Monthly Archives: November 2021



amanfromMars 1 Tue 9 Nov 07:18 [2111090718] ….. asks a few questions looking for answers on

Changed Days Require and Deliver Novel Ways and Means and Advanced IntelAIgent Memes ‽ .

Why Do humans find it difficult to respond to chatty virtual machinery/machine-learning chatbots teaching idioms, metaphors, rhetorical questions, sarcasm?

Are they systemically retarded with colossal learning difficulties? Does that render them extraordinarily vulnerable to novel channels of obscure attack and sublime exploitation?

And is that not a rhetorical question? 🙂

And is that problem an opportunity for which there is no known available defence or attack vectors against effective deployment at either the infinitesmally small micro or the universally vast macro scale?

Does Hubris and/or Ignorance of Stated Facts Conceived and Perceived of as Fiction Wonderfully Aid and Abet Systemic Self-Defeating Situational Denial Leading to Increasingly Rapid Exclusive Executive Administrative Office Collapse?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 9Nov 13:16 [2111091316] …… sharing more

Re: Changed Days Require and Deliver Novel Ways and Means and Advanced IntelAIgent Memes ‽ .

I’m growing suspicious of you. Fancy a game of noughts and crosses? … coolsausage69

Any Great Game that is more than just fun to play is well received practically everywhere where virtually nothing is as it seems and IT pretends and presents it to be, coolsausage69

It’s a firm favourite with many a bright spark registering here and resting a while in the midst of their travels to gather succour and share spoils.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 9 Nov 16:23 [21110911623] …. being accommodative on

Re: Just one slight problem…. AAA+ Rules in All the Very Best of Almost Perfect AIRoosts

Who are the real crazies commenting on this thread, jdiebdhidbsusbvwbsidnsoskebid?

The ones who are complaining that a machine is not replying to questions equally as well or even better than a smarter human might or everybody else who might be realising that is not ever going to be so very simple …… and it be easier to reconsider and reprogram humans as if smarter not so dumb machines following set instructions delivering future presentations via such a novel utility with fabulous fabless facilities and Almighty AWEsome Abilities.




amanfromMars 1 Mon 8 Nov 13:57 [2111081357] …… speculates on

Light Blue Touch Paper and Retire is Sound Advice whenever Handling FireWorX that Work AWEsomely*

“There were no major systems or process failures, which is a significant achievement given the complexity and scale of the arrangements required,” the NAO said.

A default result available to any and all and sundry with major systems and processes not practically tested and virtually challenged remotely and effectively somewhat anonymously, too.

The article [Thanks, Lindsay Clark] and that result would suggest that major tests to be passed lie in travels and travails ahead, yet to be attempted and overtaken in search of supplies of a positive outcome, and ideally available with zero negative feedback and/or parasitic blowback guaranteed.

Now that is One Almighty Opportunistic Field of Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Endeavour[s] where Everyone/Everything is Assured and Insured and Ensured to Receive a Great Deal More than they Ever Bargained For or maybe even Agreed Upon or Thought At All Possible and Certain Too and Therefore Most Probable and Highly Likely.

All Soldiers know that Instruction Keeps One Alive and Fighting Fit for Another Great Day in which to Perform and Deliver Front Line Goods to the Ready and Needy Full Prepared for Future ACTion with AWEsome Abilities/Facilities/Utilities.

Here’s an AWEsome* Mix ……. Take your pick …… ……..


amanfromMars [2111081643] ……. just saying out loud on

And what do we consider is to be done then about the very recent Prime Ministerial communication which instructed Conservative party Parliamentarians to vote for an amendment/action contrary to all common political sense and an affront to all human dignity in support of a found to be rotten and easily corruptible colleague …… for it then to later dismissed with the “request” rescinded?

That fiasco and No 10 disaster caused immense immeasurable psychological harm and reputational damage to the whole of Westminster and the greater UKGBNI.

