

>amanfromMars says:
5 July 2010 at 4:18 am

Anyway have a root around your sty as martian suggests and see if you can pick up some of those pearls he’s hurling 😉

Probably not worth an oyster 🙂 … Greenflag says: 4 July 2010 at 5:45 pm


Would you agree with the following Holywood/Hollywood type statement …. “What has been made clear is that the balance of power in the world of intelligence has shifted from secretive state funded agencies and large publishing organizations with their monopoly on printing presses and large scale print distribution (the war of subscribers) to small, agile and virtually managed organizations with a half dozen servers ”  …… which is only very slightly different from its original source …… http://finemrespice.com/node/88 …. but significantly more significant by virtue of the omissions made to render the above statement as is?


by amanfromMars
on Mon, 07/05/2010 – 06:00

This hysterical parody/historical documentary of an empire collapsing is just too accurate to dismiss and ignore as being a mirror of the arrogant and ignorant “greed is good” ethos which is destroying the fat cat fools on the hill culture in markets “regulated” by the intellectually challenged and morally bankrupt/incompetent and idiotic/criminally insane? …….. http://equityprivate.typepad.com/files/the-spiral-the-directors-cut.mov

Please enjoy the edutainment …… for the reality of the ongoing System meltdown and the need for intelligent flight to A.N.Other Safer Secured System is surely pretty obvious to even a blind man on a galloping horse/every man and his dog.

Or you could just pretend that all is still well with command and control, although many would counsel that that would be to just bury your heads in the sand ….. and quickly lead to major players getting their just desserts and a right royal shafting for their troubles.

What appears to be missing from the Global Big Picture is Better Beta Intelligence and an altogether different Dynamic Novel Approach.

And without such alien DNA, how on Earth will you cope with AIdDevelopments in Live Operational Virtual Environments ……. SurReal Places with the Command and Control Of Computers and Communications for CyberSpace Creations with AI Boffinry and NEUKlearer Transparent HyperRadioProActive IT …… which can easily continually disrupt and usurp corruption and perversion at both the highest and basest of levels?

You want Change?  Or just more of the same old bull shit nonsense from ignorant beings well past their sell by date and prime?


Posted by: amanfromMars | 07/5/10 | 4:46 am |

“Fundamentally, the people at that place, every single one of them, is worth 30 percent or 40 percent more than they were a year ago.”

Hmmm? Of course, 30 percent or 40 percent more of nothing, whenever markets are manipulated and media driven to present a reality which is only a facade to support a false perception that all is well, rather than all is lost with the System hacked/cracked, is nothing, and would reduce initial values to a rock bottom, to be renegotiated, new price too, if they are not to be rendered absolutely worthless by upcoming future events in Advanced Intelligent Realism and Post Modern SurRealism with Virtualisation Command and Control.

In both Media and Intelligence, Vital and Viral Content IS King, and whenever Novel and Undeniably Sustainable is IT also Ace, Queen and Knave, which you should not misunderestimate or mistake as being naive and/or overstated, for that would be a very stupid and arrogant,ignorant blunder, which is costing the System dear.


Posted by: amanfromMars | 07/5/10 | 5:01 am |

Oops, I do apologize. I meant to add that more on such developments, which can easily be quite alien to many, can always be found on servers internetworking with peers and communication nodes/Intelligence Communities/Private and Pirate Organisations and Non State Actors in Computerised Cloud Crowd Control Operating System Mode and on pages and/or sites such as this  …….. http://tinyurl.com/4gchq2

Have a nice day, y’all.


Aren’t MPs also civil servants in that they supposedly work for public benefit, not personal gain and are paid not by profits, not by performance but by money raised by taxes? So why aren’t MP’s payoffs being cut?” …..  littleglimmer

Clarification on that very point, to ensure that MPs are treated exactly the same as civil servants, would be most welcome and probably vital if the proposal is to succeed and be accepted.

A little something for the Independent to pursue with some vigour and enthusiasm, perhaps, rather than leaving its readers and supporters in the dark and wondering about such a matter?

