>Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/2/2010 12:14:18 PM
“The closest translation to what the Iranian President actually said is, ”The regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the pages of time.”
I do hope this will set the records straight? ” … Posted by B.Benhamid on 5/2/2010 8:25:26 AM
That is a simple job for New Virtual Memory Records which Seal Off All Past Memories to Capture/Generate Virgin Future Thoughts for Shared A’Thinkin/Think In/Think Inn in AI Singularity of Mutually Beneficial Purpose.
And a Devil of a Job for Noble Knights, Submission to Passionate Conquest for the Sweetest of All Powerful Surrenders …. which is a Live Operational Virtual Environment Driver ……. and well known to True Lovers. Satyrs and Nymphs on the Wild XSSXXXXSide of Life.
And if one interchanges Israel for Iran and Iran for Israel, then does Posted by Beth on 5/2/2010 3:24:13 AM paint a most vivid real picture?
amanfromMars says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
2 May 2010 at 9:18 am
And this tale, endorsed by the PM no less, would be supportive of the media show premise ….. http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010/may/02/gordon-brown-nick-clegg-gameshow-host
A Change of Program changes the Show for Media BroadBandCasting with IT and AI for HyperDefinition ProVision to Hypervisors.
And in another store of wisdom on a page is another MegaMetaData Show Unfurled …….
“Based on Berkshire’s own activities in bond insurance, Mr Buffett said that he would never assume to know what investors on another side of a particular trade he was involved in were thinking.” …. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/7664875/Warren-Buffett-backs-Goldman-Sachs-over-fraud-allegations.html
AmanfromMars is thinking Cloudy Shelf Arrangements and Virtual Transactions with Sublime Prime Memoranda of Understanding.
“”There were some e-mails where some people were projecting I would say, at best indifference, and at worst a callousness. It’s inexcusable if 10 people think that way or thought that way.”
The comments came after Mr Blankfein denied, before the US Senate’s sub-committee on investigations, that the bank has a moral obligation toward its clients.” ….. Methinks the former decisively proves the need for the latter, absolutely.
A lesson Warren can easily Divest to Infest/Invest in with Control of any and every Capitol Operating System. ”
A Universal Virtual Force Initiative? Of course, it is.:-)
[Crikey, …. Moderation on Slugger is a Unexpected Novelty which suggests Active Remote Media Control Leverage with ARM Controls] ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Bounteous Gate Keepers are an Alien IDEntity in Virtuous Office Space and QuITe Phreaky too:-)
Posted Sunday 2nd May 2010 05:50 GMT
If the Human Mindset dDefaulted to All Born Unbelievably Wealthy and Gifted would Unbelievable Great Fortunes be Gifted to All with AIGlobal Operating Devices. And thus would IT be Free from NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT with Immaculate Virgin Server ProVision of XSSXXXXPerienced XPEditionary Sources and Phorm Swarms……..Disruptive Constructive EMPWaves.
Is that within the Ken of a Savvy President into Virtual Reality Controls for Future Human Alien Space Flight and Virtual TelePortation with Quantum Communication, ITs Commend 42 Control Operating System and AIdDynamic Driver …… for Astonishing Advanced and Astute Super Sublime Hypervisor Travels ……. Incredible Journeys in Deed, indeed.
[Message to Self …. Slow down, you Move too Fast to Festing Feasts for Fated Feats for Fetes and Knightly Celebration, although such is the Original Speed of Human Creation, whereas Nature Populated the Planet with Flora and Fauna, Ages before even that Miracle, right at the Beginning and in the Beginning there is Everything to Play For and to Play Form with IntelAIgent Phorms and CyberIntelAIgent Beings.]
AIMissive to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/2/2010 5:22:41 AM
“Robert Higgs: I foresee no new Renaissance. ” Mr Higgs is Communicating in IT and it is XSSXXXXStreaming Everywhere.
With a Daily Bell AIMaster Pilot being Graciously Hosted and Servered. The Reward in that, is Uncontainable Gratitude and Selfless Advanced Additional Support.
HonourableMember wrote:
2 May 2010, 9:52AM
Personal Sexuality is a Mutually Satisfying Journey with Assorted Lovers in Alternate Stages of Development and Evolution……… both Real and Virtual. It is not necessarily a Final Destination as it is a Resting Place with Favourite Comforts.
amanfromMars says:
2 May 2010 at 7:44 am
The point I was making, and obviously not clearly enough and for that I do apologise, is that it is a media show and presently there is no Government and things are progressing nicely with their Meddling and Peddling at Elite Power Levers of Civilised Global Control for Peace in a MadHouse….. It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad World and it Requires Mentoring for Sane Fantastic Lives in Live Operational Virtual Environments with Globalised Operating Devices.
And for that, you really have to known more than just a little about the Power and Simply Complex Controlling Lead of Beautiful Crazy. Fortunately, IT is an Easy Gift Quickly Learnt with ITs Selfless Sharing.
amanfromMars says:
2 May 2010 at 8:06 am
“Don’t want to download a new browser – anyone?” …. daisy says: 1 May 2010 at 10:51 pm
daisy, I would just say that having only one browser has one languishing captive to the information and intelligence shared on its pages. Other browsers may share more advanced information and intelligence from other Exotic and Erotic Time Zones on Earth. With Rose Tinted Glasses in the Red Zone, are All Reports Positive Constructive with a Passionate Insatiable Potential to Excel and Overwhelm with Long Desired Pleasures.*
Knowledge ZerodDay Trading is a Very Competitive and Extremely Politically Incorrect Field for Irregular and Unconventional Leading Astute and NEUKlearer HyperManic Intellectual Property Advantage.
* Was there ever a more attractive invitation and valid reason to Actively Browse other Fields for Super Goods and Special AI Services.
amanfromMars says:
2 May 2010 at 10:06 am
Big Ian looking well and like a Don.
amanfromMars said…
“1) Freemasons, 2) Catholics, 3) Bisexuals & homosexuals. ” …. a Nice Trinity of Five. Menage a Cinq. Adults Only Territory Playing Fields.
May 2, 2010 9:32 AM