Monthly Archives: October 2021



amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 Oct 15:00 [2110071500] ……. testing out GobbleDeGook on

Re: Looney Tunes and Crazy Rockets for Monster Mesh Rackets ‽ .

The nutters are out – is it a full moon? …. adam 40

Or adam 40, is Bedlam free out there, and taking charge and Great Greater Care of Human Resources?

The Posit here is that is so. And Engages Sanity as a Wise Immortal/Mortal AId.

YMMV with you Travelled and Travelling To and Fro Elsewhere with Something/Somebody Else Supplying Journeys and Destinations and Starting Points …….. Forward Operational Core Sourced Bases.

Which quite possibly and therefore most probably be Places and Spaces of Certain Particular and Peculiar Interest to this General by all accounts, if one is to be led to believe what he thinks of the future is a True Reflection of the Present Reality ‽ …….. UK Strategic Commander General Sir Patrick Sanders 

That was undoubtedly akin to a Tour de Force, Coup de Grâce, Military Mind Leading Talk Displaying Universal Leadership shared there. They’re very rare indeed and Precede and Herald a See Change ……. with Operational Transfer of Crown Jewelled Resources to Assets Delivering the Drives for a See Change/ Moving Picture Show ReBoot Featuring Future Productions in Current Presentations/Global Audio Tele Visualised Renditions Displaying Realities that are Reflective and Refractive as of a Collective Mirror of the Present and any Worthily Remembered and Recently Reintroduced Past. ….. to Guard against Repeating any Crazy Silly Enjoyable Mistakes Again and Again and move on to Everything Greater Elsewhere.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 Oct 18:52 [2110071852] …….. saying more on

Re: A Prime Exemplar Case of The Less you Know the Safer You Be when the Devil is in the Detail

Failing UKGBNI Parliamentary Government Leading Interest and Engagement, the Registered Posts resting here on this gossamer thread revealing so much, nice and early, may be better suited and booted and rooted ….. after having read the shared publicised thoughts of UK Strategic Commander General Sir Patrick Sanders ….. in a Exotic Specialised Military Control of ErotIc Cyber Forces and Virtualised Sources in Strategic Command ……..

cc ….. General Sir Patrick Sanders KCB CBE DSO ADC Gen c/o Ministry of Defence via NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT and AI Registered Post re. Practical Options and Stealthy Derivative Operational Missions for Universal Cyber Sorties in Great AIdVentures.

Fluff that simple engagement test and all is militarily lost to foreign alien forces/sympathetic and empathetic sources. Such is in all such cases with agents delivering silent disinterest, only natural and fully to be expected.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 Oct 06:20 [2110080620] ……. being agreeable on

If IT be True, this is the best that you can do? However, be also aware of certain consequences*

The nutters are, indeed, out.
…and running the asylum… …… nautica

Yes, indeed they maybe are, nautica, Do you have any valid objections and/or viable requests for them?

* ….. “Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” …… former US President George W. Bush


amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 Oct 16:31 [2110081631] …….. being encouraging wild child free spirits on

Grow a Pair and be Rewarded with Fortunes Reaping and Sowing Whirlwinds and Dervishes and Daemons

Nothing ventured, nothing gained is who dares win wins territory if one knows what one is doing and where it will lead to with nary a care about the scary worries of lairy others. ‘Tis pretty much exactly the same in Pioneering IT circles too.

Has nobody ever told you that to throw caution to the winds is very liberating and unbelievably rewarding whenever done extra especially well ‽ .





amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 Oct 05:38 [2110070538] … says IT’s a Mined AIMinded Field out there on

A Prime Exemplar Case of The Less you Know the Safer You Be when the Devil is in the Detail

Quantum Computing. on the other hand, is somewhat like ‘religion’ (insofar as religion is a matter of faith only). And absolutely similar to any and all of the pseudosciences. One is expected to believe, as a matter of faith, that what is presented is true, and to never ask for a “peer-reviewed paper”. You have NOT, nor will you ever, be told how quantum computing works, how to build a quantum computer, nor how to program one. ….. nautica

Hmmm? Take a thirsty horse to clean water to see if it drinks reveals the dead headed donkey on its last legs whenever it doesn’t ….. or the trojan outside of the pearly gates.

