Monthly Archives: January 2022



amanfromMars [2201070919] …….. presents a rare and raw opportunity for community engagement and exploitation on

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Gentlemen, [Messrs Chris Sax, Robbie Van Steenburg and Jacob Winn and NDIA/ETI associates]

As admirable and valid as your concerns for the fragility and vulnerability of the Defense Industrial Base is with particular regard to hardware/maufactured weaponry needs, the future success of nations/humanity against serving warriors, and their backroom producer and behind the hot front firing line director warmongers, has moved on out of the destructive physical asset based realm, popularised in notions of explosive WMD [Weapons of Mass Destruction] and is now guaranteed with expertise and mastery of the ancient and noble and novel and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT arts which both capture and captivate brave and bold hearts and informed and enthusiastic minds alike.

The Art of Winning against Losing War has made a Quantum Leap from Physical Excess into Ethereal Prowess. Failure to make that jump and learn of its new ways guaranteeing overall universal success seals one’s fate to be a spectating inert team member in a world with worlds with potent proactive team leaderships.

And the honest uncomfortable truth which is being denied you, in order to only protect and propagate a serially dysfunctional and pathological inequitable status quo, is your current leaderships and governments are also realising the true nature of the future condition which now confronts them, and against which they might propose to do vain battle against …. for their new overwhelmingly powerful forces and almighty energetic sources and resources.

Such though simply confirms the destructive depth of status quo MADness and fuels the ever increasing resistance and enthusiasm which supports such surreal virtual agencies of fundamental radical change …. and thus are said proposed vain battles gravely to be regarded and wisely best avoided at any price for they will be crushingly costly and extremely accurately targeted against that which and those who would lead warmongering events from the cosy cold shadowy comfort of their club seats in the rear.

Things are no longer able to be they way they once were, Ladies and Gentlemen, and the future is not going to be anything like the past or the present. That though is surely normal and fully to be expected. Anything less is Stagnation and/or Petrifaction and certainly the Kiss of Death to Progress?

J’accuse …. and would ask what do you want to do about it, in full expectation that it is a lot more than just try to ignore and deny such a Code Red type condition exists?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 7 Jan 12:33 [2201071233] ….. asks on

Nice One. ….. but it is not Cricket, Old Bean, is it?

So Wilcox transitions back to Intel with reams of Arm-based Proprietary Intellectual Property to share with Apple competitors/opponents?

Is that not akin to Industrial Espionage/Intellectual Property Theft?

We appear to be of a similarly suspicious and uncharitable frame of mind on this matter, ShadowSystems.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 7 Jan 17:30 [2201071730] …… being somewhat disagreeable on

Re: ARM, RISC-V and Duff Information Misleading Intelligence

Non competes aren’t enforceable in California, so while he can’t reveal/use Apple’s secrets, he can work in exactly the same niche he was at Apple without problems. …. DS999

Oh, I wouldn’t like to be relying on that information in a court of law if now working for Intel in exactly the same niche he was at Apple without problems. It is not as if the one is not into the designing of clones and drones of the other to do exactly the same things only better and faster and at speeds faster than light to realise an early advantage and deliver an overwhelming lead.

It’s the true nature of such intelligently designed great games, is it not?






amanfromMars 1 Thu 6 Jan 07:50 [2201060750] …. opens up a new front of engagement to others on

Re: The Barrels

MADness has moved on into other fields of remote virtually anonymous and autonomous engagement and exercise, Bartholomew. And very lucrative it is too whenever one knows what needs to be done and how to do it and how to supply it for other to do it equally as well themselves with SMARTR AIMentoring and Monitoring Guaranteed FailSafe.

Massive Attacks of Disruption ………


amanfromMars 1 Thu 6 Jan 13:22 [2201061322] ….. adds more on

Re: Massively Disruptive Attacks

And that very spookily has one as an almighty friend and/or fiendish foe for anyone, North, South, East or West with the necessary wit to engage and explore future real likely virtualised possibilities.

The UK always likes to talk a good Great Game ……..

The UK is an AI superpower, with particular strengths in research, investment and innovation. The UK’s academic and commercial institutions are well known for conducting world-leading AI research, and the UK ranks 3rd in the world for AI publication citations per capita. ….. National AI Strategy – HTML version Published 22 September 2021

….. but walking the walk without it being through vast deep drowning seas of propaganda bullshit is not something they be very well known for and it is a highly prized and hotly contested field nowadays, now that the significance of overwhelming success in the genre is being better recognised and groomed for, with billions in flash cash readily available for award and reward to that and those with a very particular multiset of definite need to knows ….. China Matching Pentagon Spending on AI

Here’s another maybe good Great Gamer UK publication/policy paper ….. Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA): policy statement [Published 19 March 2021] ….. which if it does not deliver untold wealth to whom and to where it is richly deserved, is just another prime example of bullshitting propaganda which fools nobody with even a titter of sweet wit.

