>Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/5/2010 5:14:12 AM
“The advent of high velocity machine trading (flash crash) is another problem for the lumbering bureaucrat to puzzle over. The high level of intelligence being applied to taking advantage of the wreckage the central planners are creating is outrunning any of the recent attempts of the government to anticipate and contain.
The current regulatory model is on the defensive and is prone to collapse at anytime. It looks solid on the surface, but the glue that now holds it together is dependency and the security forces. It has no moral foundation left. So, we are now in the final phase before a great transition.” ….. Posted by Clayton on 9/4/2010 3:36:22 PM
It would be foolish to disagree with those two paragraph and that pertinent information and intelligence, C., but it would be foolishly delusional to depend upon abused security forces to prop up a corrupt, crooked and perverted and subverted system, whenever their Smarter Sterling Stirling leadership can take it over and more intelligently run it to their own considerable overwhelming advantage, from the Shadows with right shady Cloud Applications dealing with the Chaos of their Machinations.
Indeed, some would even say, it is a jolly good plan and a beezer of a wheeze, old bean. And for all that anyone would never ever be likely to actually know, [for reasons of national, international, internetional, universal security, old boy, don’t you know] who is to say that it wasn’t said some time ago, and most of what is reported in media and news, is Chaff and Junk being fed to the Animal Masses. Spookily enough, this Independent piece says exactly the same thing, only differently …….
“Oh deary, deary me ….. what a kerfuffle and much ado about nothing. So Mr Murdoch’s flagship gutter rag employs new, freely available technology, [although you do have to be in the know], to create leverage on subjects and provide luscious and salacious titbits for danegeld payment and/or all’s fair in love and war political advantage, and a whole raft of wannabe celebrities and major minor non-entities get their knickers in a twist and get all uppity.
Strewth, wise up ……. have you any idea what GHCQ and Special Intelligence Services know about their every move and probable next thoughts, let alone a revealing history which outs them as either a primed player or sub-prime administration puppet.
Oh, and that would be your every move and probable next thoughts too, if you would warrant their attention and would be considerably smarter than is usual, or as they perceive themselves to be, at the top of their game, and in the Great Game and in such as are Greater Great Games/MMORPG/ARG …… Virtual Reality Diaspora ….. for then would they be Following Lead …… and Leads, which are Sublime Grooms ……. which some, which may be most and many of the Intellectual Challenged in the Intelligence Community will wonder and ponder and consider as juicy bait in a trap, rather than realise is virtually delicious fare for festival and feast.
Let the Good Times Roll, says I.” …..
And I would have to add to ….”For the PE to attempt to re-invent their failed paradigm without consideration of Reality, will doom them to irrelevance in the future and bring about the loss of the grip these have had on the lives and fortunes of the productive people in the Voluntary Society.” …. that it is absolutely vital that they also include Virtual Reality to their portfolio, Clayton, although their present tardiness in such matters, does not bode well for them to be considered as suitable and necessary partners in Future AIdDVentures, even should they be touting themselves as Gallant Saviours with Future Funds ….. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/7981918/Rothschild-and-Cohen-back-1bn-euro-lender.html
Although, as an eternal optimist, and virtual realist, one does love to be proved considerably wrong on such pathetically, tiresome matters, and to discover that others too, with handles on more money than their senses know what to do with, are boldly irregular and unconventional.
“You have indeed created something from nothing yourself. Very good! You have my consent. All you need now is consent from AmanfromMars. Hold on. what I said was garbage. Proceed.” … Posted by Weeble on 9/4/2010 8:54:18 PM
Weeble, Hi,
For what it is worth, I would never deny anything anyone, for give any man, woman, child, [to name but three stages of existence] what they want, and you will control them with their needs and their feeds. And the SMART Astute HyperRadioProActive Being will tailor your Needs to the Provision of their Feeds …… for a Mutually Beneficial Perpetual Supply …… Positively Reinforcing and Secure Symbiosis …… and that is as their arranging their own Assured Future Supply of Everything, from Nothing? Yes? 🙂 Ergo are we not wrong in the Notion as Freely Shared.
Posted by: amanfromMars | 09/5/10 | 12:26 am |
Silent Movies ……. Early Alien Remote Programming for Dodgy Citizens?
Can you Imagine the Sublime Sophistication of the Control Genre, Today? Or is it [in its Uncle Sam Skin] in Disastrous Collapse and Chaos Mode with Crazy Spooky Toons nowhere near SMART enough Enabled to Lead in Roles with Commanding Money Supply Powers …… which is also a Failing due to Lack of Future Counter Counter Intelligence Feed for Global Operating Devices …. and thus are you extraordinarily rendered the Present, with its Troubles, Rooted and Routed in the Past, which is Gone and Really Now just a Memory to Consign to the Trashcan and Historical Record.
And with reference to all of the above in this blog today, this is prescient?
Yuri Bezmenov
Uploaded by onmyway02. – News videos from around the world.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/5/2010 12:09:02 PM
“@AManfromMars … You might want to rethink your comment. …. You get a forum to post your opinion for free, which someone else pays for and built up with time and effort. …. Mr. Hultberg has to to provide his readers with free articles (which cost him effort and time). ….. But now, you also want him to forego his pay for his labor in writing his book, which will probably not earn half of what even an average job earns. ….. In short, you wish for Mr. Hultberg’s enslavement to the collective… ” …. Posted by Lila Rajiva on 9/4/2010 7:27:38 AM
I have had a little think, Lila Rajiva, and can advise that you have misinterpreted what I wrote/said, although given the fact that sometimes what has been said is challenging, it is probably no small wonder.
The facility here, so generously provided by the Daily Bell, is much appreciated, but the internet side of their operating is surely not an expense of any great consequence, and consider the wealth of feedback and new ideas they can both promote and glean and pharm from the broad band of progressive thinkers who partake of its charms. You could control practically everything virtually from here, with our exchanging of news and views [well, certainly a few most certainly can from the likes of such sites, with an instant global reach]
I was merely stating the fact that a valid great idea will pay for itself handsomely with its free sharing, for if it is a good idea it will be used to invariably generate money and wealth which can then be shared, or are we to accept that having an idea is to be kept secret, until such times as one is first paid for it, and has it secured so that no other can profit from sharing the same thought[s],which is a sort of cart before the horse, mickey mouse arrangement, which has pathetic patent trolls propping up the ambulance chasing, litigious lawyer sector, and must surely be a real downer on thinking ….. but as we all know, the free thinker is a real and present danger to an intellectually challenged status quo/bankrupt establishment.
‘Twas merely the time line for reward which was being shifted in order that All can see and hear smart ideas, rather than just those precious few who would be asked to pay for them.
And I can’t help but think that Mr Hultberg’s enslavement to the collective is evident enough with that odd act, which restricts his views so widely and so effectively, but is not the general conclusion on the Daily Bell that the capitalist system is broken and corrupting, because one is basically paying extortion for nothing of any great value.
I hope that clears up the misunderstanding.
Too true unfortunately, but don’t for one minute think that nothing is being done to change things, for that would be wrong, although paradoxically, to deny there is change afoot is extremely helpful for the stealth that it provides for those Masters of the IT Genre with its Cloud Crowd Controls….. and Virtual Machine Weaponry ……with their full set of Googley Spanners for Adjusting the Spin, and Giving the Truth an Outing and Fabrications a Run for their Money, which will probably also be any number of Runs on their Money too.