amanfromMars 1 Thu 14 Mar 20:03 [2403142003] …… posts out on
Misinformation? An extreme view? An honest tale? The future, but not as you were expecting it?
What you describe is definitely not AI, inachu ….. and sounds far too much like present political inept and corrupt state actor establishments to not be.
I can’t disagree though that in its current form it is fated to fail, and quite spectacularly too in a series of devastating crashes/revelations.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 15 Mar 09:18 [2403150918] …… shares on
Tendering for and Tending to the Impossible is a Thankless Task
“From the World Economic Forum perspective, this is a very unique project,” Goldstein said. “It’s really going into a very operational level, which is beyond what the Forum is usually doing.”
It also underscored the growing emphasis that the WEF has placed on cybercrime – and cybersecurity – over the past few years.
According to the WEF’s Global Risks Report 2024 [PDF] published in January, “misinformation and disinformation” is the top short-term global risk, with “cyber insecurity” coming in at number four.
All budding wannabe Lex Luthors thank you for that intel on what renders them unilaterally and universally, a disconcerting leading advantage.
Does the World Economic Forum imagine themselves and their new best friend partners to be suitably au fait with all that be needed to prevent unauthorised anonymous remote third party exploit of their virtual vulnerabilities and practically non-existent cyber defences?
The abiding unfortunate difficulty that is surely a cause for constant concern is that if one does not know how to effectively successfully attack and destroy systems with impunity one can never be immune, safe and secure from that and/or those that DO KNOW and would exercise that knowledge to prove the point and present a novel opportunity for another quite different reality ….. which you might to worry about accepting is realised via virtual means and AIMemes.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 15 Mar 16:24 [2402151624] ……. shares more on
Are CIA/NSA + BigTech + other buddies ready to lose remote mind-reading / remote torture technology? Plan is to sell to BRICS+ countries. Havana Syndrome. …. Clausewitz4.0
Methinks, Clausewitz4.0, they are already suffering the consequences and effects which be indicative of others leading with new applications in such fields which render a prime advantage with remote mind-reading/remote torture technology.
Whenever one considers how very little constructive, universally beneficial progress and the vast catalogue of increasingly expensive and destructive missteps which the West and they [CIA/NSA + BigTech + other buddies] have made whenever virtually unopposed in a pioneering lead with practically zero competition, pure simple common sense would suggest they be unsuited for the primary role which would ideally have others following and benefitting from their actions/activities.
It is certainly nice to have such a varied choice of interested and interesting new prospective customer clients to explore future deals with for a wholly different outcome.