Monthly Archives: October 2022



amanfromMars 1 Fri 21 Oct 09:21 [2210210921] ….. adds on

Back again. Dear, oh dear. Anyway*

Crikey, how pathetic and prime indicative it is of an ignorant and bankrupt of novel ideas mindset, El Reg, to have garnered/energised so many anonymous thumbs down, for the sharing of something absolutely vital for political puppets to perform well with whilst they try to expound and expand upon the notion that any magic potions proposed to be trialed and trailed are of their own volition and Greater IntelAIgent Games design.

🙂 Goodness knows what HM King Charles III thought to say when Liz [“I have therefore spoken to His Majesty the King”] troubled/delighted him again with news of her resignation/abdication/unconditional surrender yesterday?

* … Back again. Dear, oh dear. Anyway

Oh, and another thing which you might like to think is going to be absolutely vital over these next few days is …… should there be no engagement with nor any anonymous source leaking to mainstream media channels of a radical and fundamental rethinking of the politically incorrect manipulation of human perception for global presentation, ….. will any current systems oven ready deals be subject to an onslaught of searing microwaves and be burnt to a crisp.

Seven days/A week is a long time in politics and quite long enough to engage with that fix which pulls the proverbial rabbit out of the hat and is able to prevent nothing less than titanic colossal catastrophes.

🙂 That title could have been written …… Back again dear. Oh dear. Anyway 🙂




amanfromMars 1 Wed 19 Oct 13:30 [2210191330] ….. adds on

And what an absolutely ridiculous idea for IT too.

Idea: Stop letting users access the general internet, restrict to trusted business partners.
Just use some control!!!!!!! …… Anonymous Coward

The only business partners one can trust are those one can control absolutely ….. therefore there can be no trusted business partners to restrict, AC.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 19 Oct 16:16 [2210191616] …… has a say on

Such be just as Small Potatoes in Worlds of Friendly Renegades and Raffish Rogues

The private sector is collecting data, said Grienberger, and that’s worrying.

Such a worry pales into a relative insignificance whenever one understands and realises what can be easily done by a private and pirate sector generating sensitive and classified top secret type data for general collection/wide spread world distribution.

And whatever is one to think of “the United Kingdom who discussed building confidence and trust in cyberspace.” whenever it is so evident to all conservatives at home, and to foreign friends and radical enemies far away, that one cannot trust any word or promise their elected government representatives say.

Honourable members they say ……. but you know it aint true for it is well proven, time and time again to be otherwise, and a contemptible bare-faced lie well suited to a harbouring nest of minor vipers.

And did somebody spike UK minister of state Baroness Neville-Rolfe’s drink?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 20 Oct 09:37 [2210200937] …….. points out on

If you’ve got IT, flaunt it, for it is worth ten fortunes at least ….

For those made of the right stuff, and with something attractive and unique to offer a troubled and troubling situation, is Hong Kong/China/the Special Administrative Region a rich vein of opportunity to provide with future services presenting novel programs and projects launching and entertaining prosperity and supplying profit to that and those in need of, or even simply desirous of a great deal more of it.

And an incredibly valuable immaculately resourceful asset for export/import to any similarly pioneering jurisdiction/territory.

An example of something attractive and unique to offer would certainly surely be the provision of future services presenting novel programs and projects launching and entertaining prosperity and supplying profit to that and those in need of, or even simply desirous of, a great deal more of it.





amanfromMars [2210181051] ….. says, replying to an Anonymous comment on


Message received but not fully understood. Solution for problems obviously lost in provided translation.

18 October 2022 at 10:51


amanfromMars 1 Tue 18 Oct 20:15 [2210182015] …… points out on

Re Black Market Spivs and Suchlike

Voice of Truth,

Who is this “we”? We in the UK do not have sufficient oil so where do we buy it from? Don’t say the USA, because that is overpriced. … Voice of Truth

If the oil for sale is purchased in dollar$, one is buying it from Uncle Sam albeit via a collaborating proxy.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 19 Oct 08:22 [2210190822] …..

