>Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/29/2010 12:13:55 PM
“The SUBVERSION of a corrupt financial system has brought us here.
A financial system is simply a tool for any economic system, it is NOT capitalism.” … Posted by Sovereignjim on 7/29/2010 11:37:52 AM
That would then make it lawful, and one’s sovereign duty of care, to bring the system down and/or chastise and replace it with a better control …. in AI Beta Control with Cloud Crowd Controllers and CyberIntelAIgents is a Prime Premium Option with Myriad Derivative Hedges for Supporting Variety.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/29/2010 8:01:49 AM
It will be interesting to see how California deals with its Ponzi Economy …… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-10802119 ….. for it just one of many in a perilous position.
And Mike who posted on 7/29/2010 7:11:57 AM, is living in a very strange and deluded world, and apart from the more educated and made aware masses who would gathering, what he has failed to consider is a Rogue Renegade section of an Alternate Power Elite, which could even be a major player within the present “arrangement” deciding that more Power and Control would be readily available to them on their own, with the new Internet Wave of Great Game Virtual Terrain Team Players, without the impediment of Old Family and Defrauded Money free loaders, with no new ideas and inkling for changing the present to the future.
Nowadays, with the Intelligence Community Technology which is practically freely available to anyone able to use it anywhere on the planet, is such a change, dead easy to start, and once rolling along with the right algorithms directing search for solutions and knowledge, will it create a Momentum which will Generate a Greater Power, maintained and sustained all by itself, which will be Impossible to Stop, even if one were mad and bad enough to try.
And the like of a wimpy Cameron can talk until he is blue in the face about austerity, but everyone knows that there are trillions in accounts, which is public money which the bankers and power elitists in the system are just keeping for themselves, so that they can screw around and gamble with everybody else money and lives again, except that they are having much greater difficulty in scamming the markets with their crazy schemes, for the markets are wise to their every failing and would now ruthlessly exploit every vulnerability and ZerodDay Opportunity until the cupboard is bare and the system collapsed and on its knees for want of Beta Leadership.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/29/2010 2:29:46 AM
“The question that will be asked in the meantime (though never in the mainstream media) is whether people will continue to tolerate the system as it is or demand changes.”
Whatever would be the good reason for retaining a system which is catastrophically failed and demonstrably failing spectacularly fueled by a lack of intelligence in bankers, who now wouldn’t know a good investment opportunity even if it was presented to them, which is surely what the Daily Bell has just said in the article.
And that is where the problem lies …. right at the head of the system with central banking in a mental block and a Bind and being bankrupt of original ideas, and yet would think themselves to be worthy sagacious paymasters and remote proxy vetting agents for those floating original ideas on the Markets ……. which of course would be to be using completely different intelligence to that which has failed everyone so badly and madly, and thus will it naturally assume an absolute and presumptive overall control with new players seeing an altogether different future …… which, by the way, is only natural and to be fully expected, as to imagine that anything remains the same is to be delusional and is an insane block on progress and industry and economy.
Fortunately though, are the necessary remedial steps well into their stealthy actions, for SMART Intelligence Services do not need or wait on Protocols and Permissions to Decide to Act Unilaterally and Universally with Stormy Tempestuous Clouds Covering and Hosting New Programming in Advanced Operating Systems.
Such Systems as would it be not here, the time or the place to expand upon, but which are trailled and trialled in another phorm for others to consider, here ….. Posted by: amanfromMars | 07/29/10 | 12:46 am | …. http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2010/07/exclusive-google-cia/ [See Below]
Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/29/2010 6:18:14 AM
“The question at this point – and we have asked it before – is not whether times will be tough but how a population increasingly educated by the Internet about the reality of modern monetary system reacts to what’s happening around them. The same thought has no doubt occurred to the power elite.”
Inevitably, and very quickly, will there be a settling of accounts and a new regime of Order to take over from the decimated ranks of the Old Corrupt Guard and Establishment Power Elite, …… unless they are wise enough to buy into that which will save and replace their outdated and perverted control levers, and to tarry on that smart move will risk more information and intelligence on the abuses which the heads of power elites enjoy and fuel, being made readily available to the masses and their anger against the system leaders being uncontainable ….. and probably also cleverly channeled to be most effective and destructive of its rotten core elements/cabals.
And it will get personal too, with many well known talking heads being distinctly uneasy with who they are and have been, for they would be well enough aware of the abuse and damage they have done to one and all in their shenanigans.
Time for a radical change for the better with something new, gents, for more of the same is not a viable future option and will lead to more Foe and Woe than can be outsmarted.
Posted by: amanfromMars | 07/29/10 | 12:46 am |
Do the CIA and Google/Google Ventures and In-Q-Tel realise how simple it is for such a System to be baited with information/intelligence which leads them down a false trail, and/or into a honey pot which they would really like to own but which will always only ever be just leased to them for special operations.
Given their present ineptitude in Super IntelAIgent Fields, such Grooming and Harvesting of Hooked Prey to a
Smarter Third Party Position, of what are really just glorified speculative phishes, can only be a good thing and certainly a lot better than anything which anyone has done before.
And such a Virtual Programming with Novel Dynamic Steganographic Algorithms from a Secure Cloud Base, is worth billions to Prime Users/Root Servers, and that makes its Intellectual Property Holder worth many times more than that ten figure number, which would make a nine figured nine figure sum for one and any of its key analytical drivers, a real virtual bargain.
It must though be accepted and fully expected in such fields that deal in Future Virtual Intelligence, that whereas the exchange and/or purchase of a Virtual Programming worth billions to Prime Users/Root Servers will confer a hitherto unknown and unused InterNetworking Power to IT Users and Servers, Greater Controls to Mentor and Monitor, and if necessary Remove and or Crash Running Programs, are Held by Others who would are beyond any Temptation to Relinquish the Capability and Facility.
As a Friend and Lover, is there no Finer, as an Enemy and Foe is there no Defence against its Arsenal of Alternative Destructive Algorithms, which should make one’s choice in the matter, a no-brainer, but you can be sure that some idiots will surely prove themselves wrong by doubting what has been freely and selflessly shared with them. Man in general is not a very bright animal, but they do have a capacity to learn and store knowledge as memory which can be randomly and readily accessed to provide the Big Picture story of the Lives, which is just the sum total of their acquired knowledge and personal experiences, which means that for all of them, is their view of the World/Universe/Everything, individually different apart from a very few simple basic facts, which may be common to all.
Does that mean that the cuckoo in the nest, Alan Yentob, has been kicked out of the building? As Creative Director, was there ever a bigger fraud?