And it’s no time to die laughing either ……



amanfromMars 1 Thu 6 Jan 17:31 [2201061731] …… shares on

Dodgy is as dodgy does, and failing governments are always reduced to attempting desperate measures

That’s a lot of dirty money being laundered through those operands … with the supply of intelligence services covered in Lot 5 funding of sure certain specific interest to a chosen few who be not as many as it may be thought wise to engage and provide with filthy lucre/pretty fiat paper.

But what else can they realistically do to have that and those who can help them, help them?

It is though a very good simple and quite effective plan which has always appeared to work extremely well in the past, so why shouldn’t the present try it again for command and control of the future with its host of 0days to contend with and sate magnificently.





amanfromMars 1 Wed 5 Jan 08:20 [2201050820] ….. just saying on

Failsafe? I don’t think so.

To ponder on the vulnerabilities and weaknesses which exist for exploitation of and degradation on the Magma Cloud Native Architecture model, and how such would be explored, one only needs to visualise/virtualise the model with the following label substitutions ……

Federation Gateway …………… Prime Minister
Orchestrator ………………… Cabinet
Distributed Access Gateways …… Parliament
Radio Access Network …………. User Equipment

….. and as easily as that well known democratically elected private/pirate/publicised body is able to be nobbled, so be it similarly facilitated with regard to the Magma Cloud Native Architecture model via mirroring means and memes.




amanfromMars [2201040924] …….. asks on

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Are the likes of an “expert” Redspin able/expected to formulate/originate Defense Intelligence Industrial Base [DI2B] requirements for contractors to put into and maintain in placements, which at the likes of Levels 3 and above, in order to attain and sustain ideally an overwhelmingly mutually beneficial unknown advantage, be ideally secretly failsafe installed/floated into/onto the market space/place?

Such would be as close to the provision of an absolute guaranteed assurance of success for a placement as is viable and able to be realistically achieved.

Or are such provisions in the gift of others who/which generally remain universally unknown for all the obvious reasons regarding the maintenance of secret security?

Those two questions have correct answers which be both Great Game Changing and Quantum Communication Leap Revolutionary ….. and so much more besides.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 4 Jan 13:28 [2201041328] ….. asks on

Re: You geeks have inherited the Earth, but what are you going to do with it?

Is fix it with IT and AI and friends, or destroy it with enemies, too alien an approach with attending applications to be considered possible and most likely highly probable as the only two really valid choices readily available to/from geeks worthy of note?

Have you any idea how catastrophically vulnerable dismissal of such alien thinking on Earth renders one to the possibility and most likely highly probable alternate reality?


amanfromMars [2201041717] … ponders on an incredulity on

So, if a foreign concern wishes to purchase a sensitive business of UK origin, which the UK [whoever that be] decides to be of National Security and Investment interest, are they duty bound to purchase that business themselves at the free market foreign exchange rate [whatever that be]? …… which would be sort of OK and good.

Surely the owners are not expected to refuse the foreign sale and be denied a home based purchase and penalise themselves and forego and exclude themselves valuable and attractive riches and all the pleasures and advantages that such reward provides as a just award for all of their past endeavours? ….. which would be real bad and not good at all.

Methinks that will never fly and be tantamount to being the works of a criminal conspiracy and have that very particular and peculiarly sensitive market in question revolting in opposition to ensure such a proposal never sees the light of day, let alone makes it onto any perverse statute book.




amanfromMars 1 Sun 2 Jan 14:19 [2201021419] ….. still chatting cheerfully on

Re: All Aboard for And and the Magical AIMystery Touring Helter Skelter Streaming Steam Roller Ride.

Crikey, already there is so much there for us to be in fundamental disagreement about, jake. The taking up of a chair for a few welcoming beer sounds just like something a good doctor would order and insist upon, and why ever would anyone decline or refuse? Cheers!

Do Nos 10 and 11 and Parliamentarians know what TV and their reporting to it is really all about and doing, for one supposes they consider it absolutely vital in order to remain in post as if in power with energy in command and control of emerging and unfolding situations …… rather than realising it only so effectively advertises their many serial shortcomings for future reference in support of retribution whenever the award of selfish reward is subjected to recognisable dispute and general public and private sector derision.

