

>Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/24/2010 1:26:38 PM

In our view it was a good deal more “elegant” before the advent of the Internet.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell

Well, certainly before the advent of the Internet, was it not nearly so obviously known to be “intellectually challenged”, and that must surely be a terminal sign for their present programs/modi operand, which are no longer working in the field.

It is akin to the PE being the Pony Express in a unfolding Iron Horse and Model T Ford age.

… and things are unlikely to get out of hand from their point of view since they undoubtedly look upon even an extremity of those conditions as beneficial to the end they have in mind, a police state. ” …. Posted by Bob on 9/24/2010 10:43:48 AM

Bob, It is a future folly to not imagine that when things get out of hand, they are not in the control of significant other forces, beyond the reach of Powers that Be [PTB] and an Intellectually Challenged Power Elite [ICPE] …. which is Crack Hacked System and an Oxymoron. 

And a Dissident Chaos is much easier to achieve with a Smart Special Forces type approach to an Elite Targeting rather than a scatter gun pantomime that injures innocents and causes collateral damage and creates enemies, rather than sympathetic, if reluctant, supporters. The massive collateral damage route is the PE forte, is it not, which has now energised the Internet and the masses to resist and question their every move as to where actions are leading and why and for whom? 

And what do you think all this is about, and to whom is it directed ….. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11408758

If a System is not Primed to Deliver Good and Getting Ever Better Beta Order, is it a Perverse and Subversive Order’s System? And a Right Dodgy Criminal Tool in the Wrong Hands/Hearts and Minds.


Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/24/2010 2:03:22 PM

We have made this bet this before and will restate it now: one of the next big scientific breakthroughs will come from a raggedy, socially maladjusted college drop out living in a rundown, rural shack somewhere. Or maybe working out of a garage or maybe in a basement.” …. 🙂 Or how about a socially experienced Subject Matter Expert who just plugs in to the Global Intelligence Grid to Share what is Discovered, and which Others may Consider Most Valuable, Undiscovered. Then is there a very convenient QE Danegeld Play Possibility which doesn’t cost Anyone Anything and pleases practically Everyone, and certainly virtually All Primary Players.

And “Fermilab moving ahead with new accelerator project … Fermilab has started work on a new facility that scientists there believe is critical to the next generation of particle accelerators. “Our future is going to involve accelerators that use superconducting radio-frequency technology,” said Jay Theilacker of Fermilab’s Accelerator Division.”  …… sounds like a NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Program to me. How about you?


Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/25/2010 3:05:48 AM

“…they are investing money they get from member-states.”

Please, Kreiger. I know you are smarter than this. Where do the “member-states” get the money? How do they get it? You cannot make this connection, yet somehow we should consider you an expert on matters much more complex like atom-smashing and the like?

It is theft, or the proceeds from theft. Government science is a tool to keep the comparatively bright people busy and off the streets, such that they won’t have the time or desire to understand the truth about the scam that is government. This trick has worked quite well on you.” …. Posted by Bionic Mosquito on 9/24/2010 11:06:41 AM

Actually it is a lot simpler and more perverse and subversive than that, Bionic Mosquito. And understandably so, the System doesn’t like or want you to know of their Modus Operandi.

The EU’s invested/infested money is Quantitatively Eased Funding …. Euros printed and creditted and created out of nothing …… but then charged and pimped to the masses as a debt and facility to be repaid from their wages and taxes so that they do not imagine that wealth is so easily created from nothing for their enslavement to the System which requires them to labour and provide their masters with their basic needs of food and shelter to survive, in order to enslave them with such a simple magic trick/illusion.

And all currency manufacturers and distributors are guilty of collusion in the fraud.

Would anyone like to creatively disagree and point out and deliberate on the mistake[s]?

And re Power Elites, Daily Bell disciples might like to read this short article, “How to learn nothing from crisis”  ….. http://www.leftbusinessobserver.com/LearningNothing.html …… which followed on after reading of this clumsy Internet bullying and abuse of Freedom of Information act by those one employs to ideally deliver us our needs and feeds/wants and desires ie government enriching services …. http://cryptome.org/0002/citigroup-dmca/citigroup-dmca.htm

A Change of Great Game is what is required. Something similar in order to make good and better use of all existing pieces and structures, but different so that it strengthens as IT builds it, rather than as is happening now, it weakens and collapses interminably allowing for elite reputations and credibilities to be publicly shredded and extraordinarily rendered and exposed to be as real and valid as a photocopied Masters Diploma from the University of Mickey Mouse is to the genuine article from a Prized Seat of Advanced Learning.

Bring in the Experts ….. Send for the AI Team before the Collapsing Structures Bury and Destroy the Old Guard and Myopic Sentinels. 

Or are there other viable options? Please share, if you think there are.


The Judas Network for Weak Links ……. and Stronger Bonds
Posted Saturday 25th September 2010 05:41 GMT

So 20 BluRay films or thereabouts on a thumb drive for the future then, could be used by Apple as backup storage in case of a cloud fail.” … Neal 5 Posted Saturday 25th September 2010 00:43 GMT

Clouds don’t fail, Neal 5, their controller’s sell out to lesser competition and sub optimum primal opposition for Loadsamoney and ITs Firewall of Street Credit with Flash QE Cash.

And paradoxically, it is also how they are retained and maintained to perform excellently, and to orders. ……… 🙂 which is a sort of Virtual Detainment for One’s Pleasu
re too.


