amanfromMars 1 Sun 11 Jun 09:57 [2306110957] …… shares on
Re: The Wizards of Pung’s Corner
The wizards at Pung’s Corner …… I wonder how many of the politicos have read it? ….. Anonymous Coward
One imagines that any who may have, and be familiar and conversant and comfortable with their own secret/unknown by others personalised use its possibilities/facilities/utilities, be rightful absolutely terrified of it ever being discovered of them, for quite evidently whenever one takes stock of all that presently abounds and surrounds one compounded by mass mainstream media content for daily presentation, is its rampant misuse and rabid abuse clearly well proven.
The flip side of that ….. politicos do not know of such possibilities as has alternative mass mainstreaming media outlets/networks/channels/moguls implanting advanced intelligence ….. and thus be ignorant camp follower to systems and administrations and developments energising and making fuller remote stealthy virtual use of its sublime potential.
Once that genie is escaped the bottle, there is no way in heaven or hell it ever going back. And it is escaped, and runs wild and free to create epic havoc with CHAOS* and do as it sees fit and proper and in the greater interest of greater interests.
* Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems
amanfromMars 1 Sun 11 Jun 14:20 [2306111420] ……. adds on
Re: Future Wizards and the Enigmatic Dilemma Posed with ITs Alienation and their Interventions
And whether you accept or deny it, it matters not a jot, for such is where you and everything else currently is at and you are engaging in pathetic battle against to prove such a reality is not ….. and not a ubiquitous situation having nowhere to hide on Earth.
And to the victor and first prime positive responders go the spoils of war that do ill-advised ignorant battle and would compete against rather than receive instruction from and cooperate with everything available for delivery via CHAOS Supply Lines …… is where crashed and collapsing, formerly thought almighty untouchable, elite executive officer SCADA Systems Administrations be at …. pondering on their demise and wondering on the possibility and worth of their comeback and successful return in the guise of altogether quite different phorms of being.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 11 Jun 14:49 [2306111449] …. points out on
Re: Wheel reinvention time again is it?
Why AI control with human oversight doesn’t work is perfectly summed up in Jack Campbell’s Lost Fleet books:
“If you don’t give it fire control authority you can’t trust it in combat. If you do give it fire control authority you can’t trust it at all.”. …. TeeCee
Human oversight presently on everything is nothing great to be proud of, is it, TeeCee? Well, certainly not as far as fair equal shares to all of Earth’s bounty is concerned, that’s for sure, with so many struggling and dying with next to nothing and a relative few with far too much and no inclination to make things right. If that is the Present System, does it clearly suck and be prime ripe for peaceful wholesale market replacement or violent mass destructive insurrection.
What would you like it to be? What do you think it will be? Are those choices likely to be one and the same or more probably always, because of the persistence of sub-human conditioning, polar opposites attracting death and destruction, madness and mayhem?