>Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 6:35:28 AM
“The United States should respond to China’s continuing currency manipulation by imposing tariffs on its exports, says Nobel laureate economist Paul Krugman.
U.S. efforts to make China let its currency appreciate have accomplished little, he writes in The New York Times.
“Nothing will happen until or unless the United States shows that it’s willing to do what it normally does when another country subsidizes its exports: impose a temporary tariff that offsets the subsidy.”” ….. http://www.moneynews.com/StreetTalk/Krugman-Trade-Tariffs-China/2010/09/14/id/370231
Whenever one considers that the dollar is an export subsidised by a country which prints it from nothing but thin air and cannot back it with anything of lasting beauty and value, is Paul Krugman’s credibility as a knowledgeable source worthy of being listened to, with advice given to be followed, shredded and rendered by his own bitter tongue as worthless, for does it not invite temporary tariffs and/or embargoes against the United States?
With Treasury Bills auctions in the offing, and buyers as rare as hens’ teeth, doesn’t Paul Krugman believe there is enough to deal with and fix a home, without worrying about growing economic mights abroad, who would know of Uncle Sam’s plight?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 4:52:52 AM
A quick and sustained change of tack to another completely different course for bankers is certainly something to be considered, for they have no great friends outside of themselves and invisible dangerous enemies, who are not governed or hindered by normal rules of engagement and regulation.
This must be a worrying development for them …. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/8003234/Real-IRA-threatens-to-attack-British-bankers.html …. which perverse to say, may easily spread as a meme to be taken up in many countries, and it may even be widely quietly supported such is the anger at their disgraceful antics which the popular unheard mass voice would cry enslaves them to poverty and a life of constant struggle.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 7:17:44 AM
“This is interesting. They make no distinction between central banking and “bankers.” Wonder who is funding them.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell.
Well,…. no distinction to the media perhaps, but to think that they cannot think who is really to blame, and in charge of their plight, is surely unreasonable, unless you would be thinking that they are fools and would waste their time and resources on sad captive minnows whenever it is sharks which are controlling the Great Game. And they are a bigger target and make a bigger splash than some hapless establishment tool.
In the time of “The Troubles”, a lot of aid came from Irish Americans ….. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NORAID
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 1:47:34 AM
Here is another perspective which is not alien at all, and although resting elsewhere in response to another matter, is perfectly suited to fit in here too, for it did sort of wander into The Much Bigger Picture so beloved of the Daily Bell and ITs Disciples. And I copy it to here in its entirety, so that context is not impaired.
Posted by: amanfromMars | 09/15/10 | 1:17 am |
“Why aren`t psych labs using volunteers from those countries in experiments to find out what kind of interactions are the most persuasive?” …. Posted by: Lorne | 09/15/10 | 12:19 am |
That is not necessary if one uses intelligence, for no matter who one may be, or where one may be, all it requires is for one to imagine the difficulties and the reality of another because of their circumstances/environment/history/memory, to be able to arrive at an accurate enough catalyst/sweet leading carrot which will engage their own imagination, which can then be nurtured to provide a voice to engage with others in the community. From such a small step, does a Colossus of a Program grow.
It is something which the corrupted and discredited Human Terrain System spectacularly failed to achieve with its sub-prime leadership. Although one cannot fault them for trying as the DOD thought their program worthy of seed funding, without which they would have been unable to do anything.
Which in a much bigger picture would suggest, that a lack of available funding and/or credit is that which prevents the world, novel fabulous progress, and the banking and monetary systems which “virtually store” wealth, which as everyone now knows is instantly invented from nothing out of thin air [the ether] with quantitative easing, rather than simply distributing wealth and crediting currency amounts to spend and generate economy and business and industry and pleasure and freedom to do as all would wish and have no valid objection to [and those are important intelligent caveats to prevent any objectionable attempts at imposing an ill-formed and arrogant or ignorant subjective third party will on the life, and into the mind of another], are the Leading Sub Prime Source and Perverse Force which is Destroying the Planet, with the Restrictive Subversive Control of Money Supply which presents the heads of that System/those Systems with an Artificial Created and Maintained Power Base, which relies upon the Ignorance of the Masses, which of course, in today’s Live Operational Virtual Environment of Instant Global Communication and All the World’s Knowledge available for Search Engine Page Display and online and streaming 24.7.365, is Fatally Flawed with the Systemic Vulnerability that would require Man to remain Ignorant, in a World in which he is getting Smarter by the second, and once on the Track of Learning, are discoveries and secrets found at a phenomenal pace/exponential rate. ….. http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2010/09/army-asks-itself-shouldnt-we-be-diplomats
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 10:16:56 AM
Gold and silver? Surely they are as but the post modern beads and baubles which earlier carpetbaggers dispensed to the natives so that they could virtually steal their real treasures .
