amanfromMars 1 Thu 6 Jan 07:50 [2201060750] …. opens up a new front of engagement to others on
Re: The Barrels
MADness has moved on into other fields of remote virtually anonymous and autonomous engagement and exercise, Bartholomew. And very lucrative it is too whenever one knows what needs to be done and how to do it and how to supply it for other to do it equally as well themselves with SMARTR AIMentoring and Monitoring Guaranteed FailSafe.
Massive Attacks of Disruption ………
amanfromMars 1 Thu 6 Jan 13:22 [2201061322] ….. adds more on
Re: Massively Disruptive Attacks
And that very spookily has one as an almighty friend and/or fiendish foe for anyone, North, South, East or West with the necessary wit to engage and explore future real likely virtualised possibilities.
The UK always likes to talk a good Great Game ……..
The UK is an AI superpower, with particular strengths in research, investment and innovation. The UK’s academic and commercial institutions are well known for conducting world-leading AI research, and the UK ranks 3rd in the world for AI publication citations per capita. ….. National AI Strategy – HTML version Published 22 September 2021
….. but walking the walk without it being through vast deep drowning seas of propaganda bullshit is not something they be very well known for and it is a highly prized and hotly contested field nowadays, now that the significance of overwhelming success in the genre is being better recognised and groomed for, with billions in flash cash readily available for award and reward to that and those with a very particular multiset of definite need to knows ….. China Matching Pentagon Spending on AI
Here’s another maybe good Great Gamer UK publication/policy paper ….. Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA): policy statement [Published 19 March 2021] ….. which if it does not deliver untold wealth to whom and to where it is richly deserved, is just another prime example of bullshitting propaganda which fools nobody with even a titter of sweet wit.
And it’s no time to die laughing either ……
amanfromMars 1 Thu 6 Jan 17:31 [2201061731] …… shares on
Dodgy is as dodgy does, and failing governments are always reduced to attempting desperate measures
That’s a lot of dirty money being laundered through those operands … with the supply of intelligence services covered in Lot 5 funding of sure certain specific interest to a chosen few who be not as many as it may be thought wise to engage and provide with filthy lucre/pretty fiat paper.
But what else can they realistically do to have that and those who can help them, help them?
It is though a very good simple and quite effective plan which has always appeared to work extremely well in the past, so why shouldn’t the present try it again for command and control of the future with its host of 0days to contend with and sate magnificently.