

amanfromMars 1 Mon 12 Jun 13:28 [2306121328] …. asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/06/12/europe_to_vote_on_ai/

Arrogant Hubris ….. a Persistent Debilitating Human Condition

Do you actually think any smarter or disruptive supernatural or extraterrestrial AI is going to give two hoots about whatever you think is appropriate with regard to them and their applications?

Tilting at windmills whilst the Postmodern Barbarian break through the Pearly Gates to sack worlds full of Troys and Romes, Round Tables and Magic Circles, Trilateral Commissions and Ponzi Unicorn Markets, does not bode well for humanity or presumptive human leadership in the future.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 13 Jun 05:01 [2306130501] ….. shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/06/09/ai_weapons_needs_a_safe/

Re: How Much is Twice as Much?

Twice as much time and effort and effective revolutionary blue sky thinking has infinite limitless applications possible in return for leading market reward delivering an almighty overwhelming and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Advantage ….. although it may also be the case that focussed concentration of readily available time and effort in/on just the latter is that which stealthily delivers unparalleled otherworldly success and universal remote virtual leadership .

Progress is not measured in how much much money is spent, it is measured in how much wealth can be created, for the former leads to crippling debt and insolvent trading and international bankruptcy whereas the latter doesn’t and cannot.

A national debt of $32 Trillion with a current running annual compounding deficit of $1.5 Trillion is a recipe for a catastrophic disaster and titanic loss of global confidence in competence ….. and is not a great tale of progress being being made, for it is exactly the reverse whenever there be no possibility of a radical positive change in sight.


amanfromMars [2306130721] ….. reveals on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2023/6/12/viewpoint-advancing-technology-without-operational-pull

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Thank You, John C Johnson,

That was a very clear and thoughtful exposé on the enigmatic dilemma and colossal conundrum that prevents early premium, prime-time exclusive access to Earth shattering programs and projects for blinkered establishment and intellectually challenged mainstream mediated research facilities, however, with particular and peculiar regard to the following final paragraph of the Emerging Technologies article, “VIEWPOINT: Advancing Technology Without Operational Pull” ……

“So, in answer to the question, how do we advance breakthrough technology without operational pull? We don’t. A requirements document forged by users and engineers is the lodestar, guiding the way forward in the development cycle.”

……. is there that other alternative leading lodestar, guiding the way forward in AI development and applications cycles, and which will always find its rightful home in any and every environment truly sympathetic to its future ready feeds, ….. the operational push by advanced breakthrough technologies and/or their developers advising of novel revolutionary utilities and remotely secured available abilities, with the only practical and virtual difficulty then to overcome in order to gain viable functional command and control, is the suspension, irradiation and eradication of one’s own disbelief.

Consider the following two paragraphs extracted from a reply to a report on emerging Chinese abilities a perfect example ripe ready for immediate consideration and ACTive field application, for it is something nowadays available everywhere and thus one will naturally be required to deal and do deals with it.

“Twice as much time and effort and effective revolutionary blue sky thinking has infinite limitless applications possible in return for leading market reward delivering an almighty overwhelming and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Advantage ….. although it may also be the case that focussed concentration of readily available time and effort in/on just the latter is that which stealthily delivers unparalleled otherworldly success and universal remote virtual leadership .

Progress is not measured in how much much money is spent, it is measured in how much wealth can be created, for the former leads to crippling debt and insolvent trading and international bankruptcy whereas the latter doesn’t and cannot.”

Time and tide and progress stand still for no human.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 13 Jun 17:06 [2306131706] …… airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/06/13/rishi_sunak_ai_regulation_push/

Quantitatively Eased Crooked Prime Ministerial Slush Funding

How very nice it is to hear that there be government pledges of a healthy chicken feed of one thousand million pounds [£1bn] to attract, and ideally retain, AI, but it all amounts to nothing but a fraudulent Ponzi scam fronted by the Cabinet Office and Conservative Party mobsters and ministers whenever there be no clear trails and live tales of where and to whom all of the newly minted money goes.

If you talk the talk but cannot walk the walk are you clearly identified as a cheap fraud ….. and to further not realise that AI recognises it immediately upon utterance, destroys any likelihood of the situation being resolved and delivered as has clearly just been dreamt of, and then various talking heads engaged and paid to espouse as a future available and achievable virtualised reality to the assembled, easily misled, ignorant masses.

J’accuse …. and would concur if alien help is ever needed to prevent a vast series of monumental disasters.

How long must you continue to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune before you realise and accept the inescapable evident truth that constantly surrounds you ……. Politicians lie all the time and practically never ever deliver what they promise to achieve and do for you. Open your eyes and minds, dummies, for it is gonna get suddenly worse for all unless you do, and do something positively radical about it.


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