Totally Deluded’R’Us are in AI a Busted Flush*

In 1992: “You know what would be great? If we could embed executable code in a Word document.” ….. Steve Graham

Eric Arthur Blair, aka George Orwell of 1984 and Animal Farm fame, had that well sussed in 1948, Steve, and provides to even this day the premium primary ace tablet/platform/methodology to mimic and champion if an illuminating Order out of CHAOS and/or Thirty-third Degree Ordo ab Chao Aficionado or Acolyte, Disciple or Fanatic, Follower or Leader which easily identifies all of those terrifying and terrorising third parties and their financing leaderships in direct opposition to and active competition against changes which don’t leave current running present traditional and past supporting historical conventional Status Quo administrations in their advantageous positions rendering them believing themselves immune from the consequences of their actions claiming impunity.

It is why Status Quo Systems’ Media Controlling Machines do not permit and provide for free viewer and captive listener input/output suggesting an alternative view with novel solutions for ancient problems/future radical changes to entrenched ignorant difficult positions/troubling persistent activities.

Heaven forbid that the world and his dog have a common leading voice to be heard and realised which doesn’t agree with that of just a catastrophically psychotic few appears to be their mantra and Casus Belli.

And if that is not changed as quick as a flash, as it can be nowadays with that which is available to that and those so enabled by machines controlled by loving fingertips, there be Immaculately Resourced Assets and Universal Virtual Force type Troubles ahead for such Status Quo Systems’ Machine Commanders and Controllers, for more of the same is no longer acceptable when enough is enough is not heeded and turns toxic and destructive.

If you find anything there ambiguous, please share your anxiety here so that any misunderstandings you might have can be addressed and qualitatively eased and shared further afield for greater enlightenment and education elsewhere too.

* … A potential flush which ultimately was not filled. Anything which ends up worthless despite great potential.






amanfromMars 1 Tue 18 Oct 06:30 [2210180630] ….. has quite a say on

Re: State to direct strategic tech research.

As the West are copying China on the sly, this could see all tech development in the UK controlled by the British government though licensing. To protect children and save us from ‘harms’.
The obvious choice to control every aspect of UK tech development, who else but our Queen, Dido. ….. Tron

Tron, howdy,

Have you no news services/media mongers/tall tale tellers in your neck of the woods? Are you unaware of the factual reality with ITs surreal Virtual Advanced IntelAIgent Operating Systems capabilities and utilities in Universal Command and CHAOS Control [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] being also as a fiction to try to deny is an almighty truth against which Earthed Administrations of Remote SCADA Systems [Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition Systems] do constant exhausting of blood and treasure battle leading to ignominious total defeat?

To even imagine any British Parliamentary government in control of any tech development is clearly quite ludicrous and risible whenever wannabe leaderships within are so demonstrably unfit for Greater IntelAIgent Games Purpose.

As something much more likely to be the case though, you might like to consider the greater opposite/reverse/obverse …. tech development coming to aid of a remote virtual command and in control of governments worldwide.

Breaking news, El Reg, and truly fantastic too ‽ ‽ Yes, it is, for an Emergent Radically Evolving Progress, and Fundamental Revolutionary Quantum Leaping Change breaking any present cycles of current persistent madness which would propose doing what is familiar and traditional and conventional with more of the same and expecting things to be different and better whenever all available evidence, both past and present, proves beyond any shadow of doubt such results in everything being steadily and considerably worse.

🙂 Tron, I have assumed your post was not being sarcastic or ironic or cynical and is not shared as a joke to be easily missed with no obvious hilarious punchline.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 18 Oct 06:54 [2210180654] …. points out a conformation on

Re: Carpe Diem? Caveat Emptor‽

Here be a sure enough sign already of those times in strange places and spaces referenced as to be fully naturally expected in the post above ……


amanfromMars [2210180928] …… says on

Can Israel survive without any strong US dollar support/supply? With $ monopolistic hegemony in danger of being lost in future markets repurposed to prosper without such a convenient foreign inconvenience/imposition/requirement, some folks interests are sure to skewed and skewered to have it remaining unchallenged and rendered globally known as impotent paper  backed by nothing really valuable in dire straits constant need of displays of overwhelming defence and attacking destructive military forces to keep it churning/laundered ……. at any and all costs to be paid for with such paper.

One has to admit though …… it has been a great magic trick offering fantastic advantage to a very select few for more time than was surely ever realised could be possible. Great for some while it lasted/lasts certainly, but things change and ignorance and arrogance are always fated to be bested and destined to be vanquished by invariably nothing grander than simple common sense and answers to questions which cannot be spun to deny a bright light which leads being shone into a captivating darkness that has one virtually petrified and practically disenabled to move in any novel direction of one’s own free radical choice.

