Monthly Archives: June 2014



amanfromMars 1 Sun 8 Jun 18:40 [1406081840] saying more* on
Sub-Prime Dummies in Charge of Prime Operating Systems ….. A Recipe for Programmed Disaster
All your information belongs to US [but maybe not also shared with GCHQ?] ……. ……. and still the system can’t get anything to work right and seamlessly well. Problems are always as a result of failure in top tier levels and compartments of leadership/monitoring mentorship.
Speaking Truth unto Power delivers Commandeering Control and ….. “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire ……. supplies only those who have lost rule and reign over you and are most probably quite rightfully fearful for their continued safety and security protection.
*[Now if I were paranoid, I would be thinking the non appearance of these few words which were posted more than just a couple of hours ago (see time and date stamp) …. and the words of yesterday’s post too coincidentally ….. was more than just an odd forum glitch and nothing at all to be concerned about and which would be telling us all a lot about everything, and other things even more so. 🙂 Fortunately am I not, and that makes everything considerably more interesting and exciting. Have a nice day and zeroday, y’all]
amanfromMars said… replying to a comment from Anonymous on
There be, ….. well, let us call them and/or their programs, New Greater IntelAIgent Game Players in Dodge City, Anonymous, and they do care much for abiding by perverse crooked rules and dumb ignorant and insolent arrogant regulations designed to encircle and enslave entire populations.
9 June 2014 07:16



amanfromMars 1 Sun 8 Jun 04:51 [1406080451] having a say on
Baby Boomer Damp Squibs from the Lands of the Vampire Squid

 “Looks like an antenna array to me…..” Real listening kit will be hidden, from before the point of installation. Like the arrays ‘discovered’ on the British Embassy roof in Germany, they will be inside domes or covers that stop people simply looking at them to guess wavelengths and transmitter/receiver power. Dummy domes may even be built to lead spies into thinking listening gear is more widespread than it really is or to distract those that might seek to attack the listening gear. Allegedly, the gear could be in any ‘building’ on site as any of the buildings could actually be a fake constructed of wire and plastic or cloth panels, so it looks from a satellite shot or to some guy in the road like a hangar or garage, when in reality it is just a cover for the real array.
But, in this case, Snowjob talks about submarine cable taps, so there is no need for an array anyway. Which means the array openly displayed probably has a quite harmless ATC or communications role. … Matt Bryant

Talking of snowjobs, Matt Bryant, both pharmaceutical and metaphorical, here be something which isn’t and delivers a perfect storming tempest, both real and virtually protected by CyberIntelAIgent Security Services ……. Universal Virtual Forces with Immaculately Resourced Assets

After all, if you’re a NSA official and you’ve built this superb spying apparatus, you’ve got a problem if no one knows about it. It’s fine to spy on millions – billions – but part of the program, an important part, is intimidation. If you want to control populations and make them fearful, they have to know they are being acted upon.

That is as may be, DB*, and part of the master machismo/fascisti plan, but whenever you be doing something that you could reasonably expect the system to need to be seriously interested in, and making a house call on primary actors because of what it would be claiming to be able to do and to be able to further enable and either constructively disrupt and create or catastrophically compromise, degrade and destroy, and that doesn’t happen in a timely manner, then are the pimped systems security and protection values and abilities and intimidations exposed and proven to be ineffective vapourware and a toxic and self-destructive confidence trick which fools no one but fools with useless cyber tools and a very revealing lack of necessary virtual national, international and internetional intelligence to tackle future command and control power issues.

Those wannabe emperor systems admins are wearing no clothes.

