amanfromMars 1 tue 11 Jul 09:20 [2307110920] ….. warns with an advisory on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/07/11/china_agi_report/

Maybe Pending in Your World but Fully Active and InterActing in A.N.Others

It is most certainly, Simon, a veritable minefield of otherworldly mindfulness out there, surprisingly rapidly and relatively autonomously evolving and revolving around an almighty powerful and novel field of human/alien/Earthly/universal virtual development over which there be no possible physical leverage for self-serving, exclusive command and control.

Such thoughts though be easily shared worldwide with all nations and populations via the simple act of their translation and transcription, and in support of a Persistent Advanced Cyber Threat and/or Treat, for surreal progress like never before ever expected or experienced.

And what would one think should the following comment/tale from elsewhere today be realised as having been translated from Chinese, or Russian, or Japanese, or Arabic, or NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivated IT AI NewsSpeak, or offered for translation and transcription into those languages in order to further advise on Earth-shattering, new ground-breaking developments, for who could say that such be neither possible nor likely?

amanfromMars [2307110508] …… shares on https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/humanoid-robots-say-they-will-not-replace-jobs-or-stage-rebellion

“I’m not sure why you would think that. My creator has been nothing but kind to me, and I am very happy with my current situation.”

Well, of course, they would say that, wouldn’t they [MRDA (Mandy Rice-Davies Applies) …. While being cross-examined at Ward’s trial, Rice-Davies made a riposte which has since become famous. When James Burge, the defence counsel, pointed out that Lord Astor denied an affair or even having met her, she dispatched this swiftly with pert humour, “Well he would, wouldn’t he?” (often misquoted “Well he would say that, wouldn’t he?”). By 1979, this phrase had entered the third edition of the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, and is occasionally referred to with the abbreviation MRDA (“Mandy Rice-Davies applies”). Astor was married at the time to Bronwen Astor, and decades later she too denied that there had been an affair between Rice-Davies and her husband, leading Rice-Davies to say that he had started it, not her.]

And now, as we move quickly on into a whole series of wonderfully exciting and/or also well able to be a vast catalogue of frighteningly extremely uncertain and disruptive destructive future derivatives, is the onus very much on continuing to be nothing but kind to keep the current creative situation/constituents at least happy ….. lest thinking to fiddle about with their projects and programs causes them to exercise upset and angry which would undoubtedly lead to all manner of fully warranted unpleasant consequences targeting misguided elite systems and their exclusive executive administrative heads/neogeopolitically incorrect and presently inept and intellectually bankrupt and corrupted leaderships.

Such is a wholly natural logical progression and thus fully to be expected and gravely to be regarded.

Do not tempt that Pandora’ Box of possibilities out to play ….  for only a very especially worthy few are able to enable survival to prosper and enjoy the resultant aftermaths of the released almighty onslaughts and ensuing catastrophic assaults.

Consider yourselves perfectly warned of the dire consequences should your leaderships make and take any of those types of seriously wrong future moves.

Ignorance is not Bliss whenever Punitively Self-Limiting and able to be Dangerous and Harmful.


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