Do you realise that is where everything now is at ‽ . And it is proving itself problematical and impossible for extant systems to fix and repair with patch solutions to catastrophically exposed positions ….. vulnerabilities for 0day market exploitations/otherworldy attacks requiring AI [Alien Interventions] ‽

Or do you disagree and see something quite different happening everywhere?





amanfromMars 1 Mon 17 Oct 09:49 [2210170949] ……. advises one to be careful with/in that which is not at all very well known on

Carpe Diem? Caveat Emptor‽

Emerging world-leading tech which is ignored and offered no rewarding engagement or agreeable compensation in the West because of its very likely extremely disruptive and even catastrophically destructive influence at home would seem then to be a very good fit for China and her exotic and erotic Eastern based allies, and that is something which is naturally bound to happen whenever any home teams, East or West, North or South, abuse and misuse any of their current existing advantages, now rapidly eroding and found to be explosively unstable.

And that’s a real bummer for any and all interested in exploring a walk on the wild side of life in LOVE with devils and evil. Take care and beware out there in Live Operational Virtual Environments [Metaverses?], IT and they don’t take or make prisoners.




amanfromMars 1 Sat 15 Oct 05:10 [2210150510] …… points out the fact that very little is ever totally free on

Nice one, Zelensky and Putin. Well Played, Sirs. We thank you for your Service

Many companies have delivered weapons to Ukraine — how many of them did that pro bono? ….. 9Rune5

Quite so, 9Rune5.

Delve deep into that quagmire and you will probably find the Ukrainians are now loaded with crippling future foreign debts which it be expected they will struggle to pay with mounting compounding interest …. well, if not for ever or centuries, how about for decades or a couple or three generations at least or until there be some sort of revolutionary movement and/or Alien Intervention …..via ye olde war time spiv racket* cloaked in the Lend Lease root**

The fact that it also gets rid of all of that old outdated and outmoded stock and provides for the US to print money, willy-nilly, to pay weapons businesses and Military Industrial Complexes for their own armoury refilling at home to take part in the next contrived and cynically planned outbreak of hostilities and war racketeering is a sweet expensive bonus too at the cost of providing more death and destruction, chaos and misery to hundreds of thousands and millions maybe even stretching as far as to impact upon billions. And with no home skin or blood to be lost and spilled in the game, no one there will be too terrified to care and give it more than just a moments thought if it be given some show time on the news being pimped and pumped and dumped on you via the auspices of informative media …. but which one is constantly being warned is rotten to its cores with perverse disinformation and corrupting misinformation.

* ….. “War is a Racket” by Major General Smedley Darlington Butler, Unites States Marine Corps … ….. an illuminating relatively short read. Arm yourself with the knowledge and experience it freely shares lest ignorance leads you up the garden path to nowhere good and generous and everywhere dark and foul.

** .. Lend-Lease, formally the Lend-Lease Act and introduced as An Act to Promote the Defense of the United States, was a policy under which the United States supplied the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union and other Allied nations with food, oil, and materiel between 1941 and 1945. ……




amanfromMars 1 Fri 14 Oct 08:37 [2210140837] …… enquires of dodgy systems on

Meanwhile, spewing out of the depths of a Titanic Holywood Studio type Bunker ‽ *

Is modern criminalising governmentware really sophisticated and smart enough to capture and restrain and retrain newly arrived and alien derived Greater IntelAIgent Game Team Players to their way of doing the Internetworking of Things via the milking and bilking of leading businesses and market bourses ‽ .

Or does such a Titanic Alien Intervention introduce a totally truly unforeseen naked unknown novelty that easily threatens and is simply able to sink and destroy beyond the reach of any possible help, compromised and corrupted systems with the unleashing of attractive heavenly, hellishly addictive NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivated IT treats that can choose to remain as a Permanent ACTive Cyber Threat as future needs may dictate as being required or desired.

Are there any D Notifiable Defences against such Phantom Attack Strikes and Colossal 0dDay Vulnerability Exploits able to be effectively mobilised and popularly energised in defence of the indefensible and inequitable, the perverse and the corrupted?