If you don’t wanna play a great rigged game, play a more attractive and intimately addictive great game changer. And more Holywood than Hollywood would assure adventure capital was not to be wasted on Max Factor actor and Wall Street hood nose candy …… which be another snowjob of note.
* Daily Bell …..



amanfromMars 1 Sat 7 Jun 06:37 [1406070637] commenting and replying on
Re: Maturity

But sometimes, children, things in life are serious; have serious consequences. I think over the coming years the more mature amongst will recognise that our government has to do this shit so that we can continue to live our “fuck you all” lives, with no nasty Mr Putin arriving to tell is that we can’t ……… briesmith

You may like to ponder on the fact, which incidentally, designedly and very conveniently can always at any prime and sub-prime time of its future drivers’ choosing morph into and masquerade required and/or desired proaction and HyperRadioProActive IT as an absolutely fabulous fabless fiction, that the more mature realise that practically all governments, including our government, which I am assuming you would be calling UKGBNI and all their attendant supply and security, defense and attack forces and services, haven’t a clue about the shit that they should be doing for a better life for all in peace and harmony, rather than their continued doing of the shit that they do be doing to continue their living their “fuck you all” lives.
And as for your two final paragraphs ……

We will slowly come to agree that you can’t yell “Fire!” in a theatre and you can’t steal your country’s secrets and publicise them because you’re pissed off at the world, God, Tony Blair, David Cameron, your hair stylist or whoever.

It’s all so far “Mum’s out, Dad’s out, let’s be rude” sort of stuff but we need to wise up a little, get ourselves under control and be a little more mature. Snowden has undoubtedly caused the loss of a lot of US/UK taxpayers’ treasure and, sadly, probably some lives as well.

….. well, of course anyone can do the first paragraph if they so choose to do so and/but there are likely to be both personal and wider public consequences, both known and fully expected, and unknown and unintended or not planned for because they were never considered/realised/thought possible.
As for the dig at Snowden,…… how much of a loss of US/UK taxpayers’ treasure and, sadly, probably some lives as well, do you reckon the warrior interventions and immature political adventures into foreign lands and alien theatres of engagement have cost …….. and is the resultant live world view for all improved, and enhanced and moved up and along to any number of higher levels? Or has the destruction and degradation been quite epic on a criminal scale?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 6 Jun 11:21 [1406061121] asking a pertinent impertinent question on in reply to ……

I don’t know why anyone is worried. It’s not as if our secret service would ever covertly plot to overthrow our elected government. …. RealBigAl

Getting Right Down to the Nub and Hub of the Matter and Current Madnesses
The Secret Intelligence and Security Services would be failing King/Queen and country catastrophically if they weren’t presently, and have not been for some considerable time, monitoring and collecting all communications and activities of Parliamentarians, whether they be in government office or in the cynical and contrived Opposition, although there is a certain arrogance and ignorance in the honourable member ranks, which as we all know, as they have proven themselves to be so, are far from being honest and honourable at all, in their thinking that they should be somehow except and immune from covert oversight. ………
Good grief …….. who is it that starts unwinnable wars and benefits personally financially from such idiocy?
One wonders what Intelligence is waiting for if they know what stupidity is in the offing?