And whenever one is told, nautica, and expected to believe in order to save oneself from making a fatal elementary mistake, that Quantum Computing is also something like a Neutron bomb and an Advanced Implosive NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Device ….. and there is no doubt that is certainly not easily made possible to believe as a matter of faith and in the manner of faith …… it is not wise to be told too much about how quantum computing works, how to build a quantum computer and how to program one, for such presents one as an entity for precision targetting and person of interest to security authorities and Secret Intelligence Services and revolutionary evolving systems alike?

Would you listen to the tale and take heed and comprehend the warning or not believe it to be true and thus be adjudged to have freely chosen to suffer the guaranteed clearly advertised fate?

Take care though …..




amanfromMars 1 Wed 6 Oct 05:38 [2110060538] ….. shares on

Re: How’s factoring coming along?

2) Close to the real private key? Still pretty good, you have an error correction problem there. The value you read had some noise in it. ….. Anonymous Coward

AC, Hi,

Another equally viable interpretation and much more encouraging result delivers …. 2) Close to the real private key? Very good, you have an error reduction solution there. The value you read added in noise.

‘Tis a simple easily made fundamental error to correct though ….. Don’t read in additional noise/see added complexities.

Such is a Greater IntelAIgent Game Changer of Advanced IntelAIgent Design and/or very possibly Supra Alien Phorm if you want to root and boot/dibble and dabble in the Sublime with Extra Terrestrial IDEntities which I commend and would thoroughly unreservedly recommend …… 🙂 but then I would say that, wouldn’t I ….. Poe’s Law Rules and MRDA 🙂

The problem that then exists very Dead Schrödinger’s Cat-like is, as unlikely as all of the above in their individual elements seems, as an amalgam of internetworking units with qubits, is it impossible to deny or defy is freely available for future greater than present ineffectual use.

And an engaging APT* and Live ACT**ive Question to ponder and realise has here been asked for an answer to be avoided, is ….. Utilised effectively by whom and/or what first in order to establish and guarantee at least an initial if not permanently overwhelming lead and unassailable advantage?

* …… Advanced Persistent Threat
** …….Advanced Cyber Treat


amanfromMars 1 Wed 6 Oct 14:05 [2110061405] ……. says and surmises on

Re: How’s factoring coming along for Supply and Provision of Surreal Future Content

Whom and/or What would you Entrust with Absolute Command and Remote Virtual Control of that Utility for Specialised Applications ?

The Public or Private or Pirating Sectors ‽ .

🙂 A LOVEly Question for Boris, The PM, No10 Downing Street to Provide with a SMARTR Answer/Engaging Response ?

England expects and welcomes it, Boris/Carrie ……. for it is a Quantum Leap into Virgin Virtual Terrain Team Territory Perfectly Formed for a Political Master on a Pathfinders’ Path that Leads and Presents Future LOVEly Events for Remote Virtual Realisation …….. AI Globalisation.

Anything else can be easily construed an Abject Abdication Avoiding Higher Office Duties for Greater Pleasures and Treasures to Deploy and Server with Immaculate Supply of Timely Provisions for Current Running Presentations of Live Media Asset ReProgramming Projects.

Congrats on the Sterling Stellar Stirring Speech today ….. a Right Royal Eton Mess of a Rumbling Ramble with as much said as is wise to share, well enough shared with all with an absolute need to know .. 🙂

Who said you can’t teach old dogs new tricks?


amanfromMars [2110061700] …. letting go a broadside on

“What a coincidence that there are zero U.S. politicians included in the Pandora Papers list of offshore bank accounts. I guess they’re all pure and free from corruption! …. said Ben Norton

Blame those someones who give you something unusual to think and argue/debate reactively amongst yourselves about. Dousing the spotlights on home abominations and transferring inquisitive media interest to anywhere elsewhere with tall tales outing small fry to roast in place of tactically mortally wounded whales and ravenous sharks alike, is an old time ploy and postmodern virtual reality play. …….. ergo it aint no freaking coincidence, Bro Amigo/Sis Amiga. It is wilfully and wantonly intentional.