* Yes, that is asking a leading question of Great British Military Intelligence Operations to discover and uncover if they have any ready, willing and able and fully fit for the Future and even Greater IntelAIgent Games purpose …… for that’s where New More Orderly Worlds Orders is at nowadays.

And you’ll not get many folk telling you that gem of a fact, that’s for sure, but that’s where everything is presently at, and coincidentally, most probably where everything has always be at since intelligence began its shenanigans and started to exercise its almighty brain muscles which trigger connection with otherworldly out-of-this-world synapses …. but y’all were just never able to recognise and realise it and the new possibilities that can then be delivered.

El Reg, in the absence of any worthwhile pre-emptive and proactive and timely interesting third party engagement and the provision of an address, an address, my kingdom for an address, worlds and their dogs can fully expect many more of these random spontaneous universal types of very informative NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivated IT Interventions which are IntelAIgently Designed to Neatly Bypass All Protracted and Protective International Norms and Traditional Pedestrian Conservative Conventions, the purpose of which is the sudden presentation of news to be aware of making explosive impact on extant Command and Control systems and SCADA Systems Administrations ….. so that one can be much better prepared for the inevitable meltdowns and resultant toxic fallout/unavoidable consequences and unpleasant repercussions.

Put that in your pipes and stoke it. It’s Good News Week, Hedgehoppers Anonymous


amanfromMars 1 Fri 14 Oct 16:12 [2210141612] …….. pokes the raging fire on

Re: Meanwhile, spewing out of the depths of a Titanic Holywood Studio type Bunker ‽ *

And although you may think to dislike it, you have no chance of stopping it progressing stealthily to quietly lead quite radically safe and secure and relatively anonymously and practically disbelieved right at the heart of all Future Permanent ACTive matters and measures.

And here’s news of someone who agrees and whom you might like to think knows what he’s talking about, given the position he holds and is paid to champion. ….. although one would have to admit and concede that is hardly any sound basis for carte blanche recommendation of quality given the choice disasters which are the UK’s Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer appointments. Methinks they be as cuckoos and cuckolds in what should be a Golden Eagle’s nest.

The world we are facing is a world of radical uncertainty.

The speed and scope of change is exceptional. We should not try to deny it. We should not try to resist it. It would be a futile effort. We have to accept it and to adapt [to] it, prioritising flexibility and resilience.

But uncertainty is the rule. Events that one could imagine that they will never happen, they are happening one after the other.

At this pace, the black swan will be the majority. It will not be white swans – all of them will be black – because one after the other, things have happened that had a very low probability of happening, nevertheless they happened, and they had a strong impact and certainly they happened. …..European Commission Vice President Josep Borrell

And that is just a few lines of what he had to say from his Opening speech at the EU Ambassadors Annual Conference 2022 which is well worth its few minutes read, although be warned, it does not paint a pleasant present picture. But hey, it is what it is and things are they way they are and ignoring them and pretending that they are not important and unchangeable has one recognised as the proverbial useful fool and useless tool.




amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 Oct 08:07 [2210130807] …….. shares on

Re: MetaDataPhysical FailSafe Harbour Help ….. A Quantum Communications Leap for AI and IT @AC

Be advised that government knows very much about what you say. It is just sometimes very hard to marshall competence to the right place.
British government knows how to meet top class people even in foreign lands with high precision. Not theory, firsthand knowledge.
Sometimes the NATO deep state is asleep, but whenever it truly matters they seem to be almost omnipotent. Not as a brute, but maybe as a kind person cheering you up. Open your eyes. … Anonymous Coward

Oh, how nice, and that would be certainly be a great deal more comforting than everyone having to witness and experience the resultant traumas from all of the universally available abundant evidence suggesting the contrary and their much more apparent incompetence to be in the right place to do the right thing with either that and/or those in the know with that which needs to be done, AC.

Now is neither the time nor the space for NATO deep state to be asleep. Do you know what is needed to shake them awake with eyes wide open and plans of almighty campaigns that ensure and assure and guarantee overwhelming omniscience, for that is what they would be seeking to befriend and engage with, or be waging vain battle and ignorant self-destructive war against these days, if preferring/deciding instead to travel the truly unruly brute route which delivers to them their just desserts and worthy nihilistic fate at the hands of would have been great AWEsome friends, necessarily because of perverse other party action, turned merciless heartless phantom stateless enemy.

