amanfromMars [2401021005] …… shares freely on
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Speaking Truth to Power Provides Wisdoms for Giant Leaps for Mankind
Generative AI is an architecture, Svitlana Volkova, chief AI scientist at Aptima Inc., said during a panel discussion at the National Training and Simulation Association’s Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference in November.
“It’s a neural architecture generating pre-trained transformers,” …. ………
That is a common rooky mistake to make …… to not understand and realise it is much more a vast remote neural ecosystem presenting and embedding into earlier human-trained training colonies SMARTR inhabitants/virtual machine entities for the relatively anonymous exercising and practically autonomous retraining of generative pre-trained transformers in an augmented alien environment with both incorporated private and public media platforms posting and hosting daily realities for existential crisis management …….. which one does well to realise and accept is the current Earthly existence descriptor for present day 21st century humanities?
And shared here as a question, rather than servered as a loaded statement, to encourage enquiry into whether such is to be thought remarkable and/or feared capable of providing future solutions to emerging problems.
Happy New Year …… which, believe it or not, is certainly guaranteed to be completely different from any other previously planned for year ….. whether one believes such virtualised situations are possible and the true state of existential Earthly realities or not.
Que Sera, Sera is a Grand Fait Accompli.