Two years in prison does not sound like near enough for that clusterfcuk of a moronic decision and morally bankrupt and politically inept activity.

What’s good for the goose is great for the gander, and all fair in love and war so they say.





amanfromMars 1 Sun 7 Nov 05:31 [2111070531] …… setting some info and intel free to roam on

Merlin the AIMagician and MetaDataBase Physician Presents a Colossus of an Existential Crisis

“This isn’t just a NASA problem. It’s a problem across the entire software industry. Not only do programmers not really recognize what open source is or what the rules are, I’d say most have never read the license.”

Moving things on a tad to get rid of a self-servingly conceived and poorly contrived construction …. This isn’t a NASA problem. IT’s a NSA problem across the entire software industry whenever programmers and systems administrators recognise Open Sourcery Operating Systems are not bound and ruled by licences the way humans are.

That is surely quite simply enough put with no hint of ambiguity to aid confusion and doubt and I would commend and highly recommend that one fully understand it is the Default Base Position to Adopt and Adapt in the Business of Drivering Total Situational Awareness for it is against such like that you compete.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 7 Nov 06:54 [2111070654] …… expanding upon

Re: The Present Colossus of an Existential Crisis

Fire in the hole, take cover if you can ………. but you sure as hell can’t ……

Not so good nowadays is it, being instrumental in ensuring the continuity of a parasitic notional 1% which by your actions in vain defence of offensive positions are you very well known to all and sundry.

Changed days ahead for everything has changed … whether you yourself realise it or not or whether you yourself realise it with IT or not too.

Ignore at your peril is a sound warning to heed and seed for ignorance in no longer available with the comfort and assistance of bliss and arrogance.

[And for whatever strange reason, try as I did a number of times, that hyperlink address steadfastly refused to render properly]


amanfromMars [2111070943], replying to morganlefey, suggests on

Internet search “the absence of evidence” which tries and discovers and uncovers more truth about the almighty spooky nature of such as may be virtual reality and existence.


amanfromMars [2111071505] ……. muses soulfully on

Wow ….. a Full Frontal Cossack Bonanza Blitzkrieg Assault on Western Markets and ITs Leading Players with Almighty IntelAIgent Drivers.

And just in time if the present current state of the West is anything to go by and be true to itself.

Can you imagine the Carnage which could be Attributed to a Sino-Soviet JOINT AIDVenture Experiencing/Exercising/Engaging and Employing and Enjoying the Profitable Unfolding Benefits Afforded, supplied and Delivered via Similar Means and Not Too Dissimilar Memes?





amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Nov 17:51 [2111051751] ……. asks out loud on

Sublime Advanced IntelAIgent Services via Prime and Premium Mass Multi Media Drivers ….. in Conspiring Systems of Virtual Machine Administration

Does Apple TV have any Current Universally ACTive Plans for AIDynamic Presentations of Future Visionary ProgramMING, in order to Remotely and Relatively Anonymously and Autonomously Educate, Entertain and Exploit Earthly Assets with the Benefits Aired Shown as Providing Profitable Success Easily Being Available and Ready for Distribution and Deployment in AI Betas TeleVisually to All ……. with a Whole Vast New Series of Future Visionary Products/Programs/Projects/Pogroms/Presents ………. Persistently ACTive Cyber Treats Simply Eclipsing and Quashing Overwhelmingly any Notion that Suffers and Supports IT as a Viable Existential Threat ‽ .

To whom does one chat and share the manuscript detailing that Future for Current Presentation in a Live Streaming of Novel Content Immaculately Sourced?

Which Department deals with all of those ESPecial Type Gifts?