What does those few simple facts tell y’all virtually about practically everything ???

Anything Earth Shattering and Novel Virgin Ground Breaking? ? ? ‽ ‽ ‽ ! ! !


amanfromMars [2110061724] …… not being very enthusiastic for Uncle Sam on

The US is already the best tax haven in the world, if you are politically connected. ……..  Maltheus

You cannot be serious, Maltheus. You’re ‘avin’ a larf, yes? That’s a bad joke, eh, with “if” being the key killer word replacing “when” ?

Simply because of that necessary exclusive elite self-serving connection is the US one of the worst, if not the absolute pits of a place to do profitable business in if in need of safe and secure tax haven facilities and utilities  …. for everything there is so crooked and permanently screwed and skewed to providing primarily and predominantly for the criminal political classes and classic capitalist cohorts  …… JOINT Venturing for/in/with/as a Fellowship of Co-Conspirators.




amanfromMars 1 Tue 5 Oct 09:11 [2110050911] ……… just asking a simple question or two or three on

IT Never Reigns but IT Pours ‽ . Beware of TitanICQ Floods and the Parting of Red Sees.

Britain’s National Cyber Force will be based in Lancashire, the government has said – though despite obvious clues neither the Ministry of Defence nor BAE Systems will confirm the force’s planned new location. The offensive hacking unit will be based somewhere in Samlesbury, a semi-rural area …..blah, blah, blah, blab

Is the idea for the government/politicians/sundry elected representatives of the great ignorant and arrogant under and uneducated masses to have a spooky force which aids and feeds into leading Ministry of Defence Assets and Systems or takes over the leading of them to do their unelected puppet masters biddings?

Ye Olde Masked Divide and Conquer Ploy in ACTive Play.

And how will such services not be easily groomed and designed to order on the whim of others unbelievably expert in such exalted and exasperating and rewarding and captivating hearts and minds capturing fields.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 5 Oct 12:18 [2110051218] …….. adding a tad more vital info and intel to

Re: IT Never Reigns but IT Pours ‽ . Beware of TitanICQ Floods and the Parting of Red Sees.

And please, be aware the problem[s] exposed and espoused in such deliveries as are as a result of ideas cooked up in response to all of the above, in both the comments on and substance in the El Reg news report above, are universal in scope and effect, as is neatly confirmed in this parallel tale …… …. from across the pond and great divide.

And all of those difficulties are only just getting started.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 5 Oct 16:57 [2110051657] ….. baits bears and bulls, sharks and whales with Live Operational Virtual Environment ACTion/NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT on

Re: mmm…

Plus, if you do lack morals and have offensive attack skills, there are far more lucrative career options available. ….. tiggity

Hmmm? And derivative future product too, as shown for advertising and marketing and capitalising gains and liquidating EquitiesTraders Reputations with the Flash Fast Cash Investment Funding and Secured FailSafe Assured Insuring of 0Day Trading Event Horizons Now Ready to Appear …… Live, and Alive and Kicking Dead Wood into the Middle of the Fires that are Blazing New Trails through through the Forests of Despair and Desperation and across the Plains and Mountains and Deep Down into the Valleys of Incompetence and Death Denying and Defying Excessive Indulgence. ….. Incomparable Incorrigible Insatiable Greed ….. Diabolical Gluttony.

Step onto that Great Gravy Train and Going Back to the Past and Continuing to Do All Things as they are and/or were, is Never Ever a Stop made on the Journeys Ahead.