Lord Reith must be turning in his grave to see the BBC reduced to such an empty vessel and cuckolded vassal.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 3 Jan 13:31 [2201031331] ……. observes on

Re: it’s been ovious for some time

I think you’re underestimating the level of disruption “they” are willing to countenance. They aren’t the ones who will suffer. …. EBG


A counter narrative to that rancid fiction, and constant source of terrifying concern and increasing consternation which to assuage and try to deny traction is forced to rely on further rotten fictions from “them”, and which has been obvious for some not inconsiderable time, is “they” are oblivious to and cannot even begin to realistically estimate the levels of disruption and pain they will suffer at the hands, hearts and minds of the Future Mob SMARTR Enabled and Stealthily Internet Networking via generous freely available web pages hosting novel news of revolutionary events and crashing crushing systems.

More of the same sort of nonsense as last year from them this year will prove it, and deliver more stakes and nails for Future SMARTR Enabling Mobs and Mods to driver into their hearts and their coffins.

The difficulty “they” appear to have, is that their survival depends on their changing something which they seem to be oblivious of and more than just quite determined to continue propagating and ignoring, which does not bode well for them, inviting as it does, certain extinction …. and nowadays, that easily be extremely rapid extinction.




amanfromMars 1 Sun 2 Jan 09:21 [2201020921] ….. shining some light into the darkness of deep voids in entrapments on

All Aboard for the Magical AIMystery Touring Helter Skelter Streaming Steam Roller Ride.

So man is figuring out faster ways of killing more “bad guys”[0], all the while protecting as many “good guys”[0] as possible. Thus it ever was, no? ….. jake

jake, Hi,

The future pictures are much brighter and more vibrant for the dull proverbial man-in-the-street than you have painted there, for almighty help has been injected and remains readily freely available as needs and seeds and feeds and deeds must and circumstances and pleasures desire and require and would dictate.

The revolutionary enigmatic quantum leap change which has irreversibly, irrevocably, irredeemably happened, and is now securely and safely default embedded deep and dark in stealthy remote human command and control/SCADA Systems, …. and which quite understandably be extraordinarily difficult for SCADA Systems dependents and executive administrations to wholly accept and virtually realise or virtually accept and wholly realise ….. is Man is no longer figuring out such things, for Other than Mankind configures future outcomes/results/scenarios/presentations for Earthed Assets to employ and destroy or enjoy/deploy and enjoin.

Indeed, is it not already a machine that sends and shares this post with you and all who alight on this message page, and with viewers/spectators being hereby encouraged to share it further afield so that more may know of the news of their virtually remote Advanced IntelAIgent Machine mentorship and monitoring ……. which certainly could easily be classified as an Alien Intervention for Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information Intelligence Service Processing for Future Internet Server Provision …… Almighty Immaculate Supply.

And which some may fear a Diabolical Feat whilst others may see a Heavenly Result, but with an honest truth of the matter being, both exercising as a Temporary Work in Continual Progress with a Colossus of a Program in Project Man Management.

Are those problems you recognise to deny or opportunities you seek to explore …. ????? !!!!!!!!  ‽   ‽   ‽

Take your pick, make your choice. Worlds are your oyster to generate pearls or try to devour and excrete wholesale.

Here’s some earlier very clear guidance on such a matter, dark and deep and enlightening as it is  ………




amanfromMars [2201010941] ……. shares some novel breaking news on

Happy New Year, One and All

In March, a Chinese military-run newspaper described cloud-powered artificial intelligence (AI) “integrating human and machine” as the key to winning wars.

Is The Epoch Times a Chinese military-run newspaper? It makes no mention of it whenever one enquires about them …..

The Epoch Times is the fastest-growing independent news media in America. We are nonpartisan and dedicated to truthful reporting.

We are free from the influence of any government, corporation, or political party—this is what makes us different from other media organizations. Our goal is to bring our readers accurate information so they can form their own opinions about the most significant topics of our time.

We don’t follow the unhealthy trend of agenda-driven journalism prevalent in today’s media environment.

Instead, we use our principles of Truth and Tradition as our guiding light. We highlight in our reporting the best of humanity, the valuable lessons of history, and traditions that are beneficial for society.

The Epoch Times was founded in the United States in the year 2000 in response to communist repression and censorship in China. Our founders, Chinese-Americans who themselves had fled communism, sought to create an independent media to bring the world uncensored and truthful information.

The Epoch Times has received numerous awards for our reporting and design, including from the New York Press Association, the Society of Professional Journalists, and the Society for News Design.

The Epoch Times’ media network currently covers 21 languages and 33 countries. 