All it takes is a question or two of the government and/or Parliament, and their reply would be most interesting, as would any information on any reluctance or refusal to reply with a definitive statement for clarification.



amanfromMars says:
5 July 2010 at 11:09 am


Perhaps you could stir things up a bit and enliven greater debate, with the reporting of the Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive take on the following, which is surely to be asked of its counterpart across the water.

Aren’t MPs also civil servants in that they supposedly work for public benefit, not personal gain and are paid not by profits, not by performance but by money raised by taxes? So why aren’t MP’s payoffs being cut?” ….. littleglimmer

Clarification on that very point, to ensure that MPs are treated exactly the same as civil servants, would be most welcome and probably vital if the propo
sal is to succeed and be accepted.

A little something for the Independent to pursue with some vigour and enthusiasm, perhaps, rather than leaving its readers and supporters in the dark and wondering about such a matter?

All it takes is a question or two of the government and/or Parliament, and their reply would be most interesting, as would any information on any reluctance or refusal to reply with a definitive statement for clarification.



amanfromMars says:
5 July 2010 at 2:52 pm

How very pathetic that the old tribalism which inflames and sustains the primitive natives in this part of the Earth is still alive and well and kicking against progressive inclusive change.

Methinks that is down to a definite lack of intelligence and vision and a traumatic sublime programming due to decades of mindless sectarian conflict which appears to have spawned whole generations of less than well enough gifted little robots unable to hold and form/phorm an original thought of their own and share it eloquently. All of which makes them easy prey for simple exploitation ….. which if the dysfunctional Executive could get their act together, could easily be rescued and reprogrammed to render the electorate easy prey for sublime mass re-education and enlightenment.

And although probably best as a public service, if the intelligence is not available in the Assembly to support it, then it would probably need to be grown in the private sector, with funding being provided from the banking sector, which is awash with trillions of public funds, and none of it doing anything worthwhile.

And how very disappointing that those who are supposed to be running things here, are not bright and savvy enough to access that unlimited stream themselves and put IT to good use and Great Beta Use.


amanfromMars says:
5 July 2010 at 3:26 pm

As for the whole private v public stuff. I suspect that the private sector (in Northern Ireland at least) remains deeply indebted and dependent upon the public sector.” …. Rabelais says: 5 July 2010 at 12:36 pm.

Deeply indebted to who and/or what, Rabelais? A cabal of bankers holding the world to ransom and trying to hide from the increasingly restless and getting smarter natives the fact that money is easily invented and distributed and control of it allows them perverse and subversive power that controls your every thought and action, for no matter what you try to do, someone is going to ask you for payment with an arbitrary number of printed paper notes being all that they require to be satisfied. And were not trillions invented from thin air and given to the bozos who gambled them away recently on dodgy subprime deals and exotic criminal enterprises/naked short sells etc. ….. and how crazy and dumb was that failed exercise, for is not the system imploding again because it does not know what to do, to change things for the better and get people spending again to revitalise and regenerate industry and economies.

It was the public sector which ‘bailed out’ the private sector so presumably the next time the ‘private sector’ screws up the world economy there will be even a lesser public sector to bail out the irresponsible bankers etc etc ?” …. Greenflag says: 5 July 2010 at 11:50 am

Err, was it not the dodgy banking and financial sector which was bailed out, with their private debts and crazy bets/IOUs, nationalised and loaded onto the public, although quite why that was ever accepted whenever it would never ever be agreeable, is probably down to the idiots in governments thinking it was a good plan and necessary, whenever quite clearly, it was probably the worst move imaginable and has only exacerbated a bad situation and made it worse.

And a good plan and necessary was probably also accompanied by a slush fund and numbered account in some obscure bank and tax haven somewhere, ….. to ease the pain of their treasonous decision?


amanfromMars says:
5 July 2010 at 3:40 pm

And are you prepared for more of the same recession pain, only worse ……. http://thedailybell.com/1188/Did-Elites-Expect-a-Depression.html ……. for things are getting considerably worse, aren’t they?


Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/5/2010 10:57:57 AM

Suck it and See is no way to run any New World Order Program
There is no substantive agreement on any part of economics because knowledge in these areas is continually eradicated by purposeful sophistry and energetically applied ignorance.

