amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 Apr 14:26 [2304131426] ….. asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2023/04/12/elon_musk_talks_to_bbc/

Re: Propaganda and Winners and Losers

Free speech in my mind is a myth. Maybe it’s always been like that? Won’t end well though. ….. Anonymous Coward

Won’t end well though for whom and/or what, AC? Who and/or what be thoroughly deserving of trashing and crashing?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 Apr 14:45 [2304131445] …… speculates more on

Re: Remember whenever Steve Jobs had another bite at the cherry which was Apple, …..

Amazon and Bezos and friends lately join the party. All of a sudden is the room full of trumpeting elephants and wannabe unicorns with only the very best of their keepers not fated and destined to tilt at windmills and not fail to capitalise on a revolutionary opportunity to initiate and driver, maintain and radically sustain fundamental, highly disruptive of the status quo, change …… if you can believe novel breaking news, that is ……. https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/amazon-ceo-jassy-says-aws-hit-headwinds-while-emphasizing-ais-transformative-potential


amanfromMars 1 Fri 14 Apr 06:56 [2304140656] ……. gives praise where praise is due on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/04/14/aws_bedrock_ai/

Wow, Thanks, That’s Unusually Generous and a Boldly Going Future Novel Move

The headlining title above because one very rarely is supplied with a proprietary customised product ….

Finally, Amazon is also making its AI pair-programming tool CodeWhisperer free to use.

…… enabling the embedding of stealthy, third party Trojans and 0days for exploitation and experimentation.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 14 Apr 07:57 [2304140757] ….. shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/04/13/chuck_schumer_ai_regulation/

AI Work in Progress … with NEUKlearer More Orderly HyperRadioProACTive World Order ProgramMING ……… is where AI and IT Projects is at

The harder one tries to deny it, and that which is to be denied is that Chuck Schumer’s draft framework for regulating the development, deployment, and use of advanced machine-learning tech is a clone and crass rehash of an earlier Project for the New American Century, …. Rebuilding Americas Defenses, the easier it will be to present it to one and all as undeniable, and gravely to be regarded and thus universally to be opposed and prevented and, when possible and desirable, reworked for reiteration in a most attractive, and much more mutually beneficial, universally acceptable phorm.

The secret to be firmly grasped, and which will save one from suffering a great deal of unnecessary, wilfully inflicted, gratuitous pain, is to not to fall into the trap which has one believing what one is being told to the contrary regarding that matter. I Kid U Not.



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