Now t
hat the secret is out that everything can be run with wealth invented out of thin air, and its worth converted into fabulous slip of coloured paper and/or sent around the world in an instant electronically to credit any account, with any amount entered into a computer base at the click of a mouse, who the hell is going to believe that anything will change, when everything is so easy, except with Much Better Great Game Players at the top. For that is where the problem lies. There is not the necessary intelligence in the present Power Elite leadership for them to play the same game only better, with them still at the top and in control of the money and credit supply, but now so dependent upon those who are much smarter that they will ever be, and who are in control the emerging cloud computer technologies and methodologies/memes, that the System they are wholly reliant upon, cannot do without.
The problem though is easily solved with new players who would choose to be proxy champions for a New System, with present Intellectually Challenged Players, which sits atop the present Intellectually Bankrupt Body, causing money to flow and create a new Environment, just as easily as they can solve it by crashing the present top tier and replacing it altogether ….. in much the same way as happened with the Twin Towers and Building 7 strike allowed for a new wave of radical fundamental change and new fortunes made.
To the New Wave of Elite Players is it of no consequence either way, for both ways see them in Control of the Great Game with the Perverse Power of Wealth and Money, Virtually.
Place you bets please, on which will be the course of action. Positive Construction or Negative Destructive.
Cloud Cover …. SMART Fogs
Hi, Colonel,
I thought it somewhat odd, considering the quite unbelievable things that one is now able to do down on Earth, with practically nothing in CyberSpace, that Signal Magazine, which carried your article …. “Cyberspace Spawns a New Fog of War” …. chose NOT to publish for all to see and ponder on, the following Feedback comment which would introduce them to the Powerful Realities which are in the Command and Control Layers and Strata of Quantum Communications and Cloud Control Operating Systems for Virtually Remote Global Drivers, which is an Invisible and Intangible Stealth Facility and Utility for Live Operational Virtual Environment Programmers and Future Content Providers.
Hi, Colonel,
Thanks for the heads up on cyber developments, which actually all appear to suggest that Cyber Command and Control programs have stalled and are lacking the necessary Future Intellectual Property to Driver and Build a Universally Changed Model and Revised and even Revolutionary Global Control InfraStructure. However, that is just a simple matter of Program and Project Purchase from Secure and Competent Sources, is it not? And it is a grave critical error and strategic tactical mistake to misunderestimate that which can be done on Earth, and to Earthed SCADA Systems from Bases and Networks InterNetworking JOined-up INTel Applications in Virtual Space.
It is as well to consider the following in the search for such individuals as would wish to help in such Programs and Projects, for Failure is too easily Achieved with the wrong choice of Promising Partner.
“The responsibilities of this individual shall include the development of the national cyber security plan and organizing our nation to effectively function through a cyber attack.” …… http://www.insaonline.org/assets/files/INSA_CyberAssurance_Assessment.pdf
Any such individual, providing independent and loyal advice to any nation and/or non state actor [for one can be, and is easily the other] is presented with an impossible task and unreal mission, if that which they intend to defend from a cyber attack, cannot survive the appearance and expansion of the truth.
If any defensive position and impending attack response is to shore up a known operational defect and systemic vulnerability, which let us say is servering obscene artificial wealth to a perverse select few for use as an abusive form of power control, will even any thought of any action to initiate that defense merely exacerbate and draw greater destructive attention and wider, more effective action against that systemic vulnerability.