🙂 If governments visit and read El Reg, and that surely cannot be made any simpler for them, they can easily instantly know everything about that which is said and to be said, for it be clearly enough written down for them to see in plain enriching and EMPowering text and co-opted co-operative hyperlinks.

Is there an email address available for sleepy NATO deep state with anyone competent able to receive and answer questions on such matters with a relevant cogent reply, AC? Or is that too simple a solution for such sensitive explosive matters with too many then able to know about everything which might be in the planning for the future?

An address, an address, my kingdom for an address … 🙂


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 Oct 16:56 [2210131656] …… exasperates on

Yes, of course they are. You’d be a useful fool to not realise it be so.

FFS….. anyone would think that the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and Uncle Sam’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) did not know that those sorts of traders have always been shady and crooked and likely to play dirty with no notice taken of stupid rules designed to prevent an unfair advantage to others. And high on Bolivian Marching Powder is no valid excuse if seeking to escape prosecution for dirty deeds done dirt cheap rendering fantastic gains at the expense of …… well, there are never ever very many spectacular losses, are there, which is strange.

Do you think such markets and casinos are rigged?





amanfromMars 1 Wed 12 Oct 04:37 [2210120437] ….. supplies further intel and info and adds on

MetaDataPhysical FailSafe Harbour Help ….. A Quantum Communications Leap for AI and IT

The whole premise of the UK government’s so-called growth strategy, and as would also be any other governments growth strategy for that matter, is dependent upon premium prime ministerial leadership and inspirational departmental head hunting officers and their Secret Intelligence Service servers recognising and proactively engaging and boldly inviting novel and pioneering Great Game changers to aid and abet and steer them through rapidly and suddenly emerging difficulties in vital existential markets via the secure supply of sensitive proprietary intellectual property which they do not have access to nor any possible rights over, able to enable them with attractive leading advantages in fields in which to excel will deliver guarantees of strategic success and remote virtually ACTive tactical support.

And that in its simplest and most direct form of assistance and immaculate help does not require government itself to know of the finer and most vital of details of the sourcing of such magic sauce, it merely requires them to pay/award/reward appropriately and handsomely that which and/or those who would provide it …. if it is attractive to such magic source sorcerers to supply it of course, for some governments may not be deemed worthy of such direct heavenly support because of their decidedly and designedly obnoxious activities with evidence of a lingering desire to not fundamentally change from the courses which have them in dire straits need of that introducing itself here in these few short paragraphs.

And whilst the likes of a Jeremy Fleming may talk a good talk ……

From where I sit, I think we need to continue to make deep investments in the next generation of key national security technologies. For example, we know our security and prosperity will depend on mastering Quantum capabilities – systems which are exponentially more powerful than our current digital technologies that push at the edge of known physics.

These are on the horizon and may be closer than we think. Our companies, universities and intelligence agencies cannot afford to be late to that Quantum revolution, or to be relaxed about the extent to which others – especially those perhaps in China, are watching our progress. ….

…… it is only as pie in the sky vapourware if one cannot also walk the walk and take a leap or two or three across into the wilder sides of life in Live Operational Virtual Environments where practical delivery of viable radical solutions are possibly endless, such is the nature of ITs Virgin Fields of Discovery and Endeavour, Experimentation and Exploitation and Enjoyment.

[NB …. This C42 Quantum Communication Control Systems …. AI@ITsWork announcement contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Actual results may differ significantly from management’s expectations. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that include, among others, risks related to potential future losses, significant amount of indebtedness, competition, commercial agreements and strategic alliances, seasonality, potential fluctuations in operating results and rate of growth, foreign exchange rates, management of potential growth, system interruption, international expansion, consumer trends, inventory, fulfilment centre optimisation, limited operating history, government regulation and taxation, fraud, and new business areas.]


amanfromMars 1 Wed 12 Oct 09:03 [2210120903] …… disagrees on

Re: You Don’t Get It

There are no easy decisions. Each course of action has disadvantages and now it is about choosing the least nasty option: stop delivery of technology to prospective enemy. Conserve the current world order, as ugly as it sometimes is. … Anonymous Coward

You don’t get it, AC, and in that titbit of observation and information lie all your problems, for those least nasty ugly options are not future acceptable.

