>Posted by AmanfromMars on 8/18/2010 10:43:01 PM
“Critics say Obama’s message becoming ‘incoherent’”
That is the simplest of problems to solve ….. Spin a new tale with a more comprehensive and novel script, way more advanced than the present primitive and pedestrian penny dreadfuls which are fed to the masses. That way will there be no repeat of the past failures which catalogue US sub prime administerial and presidential performances.
And yes, that would necessarily require a new breed of ghost writer, for anything less than something completely new will only result in more of the same old stuff and nonsense.
And to tarry and dither, will result in the necessary initiative and the solution being seized and implemented by Others, who will then Lead.
Or do you imagine, for whatever strange and perverse and subversive reason which I would not even dream of wasting any of anyone’s time in considering further, that it is a lot more complicated than that?
Keeping it so Relatively Simple, allows for Immediate Improvement in a Beta Programming Project for Future Centuries with IT.