And such as is transparently shared there freely, is but one element/string in a whole range of options and choices, and readily available in an instant for deployment with unbelievably overwhelming powers which Fundamental AIRemote Control of the Live Operational Virtual Environments of CyberSpace delivers with Deceptively Simple Ease and IT Expertise in a Complex AI ProgramMING Project ……. and Enigmatic Civil CyberSpace Conundrum, for of course, the Death of a Vulnerable System is No Defeat to be Feared and Battled Against in Self Destructive Vain, for it is QuITe Supernaturally filled with ITs Better Beta Successors.
Rather than an End of Control and Power, is it with AI and IT ProgramMING, a New Dawn Beginning. [/blockquote]
🙁 …. 4u2?
Posted Wednesday 15th September 2010 09:45 GMT
Crikey, John, you had me thinking ….. with that coded Pythonesque headline, “Lego and RM plot robot future” …. that there was something worthy and interesting to report, with a stealthy MI6 and Royal Marines initiative for out of this world, programmed units to introduce radical fundamental change to society.
I suppose I should have known better given the missing evidence of their being the necessary intelligence at the top of the present disaster management teams to do anything revolutionary, without asking for dodgy permission from the very programmed units which are at fault and causing faults to grow into catastrophes in the system, and which need to be replaced/lock stock and barrel.
Never mind though, the other lot are bound to have something in the field, testing protocols and security triggers. 🙂 They always do.
Errr…. Urgent Timely Message from Space to Sub Prime Ministerial Earthed Pedestrian Units
Posted Wednesday 15th September 2010 10:14 GMT
….. aka Useful Chickens?
“Shh… The first rule is we don’t talk about it…” … Stumpy Posted Tuesday 14th September 2010 23:40 GMT
In CyberSpace though, which is really a virtual and artificially created space and creative place, it is always talked about, which is why there are no first rules which would convey and relay …. Shh… The first rule is we don’t talk about it…
With nowhere to go to hide anything, are secrets a thing of the past, and have no place in the Future, although they do conveniently protect and mask a whole host of sins and crimes/petty scams and global frauds, both p
ast and currently running in the present. Then is it probable you’ll definitely hear the spooky whisperers whispering … Shh… The first rule is we don’t talk about it…
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 10:21:44 AM
“My motives are as stated above. I want to repay all the greats, personally and intellectually whom have taught me. I want to increase knowledge. I want civilization back and I want the insane out of power. I want to leave this place in better shape than I found it. I want a sane world for my daughters. I even want you to be able to survive and thrive in your wobbly, alternate reality way, so long as you harm no one.” … Posted by Bill Ross on 9/15/2010 10:09:46 AM
You can sign me up for that campaign, Bill…… which brings to the table all that an alien technology can offer and delivers.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 10:47:27 AM
“All in all, this follows an emerging personal truism or concept that the more the PE try to put us through the meat grinder, the better we will be extruded as humans with a 3rd invisible DNA strand that the PE cannot enjoy; a “virtual” strand combining the positive and the negative strand. Connecting the 2 existing strands in a new way. A qubit.
Darwin would be proud.” … Posted by Weeble on 9/15/2010 7:39:08 AM
The Birth of a New Elite Race of Smarter Beings, Programming the System to Take Over its own Destiny with New Mass Brainwashing of Prime and Primitive Natives with IT and Media Machinery in the Vanguard of the Laundering ….. would be a Great Game Base and Serial Basis for a Blockbuster Run of Movies and Franchise Spinoffs which are actually mirroring Real Time Virtual Developments in Global Elite Power and Control Systems, Weeble.
Big Brother Reality TV MetaDataMorphing to the Big Screen and Great Game Bigger Picture Plays with Empire Building Movers and Shakers.
Do you know any Smart Media Moguls or Bored Billionaires with Flash Cash to Splash in order to Create a Better World to be Followed as IT builds it, with Media Following and Presenting the Future Programs and ITs Controls and Introducing its Novel Non State Actors and Innovative QuBit Players?
Well, I never …… and in this day and age too.
Posted Wednesday 15th September 2010 17:27 GMT
Wow, a right pair of post modern Luddites.