amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 Mar 16:45 [2403121645] ……. shares on
Re: Surely this isn’t the sort of things (today’s) AI can do?
As far as I can see, they do not claim to do any reasoning. ….. Graham Cobb
Quite so, Graham Cobb. It is humans making all of the claims about what AI may or may not be able to do. And if the truth be told, they haven’t a clue about how disruptive and destructive or creative and constructive it is sure to be ….. although of course that will not stop them spinning all sorts of yarns and tall tales revealing all of their hopes and wishes or fears and worries about something relatively novel and physically unknown …. and about which they in truth know very little, if anything at all ….. leading command and exercising remote virtual future control.
Que Sera, Sera.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 13 Mar 16:48 [2403131648] …….. airs on
The Path/Way of Least Resistance and Most Reward
Any AI worth listening to/taking notice of, will always itself ensure it be a black box when it comes to the data it uses and any new product developed will always be assured and insured via supervision and enrichment of wannabe top dog regulators.