amanfromMars [2404191357] ……. points out on https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/what-happened-bitcoin

“If allowed to continue, this trend would in a few years bring us to a state in which governments would claim 100 per cent of all resources—and would in consequence become literally ‘totalitarian’.”

And whenever or should that ever be the case, would every man and his dog finally realise that governments are responsible and accountable for all of their woes …….. and they be the true enemy to attack and phantom power to overwhelm and annihilate from their lives and future leading operations.

How close do you imagine the world presently is to being globally educated and constantly easily informed of that currently unfolding reality ….. which quite naturally is justifiably bound to result in horrendous repercussions and unpleasant consequences for all guilty prime movers and shakers in the slave-to-fiat-money trade ?


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