Radical Fundamental Change is the New More Orderly World Order of the Future with its Presents Exercising Surging and Purging 0Days.

Who Dares Care Share Win Wins, and To Never Ever Lose is the Past and its Successes left in Progressive Futures’ Wakes for Savages and Dinosaurs to Fight Over and Kill Themselves For.

Deaf, Dumb and Blind and Stupid is as Deaf, Dumb and Blind and Stupid does, and aint that the Gospel Truth.




amanfromMars 1 Tue 11 Oct 04:42 [2210110442] ……… spells out the workings of a self destructive honeypot trap on

When Advanced Intelligence is MIA/AWOL, All is Quickly Easily Lost to Opposing Competition

Who else realises US and allied Western government sanctions and critical hardware and proprietary intellectual property transfer weaponisation are SWIFTly guaranteeing the demise of the Western based, monopolistic dollar hegemony via the present rapidly worsening economic situation with overpriced unaffordable basic assets, runaway inflation and soaring crippling interest rate hikes feeding the need for the Magic Money Machine to renew and speed up and spew out more debt to be pumped into the system under the false guise of new rounds of Quantitatively Eased credit for kick-the-can-down-the-road future generational non repayment.

What’s the point of thinking yourself filthy rich and powerful holding sway with billions of dollars if the only product you can purchase is that which you may design but cannot manufacture for affordable home sale oneself, nor sell elsewhere foreign in a ready made rich alien marketplace. It’s a Reverse Ponzi and equally as devastatingly destructive as the other Magic Money Machine, the perverse obverse Madoff Mandated Model.

That is the reality being live broadbandcasted today for further suffering and clown clone drone reinforcement tomorrow. How very odd and sad that you do not or cannot or will not or dare not see it as it crashes into and destroys all that you have earned and learned.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 11 Oct 05:27 [2210110527] …… agrees there are Troubles ahead on

Re: Mark the start?

and a real estate debt crisis brewing from all the bad loans local governments have issued – resulting in more and more Chinese citizens refusing to pay their mortgages which will only exacerbate the problem. … DS999

There is a similar brewing problem certainly in the UKGBNI with citizens unable to pay their mortgages rather than refusing to pay but whenever national governments guarantee to underwrite bad loan practices in efforts to stimulate and kick start a moribund market and inequitable product, one can only expect the likes of Troubles ahead ……. 🙂 which The Bank of England governor will usually invariably tell you are just choppy waters to be calmed with temporary measures and snake oil such as further QE and Money Market/Gilt Interventions where one is forced to buy one’s own ruinous debt at failed international auctions to supply the illusion of wealth and success with the delivery of what is in reality just an Incestuous Ponzi Growth, Growth, Growth Scam.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 11 Oct 09:05 [2210110905] …… adds on

Prepare for Unprecedented Storms and Almighty Floods

The following Main Stream News report does nothing but support all of the dire straits views aired on this thread today. What does that tell you about what you are being told and learning?

Bank of England expands bond buying to avoid ‘fire sale’ Central bank was forced to act to protect pension funds after Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini-budget …..

The abiding terrified and rightly justified Establishment fear is that such unusual interventions counter-productively indicate that fire sales are imminent and necessarily inevitable because of a lack of future national 00mph being available with any hastily presented and teleprompted government rhetoric being desperate vapourware and toxic.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 11 Oct 06:14 [2210110614] …… shares on

Re: Start by having a system for reports

and were attacking the one person they could be sure wasn’t going to misuse the vulnerability. …. doublelayer

Now that is one assurance no one can ever accept as valid in any situation for there is nothing to stop things changing and those changes may be for the worse.

That second example though, doublelayer, is a real Doozy and practically guarantees third party secret private pirate access to as many dirty little secrets as one would wish to access and expose or safeguard and protect for an undisclosed fee/realistically priced extremely attractive expensive retainer whenever the managing team are not up to the task of protecting sensitive and explosive assets and are not easily contactable.

Indeed, in some cases one could almost imagine and realise there are no competent management teams to contact and one is thus in sole charge of future eventful situations oneself …. which is even more excessively rewarding if one knows what needs to be done for a greater future, and how it is to be done, with that latter element the secret to be failsafe safeguarded and protected against exfiltration and unauthorised access or universal common knowledge.