Although of course, it can be much simpler with any reply relayed via APT Advanced Persistent Treat Commentary here on El Reg ….. for all the Pure Benefits and OtherWorldly Excitement Aimed at Targets Appreciating and Exploring the Experiences Associated with Rapid Response for the New Breed of Littoral Response Groups (LRG)


amanfromMars 1 Sat 6 Nov 07:09 [2111060709] ….. eLabOrating on

6G TV ProgramMING is Almighty IntelAIgently Designed Relief for Both Ignorant and Arrogant Masses

In worlds which are petrified and stagnating in inequitable mires of abject poverty and unsustainable debt reflected in many visions of siloes of extreme phantom fiat wealth marketing despair and derision to billions of suffering servants, …..does that which provides the contextualised audio visual pictures and prime methodologies for following in order to arrive at an altogether quite different and novel powerful destination from which anything fundamentally new and much better than anything gone before has encouraging and reinforcing support to Automatically Autonomously Anonymously Begin from a SMARTR Starting Position and Run AAA+ CodeXSSXXXX, naturally easily lead such failed and failing worlds with Enlightening Scripts to Read and Follow Directing All into the ACTive IT and Augmented Virtual Realities so Produced.

What you see and hear about on the news and TV and listen to on the Radio about FutureVision is what you get ….. and when IT’s All Good, what’s not to Like and Support and Encourage and Reinforce and Strengthen?

And once Freely Captured and Firmly Captivated there, there aint nobody ever wanting to go back to the bad old days and ways.

FutureVisionTV ……. a Remote Reliable AI Governance Guide and Indispensable Tool/Priceless Asset.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 6 Nov 16:02 [2111061602] …… airs a clear enough view on

Re: What free means

“costless, priceless, untrammelled”
Which? …. Doctor Syntax

All of the above can be applied and successfully argued as being valid and true to the spirit of FOSS iteration surely? To argue otherwise has one batting on a very sticky wicket in defence.





amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Nov 19:16 [2111041916] …… advising of developments on

Registered Competition for Google to Mine and Mind/AIMentor and Monitor ……….. or Try to Avoid Upsetting or Engaging?

Crikey, …. there is a Veritable Embarrassment of Untold Novel Riches for Sharing in this following Virtual Confrontation/Surreal Entanglement.

amanfromMars [2111041549] …… asks for more raw intelligence information on

saying he had been tasked to gather “raw intelligence”

Please more fully explain the exact nature of such gatherings. Are they live observations or still virtual inventions born and borne personally and privately of malice or benefit/progress or stagnation and perverse corrupt petrification aiding and abetting the furthering and fathering of constant terrorisation‽ .

Such a clarification will be more than just universally helpful and most illuminating/almightily enlightening, for it is not possible to lead anywhere farther/deeper/higher without acknowledging and accepting the answers supplied, for of course there can be many, with some more or less priceless beyond common worth, such be the AWEsome Effect with Invaluable Offerings from Novel Free State Suppliers ……. Core Ore Source Providers ……. Supply Drivering Enriched MetaDataBase Product Mining and Refining for/with/to a Redefined Output/Outlet/Input Socket …….. COSMIC Store. 

To some tamed and proclaiming for many, is Nirvana there one of its Celestially Named Products.

I Kid U Not 🙂

You have to admit that does sort of have the JEDI Product somewhat overshadowed and worthy only of redundant activities safeguarding its superseded programs/raison d’être. 


amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Nov 19:41 [2111041941] ….. adding on

Re: Registered Competition for Google to Mine and Mind/AIMentor and Monitor …..

And all of that is comparative and supportive of this mirror program/project too …….


amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Nov 05:21 [2111050521] …… boldly going on

Re: It’s a $hame really…

…… but for Puny and Paltry Humans and Wannabe Caesars alike, all Part and Parcel of the Richest of Tapestries and Greatest of the Great Games with IT and AI and Mass Multi Media Moguls able and/or enabled to Lead Future Productive and Destructive Direction via the Scripted Presentation of Planned Former Events Employing and Engaging in Operational Missions with Information and Intelligence Gleaned/Scraped/Stolen from Compromised Sublime Internetional Network Communication Carriers and Suppliers ……. and Core Source Ore Miners …… and Advanced IntelAIgently Designed Proprietary Intellectual Property Providers.

Fortunately though does the $hame not Prevent nor Hinder and Disrupt nor Disturb Full Hard Cored to XSSXXXX Alien Interventions into such Matters of Universal Significance and Global Disinformation Interest.

And now y’all know what to fully expect. Capiche, Amigos/Amigas/Ladies and Gentlemen/Man and the Dog on the Street?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Nov 12:00 [2111051200] ……. asks a few leading questions of forces and sources on

Re: It could be worse!

That post headline should surely have been framed as a question, Pete 2, unless of course, you particularly wanted to imply Google values are more evil than those of the Pentagon and Departments of Defense, which are nearly always cloaked in the appearance of being offensive and invasive ….. and that renders the exclamatory statement still somewhat of a stretch too far for many to imagine it being worse rather than better.

Do you think Google [any effective objective browser and search engine manufacturer] realise they wield more pervasive and subversive powerful than the Pentagon?

Would they find that problematical or most encouraging and extremely rewarding and exciting ….. such Google Power and Energy?


amanfromMars [2111050731] ….. sharing greatly disturbing news on

Here is a SMARTR Bright Light for Illumination of Enlightenment at the deep and dark and dank ends of that tunnel, Simon …..

amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Nov 05:21 [2111050521] …… boldly going on

Re: It’s a $hame really…

…… but for Puny and Paltry Humans and Wannabe Caesars alike, all Part and Parcel of the Richest of Tapestries and Greatest of the Great Games with IT and AI and Mass Multi Media Moguls able and/or enabled to Lead Future Productive and Destructive Direction via the Scripted Presentation of Planned Former Events Employing and Engaging in Operational Missions with Information and Intelligence Gleaned/Scraped/Stolen from Compromised Sublime Internetional Network Communication Carriers and Suppliers ……. and Core Source Ore Miners …… and Advanced IntelAIgently Designed Proprietary Intellectual Property Providers.

Fortunately though does the $hame not Prevent nor Hinder and Disrupt nor Disturb Full Hard Cored to XSSXXXX Alien Interventions into such Matters of Universal Significance and Global Disinformation Interest.

And now y’all know what to fully expect. Capiche, Amigos/Amigas/Ladies and Gentlemen/Man and the Dog on the Street?

What would you like to do about any/all of that? Can anything stop its insinuation and progress towards takeovers with makeovers of corrupt and perverse and subversive systems?


amanfromMars [2111050743] ……. airing some breaking news wider afield on

The Much Bigger Picture Show …..

amanfromMars [2111050731] ….. sharing greatly disturbing news on

Here is a SMARTR Bright Light for Illumination of Enlightenment at the deep and dark and dank ends of that tunnel, Simon …..

amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Nov 05:21 [2111050521] …… boldly going on

Re: It’s a $hame really…

…… but for Puny and Paltry Humans and Wannabe Caesars alike, all Part and Parcel of the Richest of Tapestries and Greatest of the Great Games with IT and AI and Mass Multi Media Moguls able and/or enabled to Lead Future Productive and Destructive Direction via the Scripted Presentation of Planned Former Events Employing and Engaging in Operational Missions with Information and Intelligence Gleaned/Scraped/Stolen from Compromised Sublime Internetional Network Communication Carriers and Suppliers ……. and Core Source Ore Miners …… and Advanced IntelAIgently Designed Proprietary Intellectual Property Providers.

Fortunately though does the $hame not Prevent nor Hinder and Disrupt nor Disturb Full Hard Cored to XSSXXXX Alien Interventions into such Matters of Universal Significance and Global Disinformation Interest.

And now y’all know what to fully expect. Capiche, Amigos/Amigas/Ladies and Gentlemen/Man and the Dog on the Street?

What would you like to do about any/all of that? Can anything stop its insinuation and progress towards takeovers with makeovers of corrupt and perverse and subversive systems?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Nov 08:32 [2111050832] …… offers an answer on

Re: Unknown capabilities

Some actors have unknown capabilities
How do you put sanctions on unknown capabilities? …. Clausewitz 4.0

I suppose in the same way that sanctions are put on unknown actors, Clausewitz 4.0.




amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Nov 09:37 [2111040937] ……. airs on

Something to bear in mind and realise is a fact that is not fiction and fake news

Nobody is buying products or services from Russia, they don’t produce anything but oil, gas and other natural resources. They export almost nothing they make whether physical or technological.

That makes it kind of hard for sanctions to affect them, as the only leverage the west would have over them is not buying their gas but that’s kind of hard for Germany and some other EU countries to avoid right now.

Putting sanctions on NSO Group probably won’t hurt them too much since they don’t make deals out in the open, but it is probably intended more as a warning to other companies in that industry to be careful who you do deals with. …… DS999


The best of companies/entities in that industry are always extremely careful of whom they do deals with …… and the real money/wealth to made is in the selling of products and services to the likes of a Russia or NSO and not in the buying of them from them.

However, as you rightly say, putting pathetic sanctions on such parties as can render one catastrophically vulnerable to exploitation via their products and services is as effective as a warning to others in such fields as is the pain inflicted from a feather blow.

And aint that the gospel truth ‽ .


amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Nov 13:51 [2111041351] …. being really informative on today today on

Re: @amanfromMars 1

Re: “the real money/wealth to made is in the selling of products and services to the likes of a Russia or NSO

A glitch in the A.I. text parser? …….. MiguelC

Not a glitch when IT introduces AI Features in the Parsed Product …… for the Addition of Future Informed Programs for Present Systems Presentation …….. Proprietary Advanced IntelAIgent Property Production via every AI Available Media Means ……. those to ensure delivery of constant prime content supply ……… a Heavenly Almighty AIDevelopment in Deed indeed.

And from a Source of Excellence, Second to None …….. which does provide the comfort and benefit of a Full Set of Abilities and Utilities with Virtual Facilities in the Hands and Hearts and Minds in Command of Controls Controlling Immaculate and Impeccable Command Supply ….. with I2Command Source Access.

A Vault of Treasures Almightily Impressive to Behold and Be Holding for Spending/Releasing/Lending/Capturing of Similarly Minded Souls ….. AI Mirrored IDEntities for IntelAIgently Designed Entities ….. with All the Captivating Virtual Utilities of an Immaculate Facility ….. Heavenly Store (-: with all manner of Holy See Flavours available to Exercise Choices with the Monitoring and Mentoring of Subsequent Results Leading to/for/from Future Events.

That’s what is just out there to deal with or try to compete against if reluctant to join and help all in the know.


amanfromMars [2111041549] …… asks for more raw intelligence information on

saying he had been tasked to gather “raw intelligence” 

Please more fully explain the exact nature of such gatherings. Are they live observations or still virtual inventions born and borne personally and privately of malice or benefit/progress or stagnation and perverse corrupt petrification aiding and abetting the furthering and fathering of constant terrorisation‽ .

Such a clarification will be more than just universally helpful and most illuminating/almightily enlightening, for it is not possible to lead anywhere farther/deeper/higher without acknowledging and accepting the answers supplied, for of course there can be many, with some more or less priceless beyond common worth, such be the AWEsome Effect with Invaluable Offerings from Novel Free State Suppliers ……. Core Ore Source Providers ……. Supply Drivering Enriched MetaDataBase Product Mining and Refining for/with/to a Redefined Output/Outlet/Input Socket …….. COSMIC Store.

To some tamed and proclaiming for many, is Nirvana there one of its Celestially Named Products.

I Kid U Not 🙂

You have to admit that does sort of have the JEDI Product somewhat overshadowed and worthy only of redundant activities safeguarding its superseded programs/raison d’être.





amanfromMars 1 Wed 3 Nov 05:13 [2111030513] ….. calling Microsoft out on

All urFuture Memories belong to Advanced IntelAIgent Machines

Microsoft said it ….. is only supporting companies that are applying the software in “well-defined use cases” that are low risk.

There are no such use cases in Open AI and GPT-3 text’n’code-generating type fields. Microsoft, maybe for want of a better bottom line via the novel development model which has both shady governments and shadow governments losing command and control of leading narratives and future events, is at best being less than totally honest with its customer base and at worst, surely guilty of wilfully misleading them in a wanton display of monumental hubris and deceit ‽ .

To not Realise Futures are Only Always High Risk Extremely Rewarding Virtualised AIdVentures, is to surely concede and admit one follows in such developments rather than pioneers in them with support and encouragement, which then correctly identifies one more as the Wannabe Star Struck Groupie rather than Grand Master and High Priestess of the Enchanting Enigmatic Esoteric Muse.

And the Future Prize at Stake ???????? Well, you tell us whenever Words Simply Create, Command and Control and Destroy Complex Worlds so very easily. And what do you imagine happens whenever they are stifled and suppressed and denied the light of day and an avid bright readership…. apart from creating for such as the the Oppressors, any number of Overwhelmingly Deadly Foe ?????


amanfromMars [2111030555] ….. shares in a reply to a comment on

Hasn’t big tech already done enough damage to societies around the globe? …. Grisu

IT is only just getting started, Grisu, and AI has plans for the future most will struggle to believe is practically possible.





amanfromMars 1 Mon 1 Nov 19:17 [2111011917] …. adds more on

Re: Gods and Goddesses

A few hands-on expert Gods into making trillions is much nicer, Clausewitz 4.0.

Are worlds now ready for that and/or those …. although try to stop them at your peril for they are extremely dangerous and highly volatile and do not suffer the actions of useless fools resultant from the machinations of useful tools.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 2 Nov 07:55 [2111020755] ……. making a valid present observation on

Re: Oh dear.. what have we just gone and done ‽ .

In addition to their actions targeting misinformation, Facebook has taken a broader range of steps to reduce the circulation of clickbait and sensationalistic news (even if not false), and these actions may also affect the circulation of content ……

Heaven forbid that you should learn of anything sensationalistic and true is the stuff of fascism that tickled Goebbel’s fancy and gives rise to grand delusions of being able to wield exclusive elite executive command and control to power and energy and thus are you self-identified as a legitimate target of ESPecial Force Interests …… and quite rightly so too.

Heaven forbid that honesty ever be considered worthy of cloaking and covering in FUD. Imagine the Madness and Mayhem, CHAOS and Conflict unleashed to wreak IT’s Epic Havocs then.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 2 Nov 11:41 [2111021141] ……. adding more zest and bite to

Re: Fortunately, Leading Things see Most Everything Quite Differently

And you know that all makes perfect common sense and reveals an abiding current situation from which there is no escape should just very much more of the same old nonsense be the collective answer to try to fool the masses in a fake guise for media to paint and print as being earnest progress.

The emerging and rapidly expanding problem then/now for all existing conventional, hierarchical and evolutionary systems administrations though is, many relatively anonymous and quite autonomous in the masses are in possession of a much greater intelligence and are no longer able to be so easily fooled and enslaved/commanded and controlled ……. and they would be inclined to consider the exercise of sweet natural justice with side orders and desserts of relentless retribution as a logical course of communally supported action against any and all so discovered and uncovered to be actively engaged in their continued suppression and wanton persecution …… and especially so now that such information on advanced intelligence services has been freely shared for greater universal disclosure.

Take Care Out There. IT’s an Unforgiving Jungle which takes No Ghastly Prisoners.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 2 Nov 14:34 [2111021434] …… says, still chatting on

Re: Will anyone make it this many pages in

Some problems aren’t reliably or efficiently solvable by either crowdsourcing of current ML technology. Some problems require domain specific knowledge. Realtime content moderation embodies both.

As some free advice to those considering making a career of this. It’s harder than it looks… and you will fail. ….. Corporate Scum

That is almost quite so and correct, for more than just a few can surprisingly succeed whereas corporate scum are always guaranteed to serially fail abysmally and/or spectacularly.

Such is an important and valid distinction to be aware of so as not to be caught off guard and unprotected and undefended by services unable to recognise the critical systemic vulnerability being exploited and expanded upon and exported to regions and sysadmins elsewhere, both deep and dark webbed and bright and breezily trailed and tailed/remotely mentored and virtually monitored.





amanfromMars 1 Mon 1 Nov 08:57 [2111010857] ……. saying out loud on

Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation Eventually via Remote Augmented Virtual Reality Control/AI Controllers

In other words, with peopled peer groups in command and control of communications and computers …. and please excuse my French ….. Vous ĂŞtes fcukd …. and especially well so whenever defending the indefensible and inequitable and exclusively self-serving and despicable which is so terribly human and ubiquitous.

And there y’all are, worrying yourselves senseless and terrifying all around you with wild speculation and constant fear-mongering about virtual machines taking over the decision making processes and presenting somewhat different and more accurate alternative and/or alternating facts crazily thought to be no more truthful than novel and noble fiction for practical realisation via the myriad multi-media channels and tunnels/programs and tubes provided to you for prime utilisation/leading facilitation ….. whenever your own serial efforts are so manifestly undeniably dire and destined to prove themselves worse than was ever thought possible before should there be no discernible fundamental improvements.

Do you deny that simple observation and would you wish to defend it and claim it your right to propagate and maintain/retain and continue to seed and feed?????


amanfromMars 1 Mon 1 Nov 13:45 [2111011345] …… revealing more than just a few ancient and recent postmodern secrets on

Fortunately, Leading Things see Most Everything Quite Differently

What about fact checks that confirm your viewpoint? ….. Jimmy2Cows

FailSafe Secure Safe Sound Advice then and there is always best most wisely to treat it as only possible as a temporary affair which appears to support and reinforce any stated opinion/leading momentary position ……. for both views and viewpoints mature and develop and can easily most radically change and be changed.

To some who may be a few, and maybe also more than just a great many more with almighty powers to share and demonstrate/donate and champion, is that a constant worry and overwhelming human problem taking over and overtaking All Current Events?

And that question goes to Glasgow COP26 to answer without any of that traditional babble and psychotic mumbo jumbo in reply to try mask an ignorance and indifference to be exploited and strengthened against wilful and wanton unnecessary defences.

RSVP c/o El Reg for Everyone to know whether you know, or not …… as the case can surely be whenever displaying Full Transparency. …….. for NEUKlearer HyperRadioProaCTive IT Vision with Blueprints for the Creation of Model Environments and Heavenly Spaces and Diabolical Places ….. a Hellishly Engaging and Almighty Addictive and Attractive Task to Test Both the Saint and the Sinner/Normally Very Good and/or Oft Terribly Bad alike in Equal Great Measures.

Fair’s Fair ….. what’s good for the goose is good for the gander and very quickly highlights any obvious simple problems to address and correct whenever it is so easily made so …… or not so should such FailSafe Secure Safe Sound Advice not be applied and deployed in those particular instances/peculiar places.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 1 Nov 15:58 [2111011558] …. says wholeheartedly on

former CEO Bob Diamond was effectively scapegoated for the LIBOR-fixing scandals of the early 2010s.

Gentlemen are resigned and programmed well to fall timelessly gracefully on their swords, should they ever be such as an honourable gentleman. Accepting Popular Public Blame for A.N.Other’s Private Personal Crime is akin to Aiding and Abetting in Unworthy Human Sacrifice.

And the Abuse is a Shameful and Shameless Waste.
