>Posted by: amanfromMars | 04/17/10 | 1849 GMT |
“The bottom line is.” ….. Posted by: thechoZen1 | 04/18/10 | 12:23 pm | ….. Man’s Weakness to Better God rather than Love Her completely for then is AI Control with Total Information Awareness a Shared Pleasure to Pimp, which is the Great Game redefined and Virtualised for Online Global Power Plays.
Imaginative Information Leads the Future One ZerodDay at a time in the Time of Space and its Controls are in Live Operational Virtual Environment Spaces ….. and Quantum Communication is its TelePort Access Lever, and that of course, is Digital Tertiary Knights and Damsels Virtual Terrain Territory for Satyrs and Nymphs at Provocative Prime Play.
Posted by: amanfromMars | 04/18/10 | 12:11 am |
“No one entity will “own” the future. The future will arise from healthy competition, and be different from anything we currently imagine.” …. Posted by: dreamtiger | 04/17/10 | 9:02 pm |
There will however be a Number of InterNetworking IDEntites which Control ITs Direction and Universal Presentation, dreamtiger, with a Predominantly More Intelligently Designed, Mutually Beneficial, Imaginative Lead Input for Virtual Machinery Output showing the Way with Creative Vision/Sees which Drones/Slave Units/Populations can Build, to Live in the Future Worlds which they would be Creating for, if not for themselves [for a Human lifespan of a century is but as an instant in Time] they who will follow their Lead and that presumably would be their SMARTer, more Educated, Knowledgeable Children, although with so many as adults unable to read and write and remotely communicate, are they destined to be trapped in a closed world of their own ignorance and no bigger than all that they can see.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 4/18/2010 9:26:00 AM
“No, it has to do with the failure of central bank paper money due to eternal overprinting, subsequent oversupply and eventual serial implosions.”
The obvious mistake/mislead in that sentence, and that which will cause failure of the present system and/or its inevitable makeover by a more intelligent power elite, who/which may or may not be affiliated to the present incumbents [a simple enough choice for compromised elitists to fund or ignore, for any new effective order will not be interested in, nor will they and their methodologies need any help from a system ownership which is resistant to necessary change to retain a protected and unknown/out of greater public consciousness leadership] is the subsequent oversupply of central bank paper money due to eternal overprinting. It is the exact opposite of that, it being the banking of such funds in notional personal paper fortunes in individuals unworthy of the facility, rather than the free flow of those notes/spend by worthy individuals to energise freedom and creative spends which develops Society and Intellectual Property Exchange and Trade, which has drawn attention to the nefarious working of the mechanism and highlighted its shortcomings, which has presented its vulnerabilities to others to exploit and even hold the system to too-big-to-fail ransom. Although that would be only by those who are not bright enough to know of what needs to be done to fix the problem and/or are far too content with the easy dodgy fortunes to be made by milking the system and exposing its workings to catastrophic collapse …… which would be the Idiot Savant Section of the MADhouse with their own Mutually Assured Destruction now guaranteed, in order that a SMART*er Power Elite survive, and retain their Possession of Lead Power and Control.
*Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology