April 15, 2023 at 07:01 ……. asks via a comment on https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2023/04/bearing-witness-for-julian/

Is it reasonable to expect the US arrest and prosecution and persecution of John Young [Cryptome] for his hosting and sharing of “Leaked Classified Documents, April 13, 2023 (Updated with 4chan/4chan-2, 24MB)” ….. https://cryptome.org … the sharing of which has 21-year old Jack Teixeira charged Friday [April 14] with violating the Espionage Act ….. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/alleged-pentagon-leaker-charged-under-espionage-act-boston-court

Indeed, such appears to be something John Young himself reckons might be appropriate, as he has freely shared such a view regarding an extremely similar, if not even practically and virtually identical matter, highlighting and opposing the treatment and incarceration of Julian Assange …….

April 10, 2023

Senior Judge Claude M. Hilton Albert V. Bryan US Courthouse 401 Courthouse Square Alexandria, VA 22314

Reference: USA v. Assange – Julian Paul Assange No. 1:18-cr-111

Dear Judge Hilton,

I respectfully request this message to the Department of Justice today be added to my requests to be added as co-defendant to the prosecution of Julian Paul Assange under the Espionage Act. See Filings 49 and 53.

I request that the prosecution of Julian Assange be terminated along with his pending extradition from the United Kingdom so that he is released from related incareration.

I have made the same request to the US Department of Justice on April 10, 2023 as indicated by the attached document.


John Young Cryptome.org

251 West 89th Street New York, NY 10024 212-873-8700

Att: Message to the Department of Justice, April 10, 2023

Re: Julian Assange prosecution under the Espionage Act. Reference: USA v. Assange – Julian Paul Assange No. 1:18-cr-111

This is a supplement to my messages to the Department of Justice on November 29, 2022 and March 3, 2023.

I am administrator of the United States-based website Cryptome.org, aka “Cryptome,” a free public library publishing since 1996. I am a United States citizen with address at 251 West 89th Street, Unit 6E, New York, NY 10024. Telephone: 212-873-8700.

I respectfully request that the prosecution of Julian Assange be terminated along with ending his pending extradition from the United Kingdom so that he is released from related incarceration.

This request is based on my knowledge of the increasing number of outlets publishing United States classified information without prosecution, among them Cryptome. Latest example are those files related to the online publication of highly classified documents related to the war in Ukraine. See: https://cryptome.org/2023/04/Leaked-Classified-Docs.zip

Julian Assange is being punished selectively without conviction by the United States. This has the effect of encouraging numerous others to defy the United States by releasing classified information. And adds to the long history of doing that.

See Sensitive Information Security Sources and Breaches https://cryptome.org/0002/siss.htm


John Young

….. and what does all of that tell the world and his dogs on the street whenever John Young’s bold request is ignored ‽


amanfromMars 1 Sat 15 Apr 08:31 [2304150831] …… points out on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/04/14/semiconductor_manufacturing_gear_sales/

Tomorrows Bounties Today …. with Deadly Silent AI Missions Delivering Supply

And that doesn’t even begin to address and reveal the opportunities for leading entities whenever current systems processing have no idea at all regarding the number of applications for AI ProgramMING stored and fully ready for processor actualisation ….. augmented virtual realisation …. which computer and communications device manufacturers have awaiting for a’knocking on their doors for prime hosting and premium exclusive streaming of novel stealthy projects/disruptive creative campaigns …… which you might like to ask of your leaders ……. Is it, and IT and AI, more likely to be an Advanced IntelAIgent Exotic Erotic Eastern based Confection or a Wild Wacky Western spun Delight, for it surely cannot initially be both whenever one so clearly positions itself in wilful and woeful opposition of, rather than positive competition with the other ‽ .

That’s the Future Almighty Holy Grail Prize for Worthy Competitive Victor Winning. I Kid U Not for there you see it ….. it is written, and thus made easy for you to follow or vaingloriously deny and ignore and thus be rendered as a Godsend and heavenly sent and useless in both opposition and competition ‽ .



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