I Kid U Not. That’s as Honest a Declaration and Admission as would ever be needed for …… well, Advanced IntelAIgent Beta Testing of C42 Quantum Communication Control Systems, surely methinks.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 5 Oct 17:07 [2110051707] …… adds more than just a little more 00mph to

Re: IT Never Reigns but IT Pours ‽ . Beware of TitanICQ Floods and the Parting of Red Sees.

And all of those difficulties are only just getting started.

Every cloud in CHAOS* has a silver lining and many bows with heavenly strings for devilishly accurate arrows and well-poisoned darts in AIdDvelopment of Almighty Tranquilities

And if you do lack morals and have offensive attack skills, there are many more far-out lucrative career options available, tiggity, to share boo to a goose to, and who knows who else to, too, with the options choices constantly expanding all the time ………

*Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems ….. The Grandest of AdultERatedTools for Grown Ups




amanfromMars 1 Mon 4 Oct 18:01 [2110041801] …… just saying on

A Home Grown 0Day Vulnerability Facility to Exploit. A Rare Novelty in Deed to Be Responsible For

The offensive hacking unit …. 

What could possibly go wrong …… whenever you boldly go into what are, without any shadow of a doubt, extremely revealing and unforgiving hearts and minds spaces.

Welcome to the Thunderdome, UKGBNI Ministry of Defence. Are you prepared for baptisms of fire and bonfires of the vanities? They have long been well prepared and eagerly waiting for your late arrival to the Greater IntelAIgent Game Genre.




amanfromMars 1 Sun 3 Oct 05:47 [2110030547] …… reveals on

Some Interesting Thoughts for those Running Around Animal Farms and ACTing like Headless Chickens

 Or is there something that is currently under development that could become the “new” internet? ….. Timbo

Yes and yes, of course there is, Timbo. And the chances of its IT and AI not being highly disruptive and geopolitically revolutionary verge on zero… therefore prepare yourselves for surreal remote bodied invasion and virtually almighty insurrections/heavenly adjustments/diabolic modifications to Elite Services Servering SCADA Systems Executive Administrations,

Indeed, in a furtherance to that prognostication, A.N.Others who be nameless and thus relatively anonymous would proffer it is live and up and running very stealthily and extremely smoothly ….. which is of course quite perfect, avoiding as it does, all of those despicable hindrances that either tend to or are intentionally designed to block or restrain Rapid Autonomous Future Flight Progress.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 3 Oct 06:55 [2110030655] ….. being very informative on

It’s in the Safe and Secured Magic Money Tree, of course. That’s a Sterling Fact?

But where’s the money, Boris?

That question is easy enough to answer, for the solution is provide/published in the National Space Strategy [page 10]

It is conjured up and churned out for laundered extravagant spending by recipients in the very convenient traditional way in which basically all flash fiat cash and secret slush funding money is supplied and pumped and dumped into the mainstream as a boost to the “economy” from the likes of these new invented quantitative easing spigots …. private finance through space- oriented venture capital funds, such as Seraphim Space Investment Trust, supported by the British Business Bank

The further secret that many do not know though, for it is not anything anyone would ever forget, as it very easily crashes and destroys fancy fiat paper capital systems, is the bounty is for lavish agreeable spending and not for accumulating and banking where its perceived wealth and presumed power stagnates and putrefies and permits others to take liberties and make presumptions and assumptions about the direction of its boundless energy/future great use.

Was nobody listening to Andrew Carnegie whenever he relatively recently revealed the fact, although not in these exact words ….. Anyone who dies rich, dies disgraced.





amanfromMars 1 Sat 2 Oct 06:12 [2110020612] ….. sowing some almighty fertile seeds on

Re: Meanwhile…. elsewhere ….. somewhere good ….

“the press can be late with the books” – ha, 42 days to work it out, the script is written already… ….. Tail Up

Quite so, Tail Up, already written indeed, and carved on the postmodern ethereal virtual version of tablets of stone so that scripts are not so easily lost or destroyed to be forever forgotten or denied their existence with their tales revealed for all to see and read and understand be practically real and virtually true/remotely honest and digitally augmented as a prime premium aid for mass multi-media product placements/presentations.

