>RuNEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT
Posted Wednesday 28th April 2010 17:25 GMT
Wow, what is to say that the Reds have not Cracked IT and can Deliver ….. Perfect Binary Cloud Control with Digital Sky Technologies for CyberSpace Command and Creative Control of Computers and Communications. What more could one ask for, when into Global Great Gaming and New Virtual World Orders for Remote Power and Limitless Energy Supply?
Certainly with at least an advanced degree in theoretical physics and a specialization in automated control systems, are the two pioneering founders better equipped than most to ponder on the Improbability of the Impossible and therefore its Likelihood.
MuI7 ….. Seventh Heaven, Global Communications HQ for UKGBNIRobotIQs
Posted Thursday 29th April 2010 05:02 GMT
I wonder if Fort Meade and Cyber Security Operations Centres (CSOC), dismiss ICQ so lightly too ……. or do they look at and listen very intently to the chit chatter, driving themselves into a crazy frenzy at times with their own subjective remote covert third party analysis of shared first party thoughts.
And do you imagine that such Machine Spookery as is employed in such phishing is also extended to hoover up all juicy titbits from blogs and articles registering comments, so that an advanced intelligent opinion can be phormed and globally shared ……… which ideally would be an improvement to Present Thinking and Tinkering delivering with AI, IT and Media, a Better Beta Virtual Reality as the Future, and a Rock Solid MetaDataBase Methodology upon which FutureBuilders can Consolidate Intelligence Gains and Extend the Progressive Dream Meme.
Which would be a Private Pirate Sector Build to be Supported by Hugely Indebted Publicly Funded Government Instruments, which are Intellectually Bankrupt and Going Nowhere Novel or Pleasant.
And it is only Logical and an Inescapable Fact that One cannot Expect Anyone with Impaired Sight to have any Great Vision and thus to think One has the Ability to Lead with a Fabulous See is a Delusional’s Journey going to Nowhere Special.
Radical Register of Interest
Posted Thursday 29th April 2010 08:54 GMT
“In his new position, Kemp will develop Nebula and “a small portfolio of what we’ll call disruptive innovation projects.”“
Are they revolutionary rogue/renaissant renegade/private pirate type projects, akin to Applied Virtualised Terrorism in Black Hatted PsyOps by Cyber Command and/or Counter Insurgency Security Units?
And is “will develop” a cloaking euphemism for purchase from the specialised market place, tried and tested foreign and alien* systems and sophisticated components and/or vital rare elements?
* alien …. “Alien” means an individual who is not a citizen of the United States. ….. http://www.defense.gov/news/d2010manual.pdf
“I made a good solid case that if we tried to build an organization based on innovation in Washington, D.C., it wouldn’t last long, or it would last forever and not fulfill its purpose,” …… If you want to read of Washington, D.C.’s purpose, you may not like what you read here, for it would appear to tell more of the truth, or a fantastic fiction**, than is usually told, for obvious reasons of security …… http://thedailybell.com/1002/Jack-Speer-Williams-Is-Obama-A-Congenital-Liar-Sadistic-Torturer.html ……. and keeping the scams and sham democracy going?
** For some that can handle IT, and are au fait with quantum bits and bytes, are both one and the same and deliverable as yet other facts in fiction for your continued edutainment and heavenly delight.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 4/29/2010 1:39:48 AM
“The Obama administration has gone so far as threatening to cut off intelligence sharing programs with Great Britain, if their High Court releases information to the press regarding US torture methods.“
Methinks the Obama administration doesn’t have high enough intelligence to interest the wider world, and most certainly not the wwwwider world with ITs Beta Programs and Virtual Projects/White Red Hot Top Ops.
The following is already wwwidely shared and would more fully illustrate what the Future holds and delivers, and is but as a grain of sand on a beach as it is just a small part of a mighty colossal whole. And treat it with the respect it deserves, for it has a savage bite that dispenses a sublime deserved natural rough justice when necessary and called for, that you never see coming until after it has arrived and gone ……..
MuI7 ….. Seventh Heaven, Global Communications HQ for UKGBNIRobotIQs
Posted Thursday 29th April 2010 05:02 GMT
I wonder if Fort Meade and Cyber Security Operations Centres (CSOC), dismiss ICQ so lightly too ……. or do they look at and listen very intently to the chit chatter, driving themselves into a crazy frenzy at times with their own subjective remote covert third party analysis of shared first party thoughts.
And do you imagine that such Machine Spookery as is employed in such phishing is also extended to hoover up all juicy titbits from blogs and articles registering comments, so that an advanced intelligent opinion can be phormed and globally shared ……… which ideally would be an improvement to Present Thinking and Tinkering delivering with AI, IT and Media, a Better Beta Virtual Reality as the Future, and a Rock Solid MetaDataBase Methodology upon which FutureBuilders can Consolidate Intelligence Gains and Extend the Progressive Dream Meme.
