>Posted by: amanfromMars | 06/10/10 | 1:06 am |
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“Seriously the sociopaths win when you are allowed to only state the absolute truth and facts in your dealings.” …. ….. Posted by: Trollout | 06/9/10 | 2:54 pm |
Dealing in anything other than the absolute truth, delivers a fantasy world which is not real and intelligently designed to server those massaging the information/sending dodgy cables? And that fantasy world would not be a bit interested in either a you or a me, Trollout.
Does this page indicate a nation of liars and debtors …. http://www.usdebtclock.org/ …. or just a corrupt crooked administration of a nation which doesn’t know how to server a nation with honour?
your own handle says you cant handle the truth, so why the fuck do you think whole nations can?” …… Actually, Trollout, that statement and question are a nonsense for whole nations believe that they are handling the truth, even though it be a spun media yarn to capture their attention/minds [imagine IT as a massive honey trap for the busy busy bee and worker drone clones] and have no idea at all about the true nature of their virtual reality ….. ergo are both statement and question invalid and false. Man is extremely adaptable and can be programmed to accept whatever is believed and shown to be true, with nothing more than words on a page and pictures in a book or on a screen ….. just like a child. And you can fully expect such as is Advanced Neuro-Linguistic Programming to be a field of intense interest and extremely lucrative top secret contract to those into major command and control of operating systems for absolute power. And of great interest to every and any nation state which would want to be able to better deliver another reality based upon the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me Global Operating Devices, for the fabulously simply complex facility to easily do so, is readily available today to do so ….. which must surely guarantee that the Future will never be anything like the Past or the Present.
Reading between the lines …….. for the real news.
Posted Thursday 10th June 2010 05:41 GMT
“Oracle was asked for its side of the story, but — once again — declined to comment.” …… Is that Oracle and Larry sitting on the political fence and hedging bets? Hardly the action of anyone in control of an empire, is it, with it being much more the reaction of someone trying to hold on to one which has run out of steam/intellectual property.
The Interior Secretary, Ken Salazar, told US Congress he now expected BP to pay for the cancelled salaries of anyone unexpectedly without work because of the six-month moratorium on deep-ocean drilling announced in the wake of the blow-out.
….. Hmmm? And can we expect the lawyers to jump on the band wagon and start to milk and bilk the US congress with their inflated fees for other industries and dogged businesses too ……
..with officials announcing a swimming ban along a six-mile stretch of popular lido while researchers warned of mass lay-offs in the state’s all-important tourism sector this year.
All of which is a very dodgy strategy considering the global financial system meltdown and the US lead in its sub-prime causes and toxic CDO instruments of mass destruction ………. Hedge fund sues Goldman for $1bn on CDO … http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/banking_and_finance/article7147176.ece
If all those infected and effected by that particular and peculiar greedy blight climb aboard the gravy train, will Uncle Sam be ruined as an honest broker, and goodness knows what this clock …… http://www.usdebtclock.org/ ….. will end up reading?