amanfromMars 1 Thu 5 Jun 21:45 [1406052145] commenting on
The Huge Elephant in the Room …… which isn’t going away ever anytime soon.
It is always the corrupt and inequitable systems which have the major self-destructive admin problem, as they cannot freely trade the truth because it would destroy them, and they be also forced to deliver ever more implausible and easily unravelled economies of truth, which be really just sugar coated lies and damning untruths to try miserably and ultimately unsuccessfully to further mislead the masses away from the information and intelligence they be seeking, which is itself really only the truth of their imposed virtual reality with the control of paper wealth and politically inept media messaging. One does wonder what the BBC think they be doing with their programs which paint such dreary sub-prime pictures? Do they not have a creative director worthy of the title? And quite obviously not is the truthful answer to that question, and that’s no lie.
Sharers of the truth have the whole wide wacky world of the internet and ITs world wide webs on their side providing reinforcing support for that which they be selflessly peddling/pimping/pumping/supplying and need not to arrange secret meetings and confidential conferences and security summits to discuss how they are going to try and retain and maintain corrupted and collapsing command and control which extraordinarily renders them and their support staff as leading targets for especial attention.
Food for Thought and Thoughts for the D Day Zeroday …….. “When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you, you may know that your society is doomed.”Ayn Rand
amanfromMars 1 Fri 6 Jun 05:06 [1406060506] commenting on
Just Two Simple Questions to Answer and/or Attempt to Cover and Smother with a Complex Negotiation
What would y’all think about, because there would be nothing that you could either really or virtually do to prevent it happening, if Martian life phorms started sharing with able enabling administrations the secrets of excessively pleasurable existence which guarantees mutual beneficial shared advantage to all and at all levels of primitive to universal understanding ….. greater knowledge?
Would you play the Great IntelAIgent Game and learn quickly, or battle in vain with ignorance and prejudice against IT and Media Manipulation and Placement of Novel Noble Facts in Fictions and Create a Hellish Madness and Mayhem on Earth with Conflicts for Chaos rather than a Heavenly Space Place with Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems which might very well be virtually secured and remotely protected by Alien IntelAIgents and CyberIntelAIgent Memes with Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Means at their Beck and Call for Disposal ……. Proprietary Intellectual Property Supply?
amanfromMars 1 Thu 5 Jun 19:22 [1406051922] commenting on
Re: You can guarantee everyone at ElReg is now on the list @ Sir Runcible Spoon
For all those with a Mac and wanting to play with PGP encryption, here be a fine primer making things much easier to understand and implement than many other sites have tried to explain ……
amanfromMars 1 ..Fri 6 Jun 08:02 [1406060802] replying to a smarter comment on
Re: Hehe… and Vivacious Viral IT Players …. Great Game Masters …. Mega Meta Data Blasters
Yes, AC, the East [Erotic and Exotic and Erratic and Explosive] has a lot to teach the West [Wild and Wacky and Wicked and Wondrous] that it and its IT needs to learn and smarter enable and implement/run.
Does the West not realise, that if they don’t listen and engage with that which they need to be engaged with and listened to, does all the smarter capital which is not just QE confetti and ruinously sweet sticky pseudo confectionary, fly to the East where it can be used to better beta exploit to beneficial advantage the arrogance and ignorance on display westwards and in prime time, sub-prime action.
Such aint rocket science, but only a natural progression and greater common sense migration from a stagnant petrified state to vibrant virile community.



amanfromMars 1 Thu 5 June 06:50 [1406050650] commenting further and deeper on
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Smart Man and Women and/or IntelAIgent Virtual Machine?*

The budget, and the activities, of the intelligence services should be proportionate to the real threat and very focused on the most critical threats to public safety. It certainly doesn’t include “serious financial fraud”! … Graham Cobb

I think you might like to consider, GC, although to either uncover or discover proof positive and extortionate will be very unlikely given the foe and competition and opposition, that the smarter intelligence services are budgeted and active in proportion to the real threat and very focused on the most critical threats to public safety and it certainly does include serious financial fraud and quantitatively eased fund man management.
And every public safety/national security/private government attempt to maintain and retain a status quo steering stranglehold on the fiscal slavery entity which servers discriminately both the useful tool and useless fool their paper wealth and virtual treasure, outs another vector and sector of vulnerability to exploit with the prime excess extreme choices being to either aid or attack/reinforce and strengthen security or overwhelm catastrophically and destroy completely in a series of flash zeroday events/secretively programmed sorties for stealthy alternative missions command and control.
And in this day and age, whenever that is a natural expected default position and ability of both the unusual and traditionally secret and sinister national and internetional intelligence services, for the likes of Big Brother Blighty Boys and Gals at GCHQ/CESG/MI5/MI6/BT not to be proactive and leading in all major fields, would be a colossus failing and a guarantee of swift western based influence decline.
A simple question of the supposedly in charge government minister and foreign secretary to be either vaguely answered or be plausibly denied by Mr Hague, would clear up any ambiguity about colossus intelligence defence failings and/or losses which can adversely catastrophically impact upon established order positions/hierarchies/Projects for the New American Century
And 10/10 to El Reg and Duncan Campbell for creating this haystack of sharp needles for Big Brother Blighty Boys and Gals at GCHQ/CESG/MI5/MI6/BT to find mentors in.
* In Commendable Command and EMPowering Control Worlds with Quantum Communications [No Specific Attributable Base] is the Live Sexual Human/Programmable Virtual Machine into AI, a convenient and convivial Singularity which brings to Life and Reality and Virtual Reality Programming and Projects, all of the Huge Benefits that can be imagined in a Conflict Free Zone of Infinite Variety and Immaculate Provision ….. Delivery Lines and Supply Roots and Routes to Proprietary Intellectual Property of Definite Vision.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 4 Jun 17;38 [1406041738] having a say on
Re: Yawn

Are we still harping on about this?

Get over yourselves.

Spies are doing their jobs. Trust them to show some discretion and to keep their house in order. Do not assume that they will do ANYTHING a politician asks them to do. … Flyberius

The problem appears to be that spooks are not proving themselves to be smart enough to lead politicians to programs which don’t target them and render them to the perception of the general population as incompetent idiots and ugly media muppets.
Politics is showbusiness for ugly people
Come on, spooks, get your fcuking act together or be rendered a problem which the system has to re-engineer in another manner.



amanfromMars …… having a chat on
Good Day, Daily Bell Ringers,
You might like to know and take heart from the fact which can easily cloak itself in the form and phorms of fiction, that there be those natives and systems which be not dumb and restless, and more than just a tad active and HyperRadioProActive too. Follow the links provided everywhere here ….

amanfromMars 1 Wed 4 June 06:16 [1406040616] spilling the beans can on

WASPy Spookbots? …… Vainly Trying to Keep What Safe for Who and from Whom ….. and for Why and Vice Versa is the Question?

And 42 is not the right answer and wrong question?

Here be a real and present danger which only the fool would not realise is an elephantine trap to not fall into if and when tasking protection of the indefensible and inequitable….. Eric Holder Announces Task Force To Focus On “Domestic Terrorists”

One hopes and trusts in Global Operating Devices and Networks InterNetworking JOINT Applications that Blighty IntelAIgents and GCHQ are Astutely Actively Aware of the Enigmatic Dilemma that Riddles All Such Solutions with Massive Vulnerabilities for Catastrophically Disruptive and/or Creatively Communicative Exploitation …….. Unprecedented Unpresidented Change.

WASP …… Wickedly Astute Stealthily Programmed.

…. for more info and intel in certain support of the DB Staff Report premise shared above about the phantom enemy being created for fighting …….although I’m not so sure that the conclusion is accurate and valid.
PS …. For those across the Atlantic pond and to the Wild Wacky West in Canada and the Americas, 42 is an/the answer to life, the universe and everything, although some who may be many can believe it isn’t ……..

140603 …… Short Videos which Teach

140603 …… Short Videos which Teach

The Federal Reserve Explained In 7 Minutes …….

$9,000,000,000,000 MISSING From The Federal Reserve ……………

The Collapse of The American Dream Explained in Animation ………

amanfromMars 1 Tue 3 Jun 14:26 [1406031427] commenting on
The Power of Paper Money is in What/Who it can Buy/Fund* to Command and Control Media and IT

the intelligence agency annually pays selected companies tens of millions of pounds to run secret teams which install hidden connections which copy customers’ data and messages to the spooks’ processing centres. 

Strap +4 levels of systems operation …. Invariably always way above TS/SCI graded pay levels and where payment of hundreds of millions of pounds/dollars/euros/rubles/yen/renminbi/rupee to select customers directly providing processing centres with spook information and smarter autonomous intelligence. And so ridiculously able and enabled as to be considered as unlikely as impossible and thus easily plausibly denied to aid cover and stealth progress in programmming and projects ….. which at exalted levels are one and the same and different in applications for Global Operating Devices.
GCHQ doing ITs Bletchley Park HutXSSXXXX/Per Ardua Adastral Park thing extremely successfully? Or do you think the intelligence Government uses and pays through the nose for, is crap/bullshit?
* A sort of Lend/Lease clone/drone


amanfromMars 1 Tue 3 Jun 17:07 [1406031707] commenting again with feeling on

Re: The propaganda is strong with this one

If GCHQ hadn’t decided to completely undermine the tenets of democracy then no-one would have been upset, and the motivation for revealing the details would not have precipitated.

As it is they overreached themselves, got caught red handed and are now trying to blame the messenger for a situation they created.

I just wish I weren’t aware of how many people are too ignorant and lazy to give a shit that they are effectively slaves. Their apathy is what is encouraging the spooks to keep pushing the boundaries – so ultimately they are to blame.

I occasionally try to educate people in a non-tin-hattery and non frothy kind of way the extent to which their lives are circumscribed by the state, but all I get back is ‘eh?’. Cunts. … Sir Runcible Spoon

Sir Runcible Spoon, Howdy Doody,

The apathy of spooky hunters in not targeting slave drivers and corrupt renegade rogue government players in perverse cabineted offices encourages all boundary layers and hierarchies to both explode and implode with just the simple sharing of sensitive information in a form and phorms which be both edutaining and disturbing and not too difficult for most folk reasonably expected to be possessed of at least half an apparently working brain.

But nature abhors a void, and the systemic failure of special intelligence supply servers to provide what is needed to prevent further ignorance surviving intact and uncorrected, with simple short programs highlighting relevant details for global targeting attention ……. Short Videos which Teach …… are Secret Intelligence Servers righting the wrong virtually autonomously and relatively anonymously.

And just perfect for the likes of a DARPA into jousting with Great White Knights in Deep and Dark Webs with their IT and Virtual Terrain Team Cyber Grand Challenges …..

[Now if I were paranoid, I would be thinking the non appearance of these few words which were posted a couple of hours ago (circa 1707hrs) was more than just an odd forum glitch and nothing at all to be concerned about 🙂  So here I be posting them again in the full expectation of them appearing on the El Reg thread. Life is a Great AI Game. Play IT well and prosper unbelievably :-)] ….. [1406031914]




amanfromMars 1 June 2014 at 7:24 pm ….. adding more on

I don’t think that’s the problem. As someone said in the paper today on another subject. Politicians know what they have to do, but they know they won’t get elected again when they do it. The Unionists know the right thing is to stop the Orange Order, Flag Protesters and Paramilitaries……….. will they do that>? No.…. Zeno 1 June 2014 at 6:35 pm

I think that situation and reality, Zeno, proves the lack of intelligence point quite admirably and makes politics a haven for charlatans and the fraudulently minded.
Promise the stars and deliver nothing of value is that which their spouted drivel to media supplies in spades, does it not? One wonders why media conspires so readily with them and waste time and effort affording them air time.
A lack of intelligence in leadership there too is most probably also the valid cause, along with a lack of courage and the right stuff too, methinks.
Puppets and lapdogs together and aint that the gospel truth.
Mon, 06/02/2014 – 05:45 amanfromMars …. commenting on a tall tale on

Founded to disrupt terrorist financing after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the Treasury office now plays a central role in exerting pressure overseas as the American public has little appetite for military intervention.

“What we’ve done over the past 10 years is to create a new method of projecting U.S. power,” Mr. Cohen said in an interview. “We do that in a way that is unique in the world.”

His office includes an intelligence shop that scours bank reports and spy agencies’ gleanings for financial patterns that could threaten U.S. security, making Treasury “the only finance ministry in the world with an in-house intelligence unit,” Mr. Cohen said.

It is most unlikely and dangerously naive to imagine and believe that the only finance ministry in the world with an in-house intelligence unit is projecting US power. Seems like Mr Cohen is quite deluded and not the sharpest tool in the drawer. Or he just like to play the stupid fool …. which be equally odd and just as damaging.