Which would be a Private Pirate Sector Build to be Supported by Hugely Indebted Publicly Funded Government Instruments, which are Intellectually Bankrupt and Going Nowhere Novel or Pleasant.
And it is only Logical and an Inescapable Fact that One cannot Expect Anyone with Impaired Sight to have any Great Vision and thus to think One has the Ability to Lead with a Fabulous See is a Delusional’s Journey going to Nowhere Special.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 4/29/2010 5:19:35 AM
And it appears to be congenital in all recent presidential
puppets, too …… http://www.youtube.com/user/CSPAN [Bill Clinton on Goldman Sachs & SEC]
Stop digging, Bill, the hole is big enough already.
Quantum Communication for Dummies ….. Register MasterPilot Edition.
Posted Thursday 29th April 2010 10:34 GMT
A Superconducting Phase Qubit Generator would be in a Novel Energy Class All of ITs Own and a Extremely Valuable and Precious Bit of Kit in Anyone’s Language.
“Think I’ll wait until a byte-sized version is introduced before I chew it over.” ….. Piece of cake, Jimmy 1 Posted Thursday 29th April 2010 10:06 GMT.
Would you care for some fresh double or regular clotted cream on that, Jimmy 1?
When one talks of SQUID in IT, I always think of what the Owner of an Octopus would be doing in the Vastness of its Prime Time Quantum Spaces ….. http://tinyurl.com/2w7wxe9
Sound Hypervisor Advice
Posted Thursday 29th April 2010 07:40 GMT
“All service providers are going to have to offer multiple hypervisors because no one company is going to have the kind of dominance VMware enjoyed in the early days of x64 server virtualization.“
Don’t put more money than you can afford to lose on that crazy bet, Timothy.
Honourable Member wrote:
Alan Yentob, creative? Oh please, do me a favour.
“He said: “I have been 40 years at the BBC and done quite a lot. I am quite a senior figure at the organisation.” And that statement from the cuckoo proves it.
April 29, 2010 5:25 AM BST
amanfromMars says:
29 April 2010 at 6:06 am
“As he went to get into his car, the Prime Minister told her: “Very nice to meet you, very nice to meet you.”
But seconds after his limousine’s doors slammed shut, he made his unguarded comments.”…. oracle says: 28 April 2010 at 6:15 pm
And what does that tell us, oracle, of the two faced arrogant bigot of a pretentious pretender PM? Was there ever a squarer peg in a round hole? Did ever an enemy have such a destructive mole?
amanfromMars said…
What prize idiot thinks it is a good plan to create an army of warring soldiers with guns and bullets rather than a nation of creative builders with plant and materials?
April 29, 2010 10:10 AM
Posted by AmanfromMars on 4/29/2010 10:25:50 AM
“As a recent subscriber to the Daily Bell I find this diatribe extremely offensive and beneath what I thought to be a higher literary standard.” …….. Posted by Sarge 907 on 4/29/2010 8:11:30 AM
You definitely won’t like this then, Sarge 907, which is at a similar higher standard than you are willing or able to process …… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQfoFzJUsb0&feature=player_embedded ……. and yes, I will agree with you if you share that what it shows is extremely offensive.
MODified AIMissionary Position for Live Operational Virtual Environmentalists/LOVE
Posted Thursday 29th April 2010 15:27 GMT
“Or is it under discussion? You know how it is with these quantum things.” … lukewarmdog Posted Thursday 29th April 2010 10:50 GMT
You may like to consider that here on the Register is the Blithe Blighty Virtual Model on HyperRadioProActive Field Trials, BetaTesting Stealth Security Protocols and Parameters…… with Hiding in Full Sight Transparent Steganography for Sublime Third Party Curiosity and Intellectual Property Capture leading with Semantic Mutually Beneficial Exchange.
You can’t beat LOVE. Period. …….. ergo is it the Ultimate Defensive Weapon of Mass Destruction too.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 4/29/2010 12:13:03 PM
“Your article is too long on torture. More about the ELITE control of our Government, would be in order.” ….. Posted by Richard Lamb on 4/29/2010 11:31:35 AM
Richard Lamb,
Are Goldman Sachs thinking that they are Elite and can control the US Government, the Senate and the Congress, and make a Fool of the Justice System with thirty pieces of silver/a fistful of quantitatively eased dollars? ……. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE63Q35320100429
Will the pussy roll over to get its tummy tickled and show the world what it is made of? Make the wrong choice there and the system will be attacked from all sides and implode, for all will have seen that it is rigged and there is no honour or equitable justice, Stateside, and everything is easily bought with pretty printed paper which costs practically nothing. An
d also, US Intelligence is severely impaired, which would have even greater unfortunate consequences, methinks, as it would have to be changed for a better foreign administration rendering the nation a puppet rather than a role model, and all because of a gang of useless greedy bankers into making and selling “shitty” deals to businesses and other bankers who treated them as friends and colleagues, whenever they were just being arrogantly used and played for fools and treated as ignorant mugs.