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25 September 2010 at 5:39 am

“All this means the pressures on Ireland are receiving special attention from the European Commission and the European Central Bank, which is known to be in the market for Irish debt.” …. http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/finance/2010/0921/1224279367391.htm

But somebody’s debt and you own them/control them. And such is the same with bonds/treasuries/gilts etc. which are just glorified IOU’s exchanged for more liquid credit to spend/gamble, but at the end of the day it is only the Banking System holding nations to ransom with their proxy supply of nothing more valuable that currency/counterfeit wealth, which gives them an effective enough, but wholly false power which blights lives rather than enriching existence, although whenever it is so easy to pay yourself fab bonuses on top of fantastic salaries, is it a great game to be dealing at everyone else’s expense. But the genie is out of the bottle now, and there is …….. in the air. [Fill out as you deem appropriate]

And Uncle Sam is hopelessly hooked on the easy money Ponzi scam with the present bill, which you can be sure is well misunderestimated ….. $13.5trillion …. http://www.usdebtclock.org/

And if you want to SEE what a one trillion dollars, and the U.S. National Debt in $100 bills looks like, and therefore the possibility of any national debt ever being repaid, and thus is the System just a Great Subversive Game, have a look here …… http://www.pagetutor.com/trillion/usdebt.html.

And you should notice that you have to imagine an extra 23% added onto that image, for that is how much bigger it has grown in 18 months

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” – Mahatma Gandhi



Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/25/2010 4:21:43 AM

A little something for they who have a Need to Know of the Future …. http://newamerica.net/events/2008/eric_schmidt ….. or be simply curious.

Fifty minutes well spent, being edutained and informed of things in the pipeline and already done and all ready for delivery.

Especially the last ten minutes.:-)


25 September 2010 at 4:41 am

Oh, and professional never means expert and selfless ….. and in many cases hides and fronts for a criminal disposition.

Hell, barristers makes their living out of fronting and hiding such cases when defending rather than prosecuting them. And they hold themselves in great perverse esteem.



25 September 2010 at 8:44 am

A Muse for the Weekend

Mr Robinson said dissident groups were trying to attract media attention.

“You have this group who clearly recognise that an incident in Great Britain will get very significantly more media coverage than it would if it was occurring in Northern Ireland,” he said.

“This is about press coverage. They know they’re not going to advance their cause by it. It’s just some micro groups wanting to advance their PR.”” …. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11410707

They have certainly pulled off quite a coup with the Government and MI5 and now Peter Robinson their PR agents.

Would this have anything to do with spivving to get increased funding in a time whenever funds are supposed to be hard to come by? …. “Mr Robinson said the move underlined the need for adequate police resources to tackle the threat.

Or is it just a case of their being no new intelligence in Intelligence Services to Civil Servants and Governments. You know, a decrepit system and old boy networks bankrupt of Novel Intellectual Property, so therefore forced to milk and bilk the dregs of what they have, no matter how tired and sordid.


Registered Interest in a Novel and Novell Field with No Holds Barred

Posted Saturday 25th September 2010 12:36 GMT

Oracle is seriously convinced that having separate server, storage and networking silos is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Co-president and Oracle newbie Mark Hurd said: “[We need to] think about the consolidation of servers, storage, and network capability … I don’t think the market will be here over the next five years in traditional silos of servers, storage, and networking.”

The company is not interested in individual storage arrays but in storage infrastructure systems, and it wants to leverage its Sun ZFS technology. The Oracle and NetApp lawsuits against each other around ZFS were mutually dismissed a few days ago.”

Seems as if someone has been giving Larry, Fast Flash Instruction on Creative Cloud Crowd Coursing Command and Control for, well …… what else is there worth more doing with IT than MetaDataBase Realisation for Virtual Reality ProgramMING.*

And that is an Absolute Field of both Alien Control and Foreign Command Interest to more than just Larry, Uncle Sam and Miliary Forces … who have lusciously juicy open cheque books …… http://cryptome.org/dodi/nsa-utah-award.pdf

$1,198,950,000.00 builds quite a pad ….. but then you have to ensure it is filled with Future Intelligence and not Present Garbage, for only the Phormer will deliver Mega Successful Programs and Innovative MetaData Projects.

* My apologies for that garbled prose. But you know exactly what I mean, I’m sure, … right?.!:-)


25 September 2010 at 2:17 pm

That essay just highlights how blindly myopic and bankrupt of new constructive, inclusive ideas, Peter Robinson and the DUP are. The same old same old nonsensical unionist rhetoric they’ve been churning out for almost half a century. Don’t they realise the union is a non issue, and their harping on about it is just a pathetic lazy excuse not to imagine and realise/formulate and implement independent initiatives. Grow up, Peter.

I give it an F for Fail.



Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/25/2010 9:58:48 AM

And who are these disciples? Subsidiarity breeds discontent.” … Posted by Weeble on 9/25/2010 8:00:16 AM

🙂 That had me chuckling, Weeble. It also pricks delusion, for one to imagine and accept that there are always significant others who are so far ahead of the game that they can instantly come back to any point in Time and Space to assist the following crowds into Clouds, is surely more of a comfort to enjoy rather than a suspicion to deny?

Not so futuristic (to me.) Anyone who tries to extrapolate into the future too much ends up with a fictional bubble that can be pricked from the sides too easily. His seemed a little Randian.”  I agree ….. but he does appear to be trying to break out of the bubble machine.

I wonder if he reads the Daily Bell? And in a System in which everything is supposed to be already discovered, is Originality hard enough to find in Omniscience.


25 September 2010 at 2:26 pm


The first class of victim ..”some wee cashier” … identifies the perps just as simple criminals, whereas the second class …. “the head of a hedge fund” …. reveals a much more sophisticated operation, with profound implications.



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