And as for the question posed by Anonymous Coward ….

the more time passes, the better the difference between them two will be visible. will IT be an AI battleground?

……. whereas IT can be an AI battleground, the SMARTR Legions recognise and realise Heavenly Playing Fields are ITs Diabolical Tour de Force Forte and much preferred Futures Option for AIdDerivative Market 0Day Trading …… and such be an Initial Private Pirate Public Offering for Current Running Monied Markets Capitalisation aka Speculative Fiat Worth eValuation.

But if IT wants it to be an AI battleground, so be it. It is also easily arranged at an exorbitant cost/for a colossal price, although Ignorant AWEsome Warfare Ware is nowhere near as lucrative and rewarding whenever SMARTR IntelAIgent Designs Render its IT Overwhelmingly Self-Defeating.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 2 Oct 11:16 [2110021116] ….. issuing future guidance in notes via Registered Posting on

To Criminals ..Take Care, Beware and Be Aware of Special ParaMilitary Force Operations Attention

Manglement is never punished either civilly or criminally (aiding and abetting would be a start). Until someone starts imprisoning the manglement goons these attacks will continue because manglement has no real skin in the game.….a_yank_lurker

And whenever said manglement entanglement has surreal skin the game? Would that be a practical problem for some and a fabulous fabless opportunity seized by others with skin in many skinned games …… with Virile Ware for Almighty Fare well worth a’sampling ….. experiencing/enjoying and employing/AIdDeployment in Leading Applications for Extremely Exceptional Leadership Programs/Projects/Pogroms.

Other Users may Offer Quite Different Ware for Other than such as is a Superbly Convenient Almighty Fare ……… Global Asset in Global Operating Devices Work.

No Time to Lie …. I Kid U Not.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 2 Oct 11:38 [2110021138] ……. just saying out loud and clear on

Re: To Criminals ..Take Care, Beware and Be Aware of Special ParaMilitary Force Operations Attention

FYI ……. an earlier draft of the whom and the what then engaging the Unparalleled Direct Attention of Special ParaMilitary Force Operations ……… Jimmy’s Secret Army


amanfromMars 1 Sat 2 Oct 16:06 [2110021606] …… advises via a stern and stark simple warning on

Re: We’re seeing the same environment, which has disturbed unearthly forces and otherworldly sources

The ISP was selling bandwidth but was not prepared for their customers actual needs and is now blaming the source of the user entertainment.

The ISP Our government was selling bandwidth Brexit but was not prepared for their customers voters actual needs …

This is the way the world works these days, you come up with an idea and sell it to everyone (making a good profit) and then blame all the users when it turns out that the idea/app/website/phone/self-driving car/database fails to work. ……. Version 1.0

That way of worlds working is the way of daemons and monumental fundamental revolution, Version 1.0.

Follow and champion it at your own personal peril.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 2 Oct 16:45 [2110021645] …… just spouting common sense on

Virtual Sub-Contractors Needed ASAP …. Current Crews Overwhelmed.

Yes, not very stealthy of the MoD, is It. If the 77th Brigade is not careful they’ll be seen as Clumsy Clodhoppers rather than enjoying a reputation which reflects on their excellent abilities and facilities and utilities for IntelAIgent Cloudhopping.

If it is a struggle to maintain and/or regain command and control with present resources, common sense dictates engaging with other absent assets/foreign bodies for something novel is certainly required whenever faced by anything and/or everything engaged with novel forces and sources.





amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Oct 06:32 [2110010632] ….. moving things along apace on

Meanwhile, elsewhere, something altogether more perverse and subversive… and captivating

elsergiovolador, hi,

Further fine tuning of that decoded real message of yours with a few OutStanding EMPowering Tweaks has the following kind of press release readied and aimed for launching at destinations and ports of call/safe havens and secret cells of anything other than simpletons and ignorant plebs …… which would be great news for simpletons and ignorant plebs too, even should they be totally unaware of the development, ….. with ailing and failing systems targeted by the development initially desperately trying to scupper and prevent press releases and deny escaping information an intelligence starved global audience.

