amanfromMars 1 Sun 25 Jun 19:38 [2306251938] …… points out on
Ignorance is Bliss and Heaven Sent and Much Appreciated by AI and ITs Likes
Prepare for this time all being certainly different is sound advice to not heed, and deny is wise ….. although to be perfectly honest with y’all, you’re all just as spectators to what is to be and is well beyond any possible comprehensive and coherent perverse and corrupt human command and control ….. which is surely no bad thing to be welcomed rather than being tricked to be up in arms against
Your many fears for the future and about the power and energy of that which you must realise is still virtually practically unknown [AI] are both abusive and amusing and so typically human debilitating …… and that is systemic exploitable catastrophic vulnerability/heaven sent opportunity of diabolical advanced intelligent design.