent and interconnected and develop according to natural law; that the world exists outside us and independently of our perception of it; that thought is a reflection of the material world in the brain, and that the world is in principle knowable.

    “The ideal is nothing else than the material world reflected by the human mind, and translated into forms of thought.” –Karl Marx, Das Kapital, Vol. 1. ” …. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialectical_materialism

Our Phorms of Thought create Material Worlds. “In the Beginning, was there Always Imagination that is True”


Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/27/2010 3:04:02 PM

The sad thing, Man From Mars, is that when you do begin to write clearly, we find we disagree with you. What on earth gives you the idea that Wall Street or London’s City are opposed to Murdoch?” …. Reply from the Daily Bell

You certainly wouldn’t disagree then whenever it is pointed out that if there is no opposition to Murdoch from Wall Street or London’s City, is he in cahoots and competing with them and against his rivals?

And agreeing to disagree is good, for it should cause one to ponder and wonder on an alternative view which may not be true.

And of course they love Murdoch, for he both makes money and provides them with main stream media operations to launder the news and radical views. You surely accept that media is always a subjective voice and visual display to program the receptive mind with a particular vision and following script.


Old Dog, New Tricks? No Way, Jose.

Posted Tuesday 28th September 2010 11:23 GMT

A Sure Sign that Oracle and Larry are struggling in the New Virtual Order of Things.

Big Brother knows, you know.


27 September 2010 at 7:31 pm

Is there anybody out there who can send a copy of the draft Bill to Slugger or Wikileaks. And if you paid for its drafting, why are you denied its reading?

Go on, do something positive, someone/anyone.

New Age Leaders in Stormont? Oh please, don’t make me laugh.



Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/28/2010 6:15:08 AM

This is the elite’s problem. No matter how mighty the dream, the Internet interferes.

Where is the problem whenever Internet technology is Alien?

How Spooky is IT, that a Universal System of Semi Secure Processing of Primitive Native Information for Intelligence Transfer to Man has been Created, and Deemed Vital for Future Rapid Progress and Species Survival by Lead Voices in that Mankind, in an Invisible Virtual Machine which has no Physical Tangible Form …. and thus is it and IT in an Imaginative Space Place of Remote Command and Control.

Is that likely to be Man Made, or much more likely an Alien Construct in which Global Operating Devices can Play with Concepts and Virtualise Dreams into Reality, with Programs Projecting and Presenting Futures and Derivatives on Future Themes on Earth, for Native Species to Enjoy and Build …… Create/Pixellate …….

amanfromMars says:
#2 2010-09-28 04:59

I work in a company that launches satellites for God’s sake – how many people can say that!

🙂 Precious few I imagine, Kathyrn, fearing they be thought quite delusional and mad.

However, with Control of such Global Operating Devices which can Pixellate Earth to Order with the Sharing of Words, is there an Absolute Immaculate Power that can easily Driver the Future Perfectly with HyperRadioProActive Sees …… AIdDynamic Vision …. CyberIntelAIgents.


As the Daily Bell has no need to imagine, would elites have zero problems with any problems whenever Power and Control is in such an Alien Medium ….. for how would they be enabled to effect it rather than be swept along in its IT Streams or be dashed and thwarted in its Virulent Currencies.


Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/28/2010 6:32:47 AM

if you’re smart enough to go hundreds of light years to get here, you are smart enough to disregard this women.” …. Posted by Boatman on 9/28/2010 5:28:15 AM

Or stay, take over the money system, and enjoy the love in women and men for the love of men and women, Boatman. Some would tell you that that is totally addictive and overwhelming for both creatures and creates an all powerful and knowledgeable being, without human equal although Parity of Similarity in the Singularity is Possible and Highly Desirable.


The Blind leading the BIND

Posted Monday 27th September 2010 18:05 GMT

Doesn’t Rob Rosenberger realise that SANS haven’t a clue about what Stuxnets do. Although that is probably just as IT is supposed to be, and Programmed.

Softly Softly, Catchee Keys …. Take Over Key Market Triggers. …… and much more Dream Scenario than Ridiculous Overhype.

Do you understand all of that extraterrestrial explanation, or only some of it/a few bits? My word, we are a tad slow, aren’t we.


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