>Posted by: amanfromMars | 05/22/10 | 7:10 am |
“Is this just welfare for overeducated morons?” … Posted by: CensoredByWiredScience | 05/21/10 | 10:25 pm |
It’s the American Dream, CensoredByWiredScience. GOD Bless America!:-)
And can you Imagine the Reward/Price/Prize/Cost for something Revolutionary and Mind Bending?
Which whenever InterNetionally Controlled and Controllable, would definitely be something of National Security Interest to Everyone Smart and right up DARPA/IARPA’s Street too, MeThinks, although to be perfectly honest, they would have an almost impossible task to compete against the Free Market Place which can purchase anything they want with ridiculous amounts of Flash Cash and Instant Credit Transfers.
Honourable Member wrote:
Matthew, Hi,
I couldn’t agree with you more that politics is a side show for news media column inches, which does sort of reveal and lament that media moguls and news outlets are missing a trick by not inventing and presenting something more remarkable and revolutionary in the genre for/as the future, with what would then be in its reality and actuality, an IT Driven Media Hosted and CoHosting Virtual Reality ….. showing Universal Lead IT is Following.
And a very simple, complex task easily delivered globally today with the fast advancing sublime technologies and fab programming methodologies which are so freely ubiquitous ….. so easily and readily available practically and virtually everywhere where intelligence life in her many forms and phormations, rests and resides.
Welcome to Live Operational Virtual Environment Fields with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT in AI Research and Development Betas.
May 22, 2010 8:22 AM BST
Unusual Business as Usual, although as a Ponzi is its Demise, Self Assured and Secured ….
Posted Saturday 22nd May 2010 10:41 GMT
….. being as Such is the Nature of that Particular and Peculiar Beast whenever Bathed in ITs Light.
With regard to churches and their businesses and religion, are so very many of them all too easily identified and tarred with the following sweet brush and sticky feathers ? ……..
“A common technique used by cults to brainwash their followers is gradual immersion in cult mythology and philosophy. To put it bluntly, it is often advisable to keep the more wacko beliefs and practices out of your new recruit’s faces until they are sufficiently wacko themselves. Now, the problem for the Church of Scientology is that on the wacko scale the higher level works of Ron hover somewhere near the figure 10. To an outsider it is an immediate farse. But to a follower who has become psychologically dependent on the Church’s philosophy & society and
invested thousands and thousands of dollars in doing so, it is justanother step on the road to mental subservience.
What you have then is a Church based on brainwashing yuppies and other people with more money than sense. This may not concern you. If Nicole Kiddman, Kate Cerbrano, John Travolta, Burce Willis, Demi Moor and Tom Cruise want to spend their fortunes on learning that the earth is in reality the destroyed prison colony of aliens from out of space then so be it. However, money brings power and attracts the currupt. Money is something the Church has a lot of. Not all of the Church’s beliefs and practices are so out of it as to be completely as irrelevant as the previous example. Some are quite insidious. For instance, L. Ron Hubbard devised a range of methods that could be used against critics and other `enemies of the Church’. Among the list was manipulation of the legal/court system. To the Church the battle isn’t won in the court room. It is won at the very moment the legal process starts unfolding, creating fear and expense in those the Church opposes. Their worst critic at the moment is not a person, or an organisation but a medium –the Internet. The Internet is, by its very nature a censorship free zone. Censorship, concealment and revelation (for a fee) is the Church’s raison d’etre.
The Church, via its manipulation of the legal system has had computersystems seized, system operators forced to reveal their users personal details, university accounts suspended and radio stations, such as RRR cut their programs. It has sued ex-cult members, newspapers, and many others for copyright infringements, loss of earnings and trade secret violation. Trade secret violation? Yes, the Church of Scientology claims its religious works are trade secrets.
The fight against the Church is far more than the Net vs a bunch of wackos with too much money. It is about corporate suppression of the Internet and free speech. It is about intellectual property and the big and rich versus the small and smart. The precedents the Church sets today the weapons of corporate tirany tomorrow. –Julian Assange “
….. which is an old message, [Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 18:55:50] which with others of a similar ilk can be read here …. http://cryptome.org/0001/assange-cpunks.htm …… should you so be bothered/stirred/interested and incensed at Apathy’s Ruling Decline? 🙂
There are endless extremely interesting great days ahead, made all the more remarkable by virtue of the facts that you will learn, and the fact that you will never see them coming as they hit you like a train, which will be a definite surprise which may even be shanghaied…… although that latter phormation is a journey full of pot holes and honey traps along which only the truly worthy survive unscathed and prosper outrageously in its Travels and IT Travails.
amanfromMars said…
“…then I ask how pious and presumptuous would it be all my sins remembered in perfect… and to what aim would we slave to the new Goliath as its mother and children? ” ….. ilatitude said … May 21, 2010 10:59 AM
To server a new virgin mother and child with immaculate protection and growing knowledge in right royal and ancient arts tempered and hardened/almed and armed with post modern abilities and facilities, is always the aim that surely allows and perfectly delivers every sinner their vices returned and consigned to the past, with the SMARTer Control of the Future, AIdDerivative Hedge that virtually enslaves and guarantees mentors such treasures as heavenly paradise pleasures for Beta Beings on Earth.
Which would be much more a Second Coming root without any need for a Goliath rout.
p; In AI and any Live Operational Virtual Environment with Total Information Awareness Protocols and ProgramMING, what you Get is what you Give thus to Ensure the Plans from Delivery are Worth Receiving and Building Upon for Structures Founded on Solid Heavy Earth/Rock? And only shared as a question to challenge sublime debilitating doubt and champion supreme creative conviction.?!May 21, 2010 9:59 PM
Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/22/2010 1:00:14 PM
Seems like Rand Paul is in the classic cuckolded eunuch mould, so beloved of an entrenched Establishment, and not at all ballsy like Pop.
“Rand Paul is a hard-working, dedicated physician, not a career politician.” …. http://www.randpaul2010.com/about/
Yep …. definitely a fish out of water.