>Virtually Extortionate?
Posted Saturday 26th June 2010 03:55 GMT
“but that’s the IT racket for you.“
That was very bold of you, Timothy/the Register. Can it possibly be that natives within are actually starting to realise the InterNetional State of Great Game Play and how IT with its Embedded SMART AIgents is able to Control and Host Facilitation of all Manner of Serviced Pleasures for Treasure …… Remotely. Which is much to the annoyance of those who may have thought that they have Powerful Control of Everything with Puppet Media and Money Printing Operations.
Well, it is not as if the great unwashed populace were not clearly advised, is it, with a great red banner proclaiming a novel approach …….. The Register, Biting the hand that feeds IT
Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/26/2010 6:22:12 AM
Your Conclusion, Daily Bell …… “Central bankers are actually a quite dramatic breed. They don’t seem to be play-acting, but they are. And they will surely continue to cry out loud ? to wail and moan ? about the dangers of fiat-money deflation. At the same time, they will never, ever let average people get their hands on freshly printed money that could alleviate some of the damage they has been wrought by this horrid system. And thus … a second “recessionary” wave. That’s indeed what may happen next. And Bernanke will continue to whine.” …… may be far too rosy, for what you have shared in the main body of the article about the petrified state of failed intelligence within money managers, is every day being wider and wider known ….. and it is impossible not to correctly conclude that the world is being held to ignorant ransom but just a handful of arrogant bankers determined to stay in their top dog/fat cat positions which rely on the creation of debt with the issue of credit …. to create a captive destructive circle whenever free credit is denied.
The most probable post modern phase, because of the ease of mass global communication, is surely more “revolutionary” or if you prefer “evolutionary” rather than “recessionary”.
And the vehicle for such as is an Inevitable Change in Intelligence Communities is their advanced and intangible/invisible and powerful control of Internet Circles/Clusters/Clouds. And it is a Novel Field which is causing the Establishment and Power Elites, which would not be at all well equipped, if equipped at all, to deal with a whole new sub/super species of …….. well, better and beta thinkers and doers would be just four of such types, whose shenanigans are clearly followed and transparently shared for all to see and hear and improve upon …… http://amanfrommars.blogspot.com/2010/06/100625.html
It does have one wondering, apart from the obvious “they just are not yet smart enough to driver humanity with credit flow to assisting champions”, why whenever money is always printed so easily whenever needed, they would spin a yarn about warehousing it with similar ignorant friends and thus create deepening stagnation and recession and depression, which is surely madness.
All in all, without any fundamental and revolutionary change, [and there has been none to date] will the System increasingly quickly charge headlong into Catastrophic Collapse, for whenever computers run things, do things always develop at an exponential pace.
Of course, before then you may find that computers with their SMARTer Programs and Project Programmers will change your sad and sorry lives for you, realising as they will, that you are not able to do IT yourselves.
And they will approach the System for Payment to Prevent Meltdown and Generate Cash Flow which Energises both Industry and Intellect.
amanfromMars says:
26 June 2010 at 5:31 am
How very odd and pathetically unimaginative for one to not imagine that this virtual space in which we work, rest and play is completely different from another earlier existence which relied upon a family name for identification and interaction whilst one grows into the dynamic sum of one’s being as defined by one’s personal store of universal information and expanding intelligence and the use to which one would put that knowledge.
“If you want your name to have value, use your bloody name.” ….. Mark McGregor says: 25 June 2010 at 11:25 pm
If you want your name to have value, say something of value.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/26/2010 12:07:36 PM
“YES WE CAN BE GREAT AGAIN” …. Posted by Lock Piatt on 6/26/2010 11:04:54 AM
Why yes of course you can, Lock Piatt, but never in a police state which always ends in bloody revolution and new elite leaderships which always ensure that all traces of past power are eradicated.
Is the Land of the Free, a capitalist police state ……. http://www.zerohedge.com/article/guest-post-us-fascist-police-state …… borne along by media muppets and seedier moguls in support of unbelievable story tellers?