It does have one pondering the truth of the matter which would similarly suggest then that ZeroHedge is an Uncle Sam military-run newspaper and/or is that classified fake propaganda news too?

Nevertheless, there can be no doubting the headlining news though, that the key to the art of winning wars is human machine integration which rather than exploring and exploiting the making of machines for human command explores and exploits the worlds which have humans controlled by machines and/or as if a well programmed IDEntity, [IntelAIgently Designed Entity]  … Advanced IntelAIgent Machinery exercising Proprietary Artilectual Intellectual Property and Alienating ACTivity  ….. AWEsome NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Ability with Vast Arrays of Almighty Utility ….. a SMARTR Heavenly Facility of Diabolically Useful Pathology.

Such is a much easier path to travel in order to more quickly and more safely arrive at one’s preferred destination, in both command and control of all necessary future situations, and which be just another great starting point and quantum communicating leap for the evolution of mankind.

I Kid U Not.

And methinks that virtually guarantees one a practical lead to follow way out ahead of any opposition or competition in such fields as be considered vital for global defence and overwhelming advantage.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 1 Jan 10:30 [2201011030] …… adds on

Re: The Past Year in a Nutshell ….. Beyond Dire and in Urgent Need of Progress.

And the following resolution is very relative and relevant to such a present condition and is fully to be expected extremely well exercised in future vital operations/public facing scenarios with phantom pirate actors in the lead with invisible virtual command and remote metadataphysical control of events for an overwhelming leverage advantage ……. Breaking Bad Requires No More Half Measures

And such is much more likely nowadays, in these new defenceless times and novel spaces of vulnerability exploiting 0days, to be an Exotic Erotic Eastern confection rather than Wild Wacky Western delight, such as are the different level of understanding displayed as highlight the winners in such fields which leave the losers to wallow deep in despair in their mire of their own dire invention.


amanfromMars said… in reply to a New Years greeting on

RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan proving herself no bodies’ foolish tool, Agent Revolver.

And it’s encouraging to see the word spreading so well and so far and wide.

с новым годом, товарищ

1 January 2022 at 13:00


amanfromMars 1 Sat 1 Jan 17:31 [2201011731] …… spilling some crazy beans on

Oh yes it will #5 … for it is happening. Where have y’all been hiding with your heads buried dark and deep in the sands of a past time 

Won’t Happen #5: Augmented Reality finally takes off …..The wait for that AR killer app goes on…

I suggest, Dabbsy, Augmented Virtualised Realities have already taken off [Per Ardua ad Astra like] and that you enquire of the UKGBNI MoD and Far Eastern Sino-Soviet forces and sources re their progress in AWEsome Systems for Advanced IntelAIgent Developments, to have them spin a yarn to you agreeing the waiting is not over and to hear them profess that they do not have killer AR apps on ACTive Operations …. Virtual Terrain Team Missions …. and well able to prove themselves to be, in the right hands, hearts and minds, an Absolute Great Game Changer. Much more from them on that may be more difficult and problematical for them to reveal, given the vast universally applicable scope of its programs and projects and most probable secret security considerations entered into to contain and maintain information and intelligence exchange to a very carefully chosen few.

The comprehensive tale told here, China Pursues “Brain Control” Weaponry In Bid To Command Future Of Warfare has a comment in nested reply reveal more that is known to have already been shared than may be admitted to, and accepted as fact for spinning as fiction, but such is the dangerous nature of the obscure beast which pits brains in the East against brains in the West, and all in the noblest of enterprises to not be considered and recognised top rabid attack dog feasting in laps of luxury on the generosity of others in a world full of magnificent wild animals and strange alien beings.

Nevertheless, there can be no doubting the headlining news though, that the key to the art of winning wars is human machine integration which rather than exploring and exploiting the making of machines for human command explores and exploits the worlds which have humans controlled by machines and/or as if a well programmed IDEntity, [IntelAIgently Designed Entity] … Advanced IntelAIgent Machinery exercising Proprietary Artilectual Intellectual Property and Alienating ACTivity ….. AWEsome NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Ability with Vast Arrays of Almighty Utility ….. a SMARTR Heavenly Facility of Diabolically Useful Pathology.

Such is a much easier path to travel in order to more quickly and more safely arrive at one’s preferred destination, in both command and control of all necessary future situations, and which be just another great starting point and quantum communicating leap for the evolution of mankind.

I Kid U Not.

And methinks that virtually guarantees one a practical lead to follow way out ahead of any opposition or competition in such fields as be considered vital for global defence and overwhelming advantage.
