>Of course, they are to blame. They are running a counterfeit operation dishing out currency and claiming its wealth. …… http://www.atimes.com/atimes/others/naked-hegemon.html …. and making themselves obscenely rich and those who do all the work, extremely poor. It is a Great Game they play …… but now are losing as the crooked rules and rigged tables are exposed to the masses whom they would enslave to printed paper.
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” … Henry Ford
And leading politicians know it is a rigged game too, which is why so many of them move into other lucrative areas of pontification and prevarication, but do not have the cojones or intelligence to do anything about it, and would further exacerbate the situation with their support to keep the scam going.
And who the hell plays by rules and regulations whenever you can do whatever you want and reward yourself and/or be rewarded by an endless supply of paper currency to spend as you will.
Three years on since the last meltdown and what has really been changed in the System? Absolutely nothing, and there is no intention of anything being changed either, …… so milk it whenever you know how it works and what it is best no one ever knows, although to rely on the System’s crooked secrets remaining a secret and unknown to the crazy mob, is already a lost cause and must have those who have been playing them for fools, running scared for their lives, if they don’t do something to redeem themselves, rather than do something stupid again, [like start another war, which is their favourite trick ….. http://www.lexrex.com/enlightened/articles/warisaracket.htm ….. read and learn from a military man who knew what he was talking about, and knows what it is all about] to try and maintain their remote control of peoples’ live through the tap of selective and subjective money supply/slavery to easily printed paper, quantitatively eased into their private accounts …… which are certainly not connected to yours?
Mugs and Suckers ……. the world is full of them and they are easily abused in their ignorance by those in their arrogance.
Which one are you?
Be Prepared …… the Times they are A’Changed……. Beyond Puny Imagination
Posted Thursday 15th July 2010 14:03 GMT
Crikey, alien technology getting a move on ….. and Magical Mystery Turing? You do realise though that IT is All about messing around with Primitive Human Perception delivering Novel and Noble Apps in a Server-side HTML embedded scripting language ….. for Virtual Machines/Programmable Robots.
“Artificial Intelligence…. Another Approach?
Are we struggling to make machines more like humans when we should be making humans more like machines….. Intelligent/Intelligence machines. Digitization offers real benefits.“
Posted by: amanfromMars | 07/15/10 | 11:03 am |
“Did Drake even realize that NSA (a defense agency) acts under different rules in a time of war?” …. Posted by: Trollout | 07/14/10 | 5:19 pm |
The beauty of working in/for/with/to the NSA is that there are no rules, although that does require that the Intelligence one uses be prime, and beyond reproach, and ideally future perfect. To think otherwise would be dangerously naive and a gross dereliction of duty in a duty to server and protect a nation and nations.
And prime Intelligence is also not ever available to any agency which would be servering to a corrupt Operating System, and if the NSA is tasked with furthering and protecting such systems/working in such systems, will it fail spectacularly due to its having faulty subprime intelligence leads and feeds.
And it may be that patriotic US nationalism which supports the Federal Reserve and Wall Street and the printing of dollars as an excuse for wealth, rather than the earning of foreign currency for the sharing of greater ideas/Greater Game ideas, is a fatally flawed agenda which only benefits the few in control of distributing what is no different/little different from monopoly money, and is what needs to be fundamentally changed to save the Money System from its imminent collapse.
The Systemic Weakness is now well known around the world, and burying one’s head in the sand and ignoring the obvious, invites all and sundry to kick one’s butt for being so stupid.
amanfromMars said…
Amen, Robert 🙂 Spying is a Novel Art which precious few will ever Master.
July 15, 2010 10:17 AM