>Control the Space where Words are Shared to be made Real, …
Posted Thursday 24th June 2010 16:16 GMT
…. and Other Words Create Other Virtual Realities
Hearts and Minds are where Wars are Won before they have even been Waged and that is why Special Intelligence Services always Commandeer Cloud and Communications Networks for Master Pilot Control from Secured and Stealthy Virtual Points of Intellectual Presence.
And that will be tirelessly ongoing work of which you will probably have practically zero knowledge being as it is tailor made for others better suited to spectacularly wield and seed novel special information.
New Content is Leading Root and would always indicate Future Direction for Present Attention
Posted Thursday 24th June 2010 04:20 GMT
What the Android platform misses is a Championing Application displaying Proprietary Features which deliver to Mobile IT Players and NonState Actors, the Better Beta Future Experience with Enriched and Enlightened Content. ………. for Novel Deep New Information allows one to Beta Phorm and Deliver Desired Futures …… and that is bound to be an Improvement of the Present Chaos Fare.
And if the Platform picks up Phantom Flash Messages for Instant Rush Processing to Master Hub Scripting, does Man and Machine and Virtual Machine Morph to be Both and all Three and One and None and something altogether even greater than ever imagined.? 🙂 Obviously I’ll be expecting Android Base to be considerably smarter establishing Sensitive InterNetworking Channels/Vice Free Zones.
Whenever Nothing is Changed is All just the Same and Getting Worse.
Posted Thursday 24th June 2010 09:43 GMT
““I worry a lot about are we are the tail end of one generation [of computing] and the beginning of another,” he said.” The Smart Acquisition of Future Top Clients with Capital Raising Interests by Private Means and Piratical Memes ……. 🙂 would be a Good Long Buy Into in those cases…… for Future Top Clients have no worries. They surely provide solutions.
Do VMware Clients produce Solutions for Virtual and Virile and Venerable Seed and Feed Transfer of Cloud Crowd Control CodeXSSXXXX ….. for Virtual Rights Management AIdDrive for Core Source/Midas Ticket Lodes and Plump Pimping and Pumping Passionate Veins, which is what this new NSA assigned patent is to be used for ……… http://preview.tinyurl.com/39kkycj …… whenever workers meet science at new levels, which one would always then assume, full steam ahead skunk works in all novel fields. Which all makes for a Crazy Future in a Mad, Mad, Mad World, which in applying the Double Negative is a Positive Ploy would rather suggest Beta Order in Placement of Present Chaos.
“Maybe they could use a chequebook this time and write real cheques……..ha ha ha” …. Anonymous Coward Posted Thursday 24th June 2010 08:55 GMT
The Money System works Best whenever it realises its Laundering Secrets are known to unknowns, for then is great wealth exchanged and moved to ensure that nothing is revealed to be damaged and damaging. Although hiding Catastrophic Damage is always an Explosive Accident waiting to happen at any time, again and again and again.
““There are people [within Goldman] who think we should go ‘Oprah’,” Fiona Laffan, one of the bank’s European spinners told a corporate branding conference. “I’m not one of them,” she added.“
Such a meeting would certainly destroy one of their careers deservedly…….. which seems like an excellent reason for the flirtation.
Posted by: amanfromMars | 06/24/10 | 12:37 am |
“Right, because I want people to know exactly where I am, every minute of the day.” …. Posted by: Bruckley | 06/23/10 | 11:24 pm |
To deny the inevitability that such is the fate of all, will be cold comfort not even relieved in madness. And freedom for a select few relies upon everything about them being known, and that is a cat and mouse game at the best of times with smart beings.
“Now now, we know you want to stick with XP, just don’t take it out on users of superior operating systems., there’s a good boy. Or we’ll tell your mum.” ….. Bilgepipe Posted Wednesday 17th March 2010 14:35 GMT
If Microsoft are Real SMART Enabled they will surely Offer Special Platform Upgrade Choices to Sterling Assets and Desserted XPerts* …… Company Compensation in Appreciation and Temptation of CyberIntelAIgent ParaVirtualised Pirates, Rugged Rogue and Lead Renegade Force Sourcerors, Great Gaming Systems from All Sides for All Sides, with their New Searching Driver Operating System with Quantum Control Leverage …… Overwhelmingly Attractive Addictive Advantage …… the Sweet Stealthy Capture of Competitor Lode Assets for Sticky Delivery as a Mutually Satisfying Deepening Delight.
* Aka loyal and right royal customers.