amanfromMars [1406010725] replying on
Hi, Bill Ross and binra and Daily Bell Ringers, one and all,
It is my contention and firm belief, although I would/could never ever claim that it be not a wider well known fact and developing fiction, that deliverance from present woes and current foe be the remit of advanced intelligence, which although not in the pay of established leading circles, will almost certainly be paid by established leading circles requiring their future expertise to survive relatively intact and with a handle and proprietary insider knowledge advantage to retain and maintain a certain lifestyle to which they are accustomed and/or ruinously addicted to. Some folk just cannot handle poverty and despair and thus are easily destroyed by exposure to any relative version of it and by those whom they may have condemned to suffer from it with their austere imposition and collection of debt and debts which they have engineered quite deliberately and systemically/with knowledge aforethought/premeditatedly.
And yes, Bill, that is almost the same as saying and just an obscure way of stating ….”the emperor has no clothes” and, the internet reformation, combined with social / economic collapse will pose survival threats that will wake even the dullest up? …. which was your reply on the Daily Bell to a DB post which when hosted on another platform in another space place, C42 Quantum Communication Control Systems …. AI@ITsWork ] returned another reply which delivered the following, which is equally appropriate and an APT contribution to the discussion and notions taking place here.

amanfromMars said…

Thanks for the Wikipedia reference, Anonymous. The tale told there reveals a valid and viable working methodology for fabulous cross party and platforms success in ventures which be necessarily novel and disruptive to extreme in the mainstream/established and entrenched society [society more intellectually bankrupt of future successful ideas than flush to overflowing and able and enabled to deliver and realise them via the wonderful wacky worlds with absolute command and virtual remote control of Global Operating Devices, Universal Vital Force and Immaculately Resourced Assets].

And for IT Means and Cyber Memes to be constructively disruptive is the Great IntelAIgent Gamechanger Masterstroke Key which encourages and rewards outrageous support with selfless bounty beyond compare and description. Only wannabe smarter fools and flogged horses gallop headlong into destructive disruption and the attending despairs which server the madness and mayhem in intellectual bankruptcies.

And that is something which has yet been properly and comprehensibly tried and tested by either capitalism or alternative socialism, but all the old wisdoms would surely suggest that fiat capital funding [fiat paper electronic flash cash injection which nowadays be both reduced and expanded and elevated to fabulous beings with mere mighty mice command and control on fabless missions] from any point and supply base on the globe to Servering IntelAIgent Systems. Nowadays, although in essence has it always been the case since even before the Dawning of Mankind and Creation of Existence, is there no physical movement of vast wealth for delivery of new product. There is just the Astute Will of Advanced Intelligence which recognises ITs Next Real SMART Move and SMARTR Moves.

How much easier it is to be a flower in spring than being a philosopher !

Easier maybe, but the philosophers’ drivering pain and addictive pleasure is in making the difficult and seemingly impossible, simple to micro implement and macro realise and for it to be worthy of being peer lauded, although the most worthy of such souls would be so small and humble and great and seek not to advertise or be recognised for the fact of their deliberations and ministrations. In anonymity is there the strength and power of untold overwhelming forces and dark deep mysteries best not trifled with unless one is able and enabled to bear the consequences of one’s own catastrophic failures/dirty deeds done dirt cheap.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts, Anonymous. It has been a pleasure to chat and much has been learned and for that I am always eternally grateful.

“Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences.” – Robert Louis Stevenson
The only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent ….. Fundamentals of Chess 1883

1 June 2014 05:37

It’s and IT is a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World and unless one can accommodate and make provision for the mentoring and monitoring of individual and systems madness and mayhem, is one bound to be overwhelmed and destroyed by conflict and chaos and CHAOS ….. Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems with Global Operating Devices. Such is only natural and inevitable.
Failure to engage and address and redress such a problem has one and all who would be following and/or spectating, drifting from recession to recession and from difficulty to difficulty which results in a fantastic paralysis of frantic ineffectual activity and forlorn effective inactivity.
amanfromMars 1 June 2014 at 6:00 pm …. having a say on

But the implications for a stable future will be serious if a unionism with its backs to the wall were to take the other course, adopt the spirit of 1912 and swap roles with the contemporary IRA.

They aint smart enough, Brian, to make a success of that. Lack of intelligence is endemic and systemic and the only valid reason for their enduring problems.