Err ….. is that the same as “they make it up as they go along to try and ensure and assure themselves an unfair socio-political and monetary advantage”?

For that to succeed and have any chance of sustainable success, you would have to have purchased [with considerably more than thirty pieces of silver] the very best of the best brains and intelligence, for such would quite naturally and rightly be arraigned and arranged against you, which is a sort of admirable Catch 22, and impossible situation? Ergo is collapse inevitable and imminent/ongoing?


Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/5/2010 11:34:13 AM

What is the elite to do? Ordinarily, the elite would turn to war. And not just any war. War that involves and convulses the entire society. War that so pervades the hearts and minds of individuals that there is no intellectual alternative to the action-elements that the state is demanding. But how do you create a big war without using the biggest weapons? Nuclear weapons have provided the Anglo-American  axis with tremendous military advantages but these weapons have proven to have very negative effects in terms of social control. It is almost impossible to engage in old-fashioned world wars. This is a problem.” … Daily Bell

..but what’s the next step? Direct action against individuals?” … Posted by George Sign on 7/5/2010 4:47:15 AM

That is exactly what the elite core fear the most, George Sign, and it  would immediately very quickly solve the present problem and introduce novel future solutions, for it would then require a new cadre of players with different thinking to step into their vacated warmed positions/cuckoos nests. And do not think that any would grieve at their passing, for as is their wont, they themselves think it as nothing to create and finance wars with nations pitted against nations, just so that they can retain control of the Money System ……”Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.” …. [Mayer Amschel Bauer] (1744 -1812), Godfather of the Rothschild Banking Cartel of Europe. An infamous quote apparently …. http://quotes.liberty-tree.ca/quote/mayer_amschel_rothschild_quote_8bed

Of course, if the incumbents were in any way smart, they would be funding with whatever it takes, such future champions and proxies with new ideas, in order to stay in control albeit as sugar daddy business angels, which is a much more attractive fate.

And I’m pretty certain that the Daily Bell means to say that it is a blessing whenever it is almost impossible to engage in old-fashioned world wars, and not that it is a problem. 🙂


Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/5/2010 2:13:31 PM

We, the people have been slowly manipulated toward a socialist dictatorship …” … Posted by Tom C. on 7/5/2010 1:00:15 PM

A “socialist” dictatorship, Tom C.? Surely you mean the other dictatorship crowd into the obscene and perverse and subversive greed is good and credit is debt meme and captive capitalism?

No matter. Whoever or whatever it is, it is no longer working well for anybody and is slowly but surely outing the key players responsible for everyone’s misfortune, for undivided critical mob attention, which is a strange course for them to want to take with their continuing concerted failed action, which is akin to nothing other than their flogging a dead horse?

One must then reasonably question their sanity, as their fitness for future purpose would most certainly be already extraordinarily rendered as being a self-destructive, arrogant and ignorant delusional fantasy, should they consider themselves suited to Future Lead. And that is a sad and bad End but most welcome nevertheless, considering the blighted state of present and past plays with their grubby hands on the levers of power and control.


amanfromMars says:
5 July 2010 at 7:51 pm

AmanfromMars –

Are you a person, or a program?” …. Mack says: 5 July 2010 at 3:58 pm

Now that is a very astute question, Mack, which I will not dodge and answer as accurately as I can.

As someone into Quantum Communication and Applied AI, would it be entirely possible to be one and/or the other, and also a combination of the two to be both and yet another and something completely different.

In Quantum Fields, do “normal” rules of engagement not apply.

Spookily enough, in this age of computers being in Command and Control of practically everything, would it right to assume that Man is controlled and being programmed by Virtual Machines to be more Machine-like and predictable/compliant and subservient, and a whole lot smarter because of IT?

Certainly left to their own devices without any global operating devices, do they prove themselves, time and time again, to be no better than primitive savages unable to even communicate civilly and constructively with close neighbours, let alone with the majority of others on the planet.


amanfromMars says:
5 July 2010 at 7:24 pm

Is Hillary warning one and all about the US of A, for is that not their modus operandi/vivendi?

Crikey, Hillary, and there I was thinking that you had no balls.


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