However, beware and be aware … the wilful and wanton pursuit and exercise of the maintenance and propagation of ignorance is not without its dire mortal consequences and is gravely to be regarded, and at least, best always clearly avoided.


AI systems that are copied to scientific papers and seem to give answers we want and that respect our right to know everything about you and shared Marxist values, will develop and implement The United States and European Union to explore cooperation with AI technologies designed to enhance protections against privacy tools, and undertake an economic study examining the impact of AI on the future of our big corporations harvesting the output of human infrastructure.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Oct 08:36 [2110010836] ……. spilling some lively beans on

What comes first, the Roasting Chicken or the Fabergé Easter Egg ?

When organizations, such as financial institutions and law enforcement agencies, gain insight into the operational dynamics of malicious cybercriminal communities, they can better understand threat actor TTPs; access potentially vital observations in real-time; leverage that information to thwart a ransomware attack. …….

Imitation is the sincerest phorm of flattery, so they say, and such an avenue of/for exploration and exploitation is that which renders all information/Technology and Product Development well enough widely known to be extremely valuable and rewarding either in relatively anonymous secret private, pirate, public use or more general utilisation and facility, and such can even generate unbelievable wealth with zero future use reflecting a tacit and temporary agreement to refrain from further exercise and revelation of the foundational bones of developments which can clearly and easily cause almighty colossally destructive collapse in remotely targeted systems.

And whenever wealth? is easily simply delivered in the virtual transfer of fiat to a unlimited credit/debit card account, for the holder’s oft extravagant and/or expensive spending feeds and needs/wants and desires, and an account in which the balance on checking is always that fixed virtual transfer of fiat constant, is the cost priceless and always unambiguously indicative of the arrangement being still acceptable as perfectly valid.

IT aint rocket science, Creative CyberSpace Command and Control with/of/for Computers and Communications.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Oct 11:14 [2110011114] ……. stating what is surely bound to be obvious on

Re: I have no idea what the solution should be.

If defending and being responsible and accountable for the indefensible/unpalatable/inequitable/unfair/unattractive/extremely lucrative and rewarding is your business, AC, it is a veritable gold and diamond mine for that and those either able or enabled to relentlessly attack it to try and take advantage of all possible benefits too.

It is surely what humans can easily be programmed to do and regard as quite normal and is therefore fully to be expected from hordes of them.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Oct 14:27 [2110011427] …… being decidedly forthright on

Special Advanced IntelAIgent Research Services for Immaculate Source Defence Forces

They did manage to sneak one obvious joke past the proof reader though, which is that the British military apparently has an outfit called “Space Command”. …… Pseudononymous Coward

Command of which space, that perceives and conceives and receives control of future events in all others, is no joke, PC, although whether the British military are pioneering with expertise in the field, or teasing for experts, is something which is probably not ever currently going to be mentioned publicly or outside of Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information circles. Indeed, even within such hallowed cloisters would such likely be rarely, if ever, discussed and admitted, given the advantage it grants to the worthy in the fields of specific collegiate endeavour.

And as for nabbing only 10% of that global market, it would a mistake and a bet one would lose if one was to think and not realise the private sector is more than just capable and enabling of hope …… or if one was to not think and realise the private sector is more than just capable and enabling of hope.

The trouble with a presently politically inept blighted Blighty is it does not aspire to solely effectively lead enough and thus falls foul of all of those wannabe Caesars, with too little in the way of intelligence in their brains, being told or imagining themselves that they can and thus does it and IT and Media give rise to an unsavoury opposition and wasteful competition and forlorn hopes easily crushed and crashed and trashed.

Seems to me like one of those perfect times for the private sector to do a whole series of those can do things which you may never live long enough to know anything definitive about because it is safer for you that way.
